Sarn Recreation Association

Terms & Conditions of Hire of Sarn Village Hall


1.1. Bookings

Bookings may be made up to a year in advance.

Hire starts from the time the Hall is opened until the hire-period ends and the Hall is locked up. If there is no other conflicting booking, set-up and clearing-up times are not chargeable.

Frequent users are only required to complete one initial application in order to provide contact details.

1.2.Alcohol Licensing:

1.2.1Sarn Recreation Association (SRA) can grant permission for the sale and servingof alcohol. SRA, at its discretion, may run a bar, free of charge,for the hirer. Alternatively, the hirer may run its own bar for a fee to SRA of£50.00. In such event, the Hirer must have its own Personal or Temporary Event LicenceTO BE OBTAINED BY THE HIRER.The Hirer may not seek a Temporary Event Licence without SRA’s consent.SRA’sPremises Licence covers from 08.00 to 01.30 Monday to Sunday.

All events must end by 01.30, excepting New Year’s Eve when 03.00 applies.

1.2.2No alcohol may be supplied or consumed on the Premises without the specific written authority of SRA. Alcohol may not be served to anyone under 18 years old.While the bar is unmanned, any alcohol must be removed from site or kept within the locked bar area.

1.3The maximum capacity for the Village Hall is 250 persons standing, 150 persons seated. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure that these numbers NOT BE EXCEEDED.

1.4. SRA does not supply any Audio and Visual Equipment; however the hirer may use its own equipment.


  • Main Hall with storeroom.
  • Demountable stage.
  • 150 Plastic chairs and 40 upholstered chairs
  • Fifteen round tables with white tablecloths; (there is no charge levied for the use of the tablecloths although we would require them to be laundered within seven days of the event for which they were used.)
  • 20 x 6 feet x 2 feet Tables
  • 15 x 3 feet x 2 feet Tables
  • Bar containing a fridge, beer pumps, glasses and a glass washer.
  • Committee / meeting room with storeroom
  • Kitchen with Oven and hob, microwave, fridge/freezer, water boiler, two electric kettles, crockery and cutlery for 180 persons
  • Cleaning Storeroom containing all necessary cleaning materials and equipment
  • Toilets: Ladies, gentlemen’s and disabled facilities.
  • Car Park, large and newly re-surfaced.


Main Hall£15.00 per hour, (£9.00 for ‘Local Groups’)

Meeting Room £7.00 per hour, (£5.00 for ‘Local Groups’)

Additional fee for kitchen use:

Regular activities £2.00 per session

Day time function £10.00 per session

Evening function£15.00 per session

Payment terms

Charges may be paid in advance, however, if credit is taken, invoices must be settled net within 30 days of invoice date.

4.Hirer’s responsibilities.


The Hirer will ensure sufficient competent representatives are present, throughout the hiring, to ensure compliance with the provisions and stipulations in these Terms and Conditions and relevant licences.

The Hirer is also responsible for:-

  • Supervision of the use of the Premises and the care of its fabric and contents
  • The behaviour of all persons using the Premises. (N.B. The Premises are a Non-Smoking area.)
  • Supervision of car parking arrangements, so as to avoid obstruction of the highway or access road. Vehicles must be parked around the perimeter of the car park to allow appropriate vehicular movements; the space at the side of the hall is for ‘Emergency’ vehicle use.

The Recreation Association accepts no responsibility for damage to vehicles or loss of contents whilst parked on the Village Hall car park.

and ensuring that:

  • the purpose and conduct of the hire does not disrupt the use of any other room hired by other persons
  • the Premises (including kitchen and toilets) are left clean and tidy with rubbish removed at the end of the hire. It is vital that surplus food is removed from the site promptly. N.B. No detergents or soap on the main hall floor. It must only be mopped with clean water.
  • all chairs, tables and other equipment are returned to their storage positions safely. The Premises are cleared of people, all lights switched off, and the building secured by use of the keys supplied, except for any facilities or room or public area in use by another continuing hire.
  • no animals, except guide dogs, are brought into the hall without written permission from SRA.
  • any electrical appliances brought onto the Premises and used there shall be certified safe and in good working order, and be used in a safe manner using Residual Current Circuit Breakers where appropriate. All switches and sockets to be turned off before vacating the hall.
  • no LPG appliances or highly flammable substances are brought onto the Premises

There are domestic properties within earshot of the hall. Noise levels outside the Hall, particularly late at night or early morning, must be kept to a minimum and guests leaving the Hall should do so in a quiet and orderly fashion.

4.2 Fire Regulations

The Hirer shall:

  • Prior to the start of an event, indicate to all persons attending the event the locations of the ‘Emergency Exits’ and the ‘Evacuation Meeting Place’. The Evacuation Meeting Place is the Car Park.
  • Appoint a Fire Monitor to make a list of all persons present to be checked if the premises have to be evacuated

and ensure that:

  • the “Emergency Exit” signs are kept illuminated and that access to the Exits is not obstructed.
  • the Fire Brigade is called to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and details are given to SRA. In the event of an evacuation due to a fire, no-onemay re-enter the Hall without the permission of the Fire Brigade.

4.3. Use of Premises

The Hirer shall:-

  • not sub-let or use the Premises for any purpose other than that described in the Booking Form
  • use the premises, or allow the Premises to be used,only for lawful purposes and shall not contravene the law relating to gaming, betting, and lotteries.
  • do anything or bring onto the Premises anything which may endanger the Premises or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof

4.4. Compliance with legislation relating to children or vulnerable adults

The Hirer shall ensure that any activities at the Premises comply with current legislation protecting children and vulnerable adults and that only fit and proper persons have access to such children or vulnerable adults. Child Protection Policies are the responsibility of the Hirer.

4.5. Compliance with other relevant legislation

The Hirer shall comply with all conditions and regulations required by the Licensing Act, particularly in connection with events which include public dancing or music, stage plays, films, or similar entertainment taking place at the premises. A breach of this condition may lead to prosecution by the local authority.

4.6. Indemnity

The Hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified each of the Trustees of the Village Hall and their employees, volunteers, agents and invitees against:

  • the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the Premises, its curtilage or contents.
  • all actions, claims, and costs of proceedings arising from any breach of these Terms and Condition.
  • all claims against SRA in respect of damages, including damage for loss of property or injury to persons, arising as a result of any use of the Premises by the Hirer.

As directed by SRA, the Hirer shall make good or pay for all damage or loss (including accidental damage) to the Premises or its fixtures, fittings or contents.

4.9. Insurance

Commercial hirers must provide Public Liability insurance (£5,000,000 minimum indemnity)

4.10. Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to an authorised representative of the SRAas soon as possible, and complete the relevant section in the Village Hall’s Accident Book. Any failure of equipment, either belonging to SRA, or brought in by the Hirer must also be reported as soon as possible.

Authorised Representatives: Mr. Brian Probert, 01686 671105

Mrs. Barbara Stanier01686 671205

4.11. Stored equipment

SRA accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to any property brought onto the premises. Unless otherwise agreed with SRA in writing, any property brought onto the premises must be removed at the end of each hiring period. Any property not so removed may be disposed of by SRA at its discretionand as it deems fit after seven days thereafter; SRA, at its discretion, may also charge the Hirer storage fees and / or costs incurred storing and / or disposing of the same.

4.12.Alterations to premises

No alterations or additions may be made to the Premises. No fixtures may be installed, no placards or other articles be attached in any way to any part of the Premiseswithout the prior written approval of SRA. Any alteration, fixture, fitting, or attachment, so approved, shall, at the discretion of SRA,be removed by the Hirer, or remain in the Premises at the end of the hiring and become the property of SRA. Any damage caused to the Premises by removal of any approved alteration, fixture or fitting must be made good by the Hirer to the satisfaction of SRA.

Any decorations to be fitted within the premises must comply with Fire Regulations and the Hirer must provide certification that they do. No Blu-tack, drawing pins or adhesive tape may be used. Nothing may be attached / adhered to the acoustic panels in the hall.


5.1. Cancellation by the Hirer

If the Hirer cancels the booking before the date of the event and SRA is unable to conclude areplacement booking, SRA may, at its discretion, require a further payment of hire fees or withhold part hire charge already paid.

5.2. Cancellation by the Village Hall

The Village Hall reserves the right to cancel a hiring by written notice to the Hirer in the event of the Premises being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election, Referendum, or if SRA reasonably considers that:

  • Such hiring may lead to a breach of the licensing conditions, or other legal or statutory requirements, or
  • Unlawful or unsuitable activities may take place at the Premises as a result of the hiring, or
  • The Premises have become unfit for the use intended by the Hirer

In any such case the Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any hire fees already paid, but SRA shall not be liable for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages whatsoever.

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