Term: 20101 NTID Access ServicesDate: 10/8/10
Course Num: 0304-630-01
Total # Pages (including Cover Sheet) 20
Days: Times: Location:
F 9:00A-9:50A 09-2580
F 10:00A-12:50P 09-2580
F 2:00P-4:50P 09-2580
Instructors: Elizabeth Debartolo
Tutors: Patricia Iglesias Victoria
Captionists: Annette Fagan, Barbara Carll, Kathleen Parisi, Theresa Close
1 Requesting Students
Printed: 10/08/2010
Printed: 10/08/2010
Printed: 10/08/2010
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Senior DesignIProfessor Debartolo
0304-630-01October 8, 2010
Male student: Yeah that circuitry is even the analog they have I don’t know how simple that would be to do, the pi control is not easy you just don’t say this is this and they are the values.
Professor: Well does....I will be back.
Male student: He was like
Female student: You will introduce all of us and the customer that is a good point.
Male student: They have two customers and their needs divert I think Chevski is the main one.
Female student: everyone should be at this table.
We can grab another chair.
Tara said it would be cool to do this, in this case Chevski is the customer and since harris gives money they gave us....
What should I mention about the concepts?
Go through and describe each, you don’t have to worry about why we did not pick, just say what they are we go over them in the next section.
So ideally the concept 2,
Don’t say what we are doing, say one is this and concept 2 is the same as 1.
I would take a different approach, for power supply I would say we have the two wll power and battery, determining signal we have three different methods, and mix it up.
You don’t have to worry about saying that is fine...Like that.
Professor: is this a buy off.
Female student: When the blood and tears come out.
Professor: You are meeting with Dr.Ramon next week?
Male student: Dr. Tsori or Petru or Paskin would be a good person to talk to.
Professor: I would start with the person Gary gave you. I would e-mail her first Michelle.
I hope it is the same person.
Debartolo wanted to come but she has a conflict. She would like us to come in next week, so I figured office hours. Romano said the same thing.
(Too many talking at once)
So it was, send me an e-mail who they were.
Then they emailed me a bunch of different names I am not sure.
Professor: Okay just write up what the recommendations were.
Male student: I wonder who will show up. There are 5 people.
Female student: One signed up when it was like oh I need to sign up if you don’t have a number near your name, then there was one that if you did not sign up I signed up. So one volunteered I assume the rest were forced.
Male student: I signed up for one and did not go to, they were supposed to go at 8am today, I got an e-mail saying it was as 12:30 hard to be in 2 places. I told Mark Smith about it.
Professor: H won’t track it that close.
Male student: There is a chance that those 5 kids.
Female student: I am signed up for a review right after this one. So I have to get to that location.
Professor: Where is that?
Female student: 2250?
I assume this is right next to it, I think it is Kelly.
Professor: All the numbers get smaller and smaller and shuffle.
Male student: I took me forever to find 78 they don’t put the building numbers anymore on a mpa, they put the names.
Female student: I went to Ohio state to a football game a month ago, they literally had a number and a name, each 150 buildings had two names.
Professor: Donation money.
Female student: Exactly.
Female student: So this is what is happening to us now.
Professor: ExactlyProfessor: U of R is totally boxed in.
Female student: Don’t they have issues with the ...
Female student: They have done like a Park Point thing...It is so cute a turtle I want to keep it as a pet. NOT. {Laughing}
Professor: Henrietta is one big swamp. Raccoons, yeah not a good thing, you see deer all the time.
Female student: The swamp is still around here.
Female student: Yes, on that pound there are many.
Female student: I don’t see skunks much.
Female student: I don’t wander around the belong part of campus.
Male student: Should we start.
Professor: We will give them one more minute, you can get practice with reviews.
Male student: Should we reschedule this if no one shows up.
Professor: Yeah one on one.
Female student: It was interesting finding his office in the NTID building, it was an option to take a left and there was another left.
Female student: Did you tell about the one on one meeting?
Female student: This is after I was supposed tpo be in office hours, and he called 2 hours later and said he was off campus.
Professor: So who will guide this?
Female student: We have assignments for every page.
Professor: There is one person taking notes.
Male student: A minor change I thought you have the right one, it was a minor thing.
Professor: Okay we will start.
Female student: Hello.
Guest 1- okay hello. I have not gone to any of yours.
Female student: We are desperate.
Professor: Okay introduce yourself.
Might be an easy review than. Okay
I am Bill Nowak one of the other guides working on senior design program for the last few years, I work at Xerox and they let me come here and help out. {Laughing}
Yes...Okay...Make this or this smaller? The black box good. Improve this and make it better. Don’t let me disturb what you planned the presentation flow but you have been very God at getting me to speed.
Dr Debartolo talked about the elevator speech a hard thing is to introduce your project the hotel room scenario is a good start, the sis what I have and why I need it. Sometimes try to introduce that product before you get into the technology, engineers want to do that, sometimes difficult to back up, okay good.
This here? Okay that is fine. Uh hum...
What is the drawing at the bottom? Okay...Oh I see now, okay the cell phone here? So where is that, this is the PDA? Okay got it.
What is this here? Oh that makes it stand up. Yes uh hum..This is oh now I have it, this down here.
Male student: It says you don’t need the PDA for it to go off that is why it is not in the picture.
Female student: We move to customer needs, we stared the important needs, we want it smaller and easier to travel with an amplkx to allow e-mail notifications, there are LED’s that need to indicate power is on and alarm is set using the Bluetooth technology, the purpose is to activate the bed shaker or flash light.
The light needs to flash not just turn on, the prototype they have is a two prong connection, they want three prong lamp connection.
Professor: Did that go away?
Female student: They gave that based on the original concept, since he allowed us to use the other; it would only apply if we need a lamp.
Male student: That needs to be updated to get rid of that, originally it was higher.
Female student: That is where the lamp connection with three prongs.
Professor: At 11, does that go away?
Female student: I would say we will no longer include that connection.
Professor: I would just draw a line through it, don’t take it out. It indicates that you don’t need it.
Male student: We left it because we thought he would be here.
Professor: That is what I mean you removed it but have not erased it.
Female student: Customer needs 16 is important, if the PDA or battery would die or something happened in the middle of the night, that it would still keep track of the I, the PDA is not responsible.
Professor: How about can you terminate it anytime? After it is set?
Female student: Move to page 5 of the engineering specifications the indication system...
Professor: Uh hum...On the indicator LED’s you will discover this, when you look at them they look single but will light up different colors. I notice you have 3 here.
Female student: Yes, I learned that. He has 2 on his.
Male student: One lights up when it sets, this one turns when it is on.
Female student: I think the second changes green and blue.
Female student: Shows connection to Bluetooth.
Professor: So in your design you will always have one, is there a time when you will have 2? So that would work...
Male student: There is going to be an off. When you use it will be set, one will always be on.
Professor: Okay good. Yup.
Female student: engineering specification 7
Professor: That is the smaller connector?
Female student: Specification 10 -
Professor: Okay.
Female student: There is another page of specifications.
Professor: Back up on the es21, the 20 and 60 seconds how long it takes for the device to shut of the bed shaker send a signal. What does that mean? 60 is the longest but ideal is 20 seconds if you hit the off switch you make sure it stops flashing.
Wow I don’t know about that...Scanning for what signal. In other words...Oh shut it off right, 20 seconds?
Female student: We are not sure yet.
Professor: Oh okay, you know done you come on now? You have had a Bluetooth mouse or any device, it is..Yeah I think probably instantaneous. I thought where you were going with this for whatever reason you got up early and went to get a coffee and this alarm goes off, it buzzes and you want to end it so the better doesn’t go down, do you have a specification on that?
Female student: I think that is.
Male student: 20 seconds seems too short but I think that is where we are going for, in the same one, judge by the time I thought we were thanking how long it should be for that to go off. The comment is unclear. 20 seems short.
Professor: So you say flip the two?
Male student: I say we might want to change this to 2 minutes or a minute.
Professor: There is no other way of knowing until you test it.
Male student: I think it is 5 minutes now, we want to omit 20 seconds to a minute is reasonable.
Female student: So go off 60 seconds stop and go off in another 60 seconds.
Professor: A snooze future would be built in.
Male student: He doesn’t have one.
Professor: You think he would want one?
Female student: The original program doesn’t have it.
Male student: It will the way it works the Bluetooth signal sets the alarm but the snooze is on the PDA I think, we can have a switch that allows it to trigger 5 minutes later.
Professor: I would make that, work it out, once you shut the software off, you might not have to do anything at all, but we can talk more when we get to that. The snooze feature.
Female student: 5 general things to focus on.
Professor: Uh hum...Okay. The provide a structure I notice it is pointed black with a rough texture there is a reason for that, I would add texture or color?
Female student: Is that a function though?
Professor: Maybe goes back to a customer need, is the color critical or important. On a scale of 1-10 that is.
Male student: This is a printer that is why it is rough. I think the method they use.
Professor: He has never mentioned that to you.
Guest: Is that a prototype, a single unit?
Professor: Now he wants it manufacturable, that is about 200 bucks there he wants it to cust like 20-40 bucks.
He talked about acceptability, I don’t know I mean you the customer it is like a cell phone it is similar but there is neither to change, you won’t paint it purple.
He probably doesn’t, it is not part of the project he wants it to work. Yeah you are right.
Guest: So eventually a product. Okay.
Female student: Now the concept design.
Professor: Yeah.
Female student: one idea is a kill switch.
Professor: Say that again? The switch on this? Another? Okay...Ah yeah. Yes probably go back to customer needs and add it in there it is a good idea. Usually the cell phone doesn’t wander too far from your body. Does it? Okay.
Female student: Since he said something would happened in the middle of the night to your cell phone then it still has to work. If something where to happen to a PDA.
Professor: Ah yes, okay....
Male student: You also want it easy to press something to shut it off.
Professor: So it takes more of a look of that. When we walked back I thought about this, the bed shaker in terms of battery size, what are we talking? A typical battery supports that for hoe long.
Male student: not sure yet.
Professor: Just make sure it doesn’t blow the size of your case up, it can’t end up looking more of a car battery.
Male student: Worst case scenario is you buy something like a brick in the wall, not a big deal, all the bricks they sell easily carries the current but I will talk about it more.
Professor: Okay.
Female student: So now we have the housing material. Criteria is size, smaller for travel. Cost down, vibration and shock...
Professor: Do you have a specification on the shock version.
Female student: Yes we don’t have marginal and ideal values yet.
Professor: For vibration? Here is a problem we have here at RIT we don’t have anything to measure or induce vibration.
Male student: We do have something a shock testing thing.
Guest: So this is output vibration of the thing here, what that can tolerate before it fails is what you are saying? Okay there should be standards for electrical components? The packaging is a good point.
Professor: Yeah cell phones have it.
Guest: It might be something that simple as the ul.
Professor: This comes up on many projects.
Male student: I am not sure what the lab entails.
Professor: First find out if there is a vibration and specification out there.
Guest: You have an ME- here, there has to be a specification if you find it that goes over frequency range and amplitude in terms of g’s it might suggest a way of applying the range if it is white noise or frequencies all over the place. There has to be stuff in the packaging area make for a very interesting validation in your device.
Professor: If it is too harsh, if the numbers are scary a drop test. I tell guys don’t drop that. If there is CNC equipment, I would build a dummy and put that on the vibration test.
Easy for me to say I just doubled your work. In the minutes when you write this up if it comes back and it is not reasonable and it takes too long just say we are not doing it.
Guest: It was not weighted but the shock was, it is more local that it will be dropped, {Laughing} that is electrical shock? ah... But there is drop still 20%. Yeah.
Professor: That shock goes away almost.
Male student: Yes but an important factor.
Female student: We had metal as an option.
Professor: It is 20v I suppose, what is the maximum.
Female student: Requires...
Professor: I think the shock came with the lamp when I had 115v I would delete it or take it down to 5%.
Guest: What do you mean by acceptability, how people will receive it once it is built, aesthetics? Yes okay.
Professor: If acceptability is not important to Gary you might want to delete it. If you can trace that back to a customer need scratch that.
Guest: I am surprised that size was rated so low, sounds when you first described the device you said you want to make it Cheaper and smaller maybe you did not mean that. Oh I am sorry I gotcha, okay good.
Male student: We took a different approach.
Guest: Okay that is interesting, okay.
Female student: Alarm termination now...To remove the power source in this case size means a lot.
Professor: These are always interesting like the alarm termination you did the right thing, is that even feasible, would you buy a product that you would have to open and pull the battery?
Female student: Something had happened to my laptop.
Professor: True.
Female student: If the PDA fails it is not the device it is the PDA ‘s fault.
Professor: I thought there would be a wide spread. The battery pops out easy on the laptop is that going to be a case here.
Female student: I thought sort of with most electronic devices there is a door that pops open.
Professor: Oh it does, I did not know that.
Male student: So I am at the point to go with a battery of that style..But...I also try to figure which is feasible..I don’t know how simply it is.
Professor: Okay that is detachable that is good. I don’t think I want to do this, but...alright what is nice about this it is a nice size. Yes...