Draft Minutes of Meldrum Bourtie & Daviot Community Council
Council Meeting
Tuesday 22nd April, 2014
7.30 pm
Meldrum Town Hall Lower Room
Present: K Cowie, I Dunbar, D Forsyth, K Gordon, A McCartney, J Milton, J Pirie, A Presly,
A Simmers, W Sinclair.
Councillors -none
Apologies: P Sleigh,J Goodhall Councillor C Shand.
In attendance:
Minutes of March Meeting Proposed W Sinclair Seconded J Milton
Matters Arising.
Dog fouling bins W Sinclair still waiting materials ordered. Insurance for the CC is taken at source before we get our monies, W Sinclair confirmed this.
Town Litter pick has been organised for Saturday 26th April, 2014 those interested in helping should congregate at The Meadows Veterinary Centre starting at 10 am.
P Leiper has confirmed that the outstanding road works will be completed as previously stated by the end of March,2014. A. McCartney to write a letter on all outstanding issues. Attached at back
Police Matters
No Police at the meeting but parking on the pavement in the Square in front of GreenGables is going to cause a big problem if any emergency vehicles need to get down Rosebank. A member of the public has also complained about parking beside the Post Office as on numerous occasions the person has had to back up, and in doing so has damaged his tyres and his alloy wheels.
Members of the community council brought forward the problems in the square again when large lorries continue to navigate through the town centre this is further exasperated when buses arrive from North & South at the same time add to the Market Square gridlocked. The A920 is still signposted down South Road off the A947.
Police were going to patrol the new cycle stand in the back car park. Members were concerned that this may be a point where youngsters will congregate and could give concern to residents in Nathallan Court. Please note the Cycle Racks have been damaged and could we get a litter bin in place in order that the people congregating there can put their rubbish in the bin. Please note this Cycle Rack is placed outside an old person’s residence and as such should be checked on regularly Picture attached
A great deal of activity was noted when Oldmeldrum had police all over the town, on bicycles, in cars and on foot we await the report on the night in question.
Treasurers update
The current balance is £6,214.48 following receipt of the Admin Grant of £764.03 from AC. The allocation of funds = Oldmeldrum £3,285.02 and Daviot £2,929.46.
MeldrumTown Centre projects update
Public Notice Board
The notice board has been erected and A McCartney will collect the keys on the23rd April, 2014.
The Community Council, given the recent update from P. Leiper for our March community council meeting, decided that there was no requirement to continue with further meetings of the TCWG although all the works have not been completed yet and as such A McCartney has written a letter.
Keys will be available at The Meldrum Café,
J Pirie reported that there is a consultation notice up re the speed cushion on the entrances to the Square.
Consultation on the Community Empowerment Bill
Ken Gordon is to represent this Community Council at this meeting in Edinburgh Tuesday 6th May.
Reports from Standing committees & community organisations
Area Committee – Planning J Pirie who is our representative, asked if we could leave this a month or so to see what Aberdeenshire Council are going to do and what tweaks’ they are going to make.
Area Bus Forum – No report
Formartine Community Council Forum - next meeting will take place on 21st May, 2014
Formartine Partnership – no need to attend this as this is members only meeting.
Community Development group – Meeting 24th April, 2014
Safety Group – K Cowie & A Presly attended this meeting see letter attached.
Business Group – The group are to have an open day in the Square on May Day with stalls and kids amusements as last year. The group still wish to get Welcome to Meldrum signs erected on all the entrances to the town and have asked if this could be paid from planning gain. The CC will contact Formartine Area office to get an update of the Planning Gain monies available & report at the next meeting.
The site for the Bus Hub was discussed. the site originally earmarked apparently was not affordable and that there were planning issues at the proposed location. The area at the south of the town beside the business park was also discussed with the possibility of investigating an opportunity to develop such a facility. It was proposed that a Project Group should be convened to look for potential sites for a transport hub as outlined in the CC submission to the LDP 2016
The request by the Business group to extend the proposed 1 hour parking restrictions in Market Square to 2 hours has still to be confirmed by AC.
Heritage Society – Bygone Meldrum will run again in September, 2014 and plans for the Parcock Tree Area are with Stewart and Watson awaiting legal documents to be agreed.
MAIG – A Race Night was held which was very successful.
Anyone interested in helping with planting plug plants at the Poly-tunnel in the next few weeks will be most welcome contact, A McCartney on 873473 for further information.
A McCartney pointed out to elected members that the grass area at the rear of Westbank home is becoming an eyesore due to waste refuge lorries claiming ever increasing areas of grass compaction and wheel tracking. Cllr Shand said he would look at this. No report as Cllr C Shand was not at meeting.
Access Group – No report
Daviot Community Trust - W Sinclair reported that there is to be a meeting . The new hall will be finished at the end of April. A formal opening day will be circulated shortly.
Insurance – Monies taken at source before we get our allocation
MeldrumPark Upgrade – Sports pavilion has been dismantled and will be replaced by the 6th June 2014. We were informed that the Sports Committee have to re-apply with new plans.
New Pavilion the group is still awaiting new plans.
Tennis Courts resurfacing will not be completed until next year. 2 quotes have been submitted, there has been difficulty in obtaining a 3rd quote but the council have accepted this.
Are there any agreements in place, re the upkeep of all the new works being done?
A McCartney to ask if Mrs E Brown, Mark Mitchell & Stuart Grant could come along and tell us, where we are with the Planning Gain monies already passed, what we have left in the pot and when the remaining monies have to be used by.
Community Empowerment. Ken Gordon attending
Broadband We are waiting to hear when Oldmeldrum area is to be rolled out.
Community Wind Turbine Clydesdale Bank plc account now opened various site have been identified and are being looked at.
Christine Wiiliams has contacted Neil Ironside, CDG, re the pavement to Hoodles so he is now handling this.
A meeting with all the Groups in Oldmeldrum, Mrs E Brown is trying to arrange this.
Groupsthat we have notes of are Tennis Club, Meldrum Sports Committee, Meldrum Park Committee, Bowling Club, Heritage Society, Paths Group, Wind Turbine Group. If anyone knows of any other groups interested can you please let us know.
Is it a fact that if monies are allocated they cannot be taken back.
We were asked at our meeting, Meldrum Sports Committee were told that if they applied for planning permission through the Community Council then the fees would be half. They had to pay the full amount, why?
Date of next meeting 27thMay, 2014. 7.30 In the Lower Hall, OldmeldrumTown Hall.