March 5, 2018 Agenda
Memorial Elementary School Cafeteria
Call to Order: 7:21pm
Flag Salute
PTO President Welcome: Heather LaCognata: Welcome March. Hopefully we will not have much more snow this season and spring will be upon us soon.
Mrs. Mazzola
- School security Drills & Fire Drills– complete and ongoing.
- Two different Geography Bees were held with High Mountain School students. The first involved our entire school. After a fierce competition, Grade 6 student Patrick Bunal won, and took the placement test to see if he would advance to the state round. We received word on 3/1 that he will, in fact, be competing at the state level. Congratulations to Patrick on this accomplishment! The second was a gifted and talented event in which HMS Grade 7 students took first place in Passaic County. Congratulations to Ella Cifaldi, Abigail DenBleyker, Anneli Nurminen and Paul Valenti for a job well done!
- Youth Art Month is held in March and students were able to submit work for the competition. Nine pieces were chosen for Passaic County, and two came from HMS students - congratulations to Brooke Talsma and Doniya Docherty! Their work will be displayed in Trenton at the State House in the month of March.
- HMS held its first Math Mob on 2/26. Similar to "DEAR" time where students drop everything and read, this event had students drop everything and focus on Math activities. Students enjoyed time completing critical thinking puzzles with their grade level peers. We have more Math Mobs planned for later in the year.
- On March 14, we will celebrate Pi Day with a full day of Math Olympics. Students will participate in a variety of Pi related activities throughout their classes. Pizza Pies will be served for lunch to all students. More information will be provided through a flyer and on the school website.
- Grade 8 students’ cap and gown photos are scheduled on 3/14.
- Grade 5 is participating in LEAD alongside our North Haledon Police Department. We thank them for their continued support in this valuable program. Graduation is scheduled for 3/27 in the HMS Gym.
- Grade 7 will be taking a field trip to the Jewish Heritage Museum on 3/22 and welcoming a Holocaust survivor to speak to the students on 3/23 as a culminating activity to their Holocaust study in ELA and Social Studies.
- Spring break begins on Friday, 3/30 through 4/6. We return to school on 4/9.
- As April approaches, please mark your calendars for the Science Fair on 4/19 and for PARCC testing April 30-May 7 for all students in Grades 5-8.
Mrs. Tait
- One School, One Book. This is a program designed to create a shared reading experience across an entire school community. Had our kick-off assembly with Ralph the mouse AND his motorcycle visiting. Have read Chapters 1-4 and daily trivia each day. Tonight is Chapter 5. Thank you for all the feedback – thrilled all are enjoying!
- Read Across America Week was celebrated in Memorial School. Students had the opportunity to participate in fun reading activities such as buddy reading and drop everything and read.Spirit days took place all week long with many Cats in the Hat and Things 1 and 2 making their way through the halls of Memorial! Read Across America showcases the joy and community that reading can bring to each child.
- Random Acts of Kindness Week: Memorial participated inRandomActsofKindnessWeek from 2/12-2/16. Theweek-long event allowed us the opportunity to teach, practice and celebrate acts of kindness towards others and ourselves. Activities included:
MajorKindnessChallenges- Each student received one majorkindnesschallenge at the beginning of the week. All major challenges required a little time and the perfect amount ofcommitment!
MiniKindnessChallenges- Each day presented a new "mini kindness challenge". Daily announcements were given advising students of the day's mini challenge. A few students from all grades kindly volunteered their time to create RAOK posters that outlined the daily challenges; these posters were displayed around the school.
Gratitude Box- A "Gratitude Box" was located in the Front Office. Students were given the opportunity to write thank you notes for any adult working in the building.
Fill Our Hearts withKindnessProject- At the end of the week, all students decorated their paper hearts with their favorite challenges and "acts of kindness" that they showed during the week. Hallways were then decorated with their "acts of kindness"! - Today we had a celebration assembly and celebrated our 3rd graders. We also recognized all those who have been caught doing the right thing.
- Thank you to the PTO Sweetheart Dance Committee for another fabulous event!
- Upcoming events:
- Next Birthday Lunch is March 14th
- Next School Spirit Day is: Absolutely Incredible Kid Day – March 15th
- Author Visit 3/16: Author: Adam Gidwitz for grades 2– 4. He will be presenting on his new series: The Unicorn Rescue Society. He is a Newbery Honor-winningauthor, New York's Times Best Seller,Authorof 2016's Best Children's Books by theWall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, Kirkus Reviews, Booklist, Publishers Weekly, School Library Journal, The Horn Book
- Jump Rope For Heart is the week of March 12th and will take place during Gym classes.
- Our Science Fair is scheduled for Monday, 3/19. Scientists arrive at 6:15 and the Fair begins at 6:30.
- Thank you to all the parents for their support. Thank you to the PTO in advance for all you do.
Minutes of February 5, 2018 Meeting: Heather LaCognata: Please review the minutes and approve.
Approved: Dinorah Raineri
Seconded: Lisa Antropow
PTO Treasurer’s Report: Angela Bua: There was a starting balance of $30,982.19. After disbursements the end balance was $27,720.37. Total end balance that includes game of chance and savings account is
$103, 648.76
Approved: Allison Winkler
Seconded: Susan Kozlowski
8th Grade Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Antropow: The starting balance was $12,277.89. The end balance was $16,696.82. The 50/50 raffle sales are up to $5,600. Currently there is about $2,000 outstanding from parent sales of tickets. On 3/22, there are a number of fundraisers occurring. In addition to these, there is the family fun volleyball night coming up on 4/26. All of these events help us raise enough money for the activities that are involved for 8th grade. Please consider participating.
Correspondence Report: Giselle Micchio: Nothing to report.
Web Coordinator: Heather Davidson: Nothing to report.
NHEF Report: Heather Davidson: The NHEF would like to thank all those who came out for a fun filled evening at the Cycle Bar in Wyckoff. The annual art auction is approaching. Wine and beer are included with admission price of $15/1 and $25/2. The annual Pancake Breakfast will be held on 3/31.
Board Of Education: Heather LaCognata: The next meeting is on 3/14 at 6pm.
Wraps Ups
- Sweetheart Dance: Evelyn Mannino, Jessica Matos, Dina O’Donnell: Jessica Matos spoke. We raised about $1,800. Thank you to all who helped out with everything including the custodians who were so important with cleaning up. There were over 300 children. There were several people who joined in helping set up at the last minute. Additionally, a thank you goes out to Little Joe’s Haircutters who helped us raise $400 for the American Heart Association with the red strips that go into your hair. And lastly, a big thank you to Dina who has stepped up to chair this event next year as Evelyn will be stepping down.
- Heather LaCognata: Thank you Evelyn for chairing this committee the past few years.
- School Coordinators:
- HMS- Jackie Roscio: Giselle reported for Jackie. Nothing to report.
- Memorial – Giselle Micchio: Nothing to report.
- 8th Grade Activities: Kim Checinski, Gini Panzera & Heather Venezia: Kim Checinski spoke. We finished the Gertrude Hawk chocolates. In the strip of stores on Mountain Ave by Myers Karate we will be holding several fundraisers on 3/22. There will be a cut-a-thon at Shear Dimensions from 3-6pm; children’s cuts will be $10 and $20 for adults. All proceeds will go back to the 8th grade so please make sure you provide a tip to your hairdresser. At The Best Pizza, they will be offering a dinner deal of $1 slices or 2 slices and a fountain drink for $3. Lastly, the UPS store of North Haledon will be offering 50% off shredding, (.50c per pound) with 100% of the proceeds coming back to the 8th grade. Our meeting will begin at 8pm tonight in the media center at HMS.
- 8th Grade Volleyball Family Fun Night: Claire Kiel & Jen Stuber: Kim Checinski spoke. The family fun volleyball night will be on 4/26 at Manchester Regional High School.
- Sunshine:
- HMS - Gini Panzera: Nothing to report.
- Memorial – Mona Cacciola: Nothing to repot.
- Dining Out: Carly Saal: No report.
- Tricky Tray: Allison Winkler Jen Percelli: Allison Winkler spoke. Things have been moved into the empty storefront by the mini mart. We are ready to begin basket wrapping and are still eagerly accepting donations. Look for an email to be sent out soon with the dates for wrapping. Flyers for table set ups have gone out. Please remember there are 10 people to a table. We will be setting up everything the evening of 4/16 at The Tides. On the day of the event, 4/17, there will be an early ticket drop beginning at noon, like there was last year. Doors will open the evening of at 5:30pm. Thank you to all who donated lottery scratch off tickets tonight. We will be drawing a gift card winner at the end of this meeting. We are still looking to receive donations. Letters will be going home to families. An Amazon wish list has been developed.
- Heather LaCognata: There is a generic donation letter that can be found on the PTO website. Please consider making a donation of any kind, big or small. The tricky tray is our biggest fundraiser. It helps to fund events for the following school year.
- Kristina Stipelkovich: As of now, there has only been one monetary donation received for 6th grade. Is there a way to set something up through the remind app?
- Michele Manning: Back to school night was moved to a video presentation 2 years ago. Something should be done to gather email information for families.
- Joanne Angelucci: For 8th grade, we were able to receive a list of all family email addresses. It has been tremendously helpful in disseminating information.
- Family Fun Night: Jessica Matos: As of now, only 8 families have signed up to participate in the family fun night. As of now, it is unclear how best to proceed. The event may need to be scratched.
- 5th Grade LEAD: Janelle Feather, Trish Febbo & Ro Nativo: Janelle Feather spoke. LEAD graduation will be held on 3/27. The flyer that was sent home needed corrections. Refreshments will not be served at the event as had been previously determined. T-shirt sizes will be determined by parents via a flyer. Each homeroom will have a group photo taken that then each student will receive. Please ensure you sign and return the permission slip that will be coming home for your child to be in this picture as well as the slide show presentation.
- Book Fair Memorial: Jen Percelli & Michele Dockray: Heather LaCognata spoke. The book fair is currently going on tonight for the family night. Classes will be going Tuesday through Friday.
- Elisabeth House: All paw winners are present tonight at the book fair.
- Shop-a-Roo: Heather LaCognata: Please continue to snap pictures of your receipts for either points or sweepstake entries.
- Nominating Committee:Heather LaCognata: We are looking for a volunteer to head the nominating committee. Thank you Elisabeth House and Gini Panzera for volunteering. The open positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer and Web Coordinator. Please contact Elisabeth or Gini if interested.
- Announce raffle winner from those who brought lottery scratch offs: Allison Winkler & Jen Percelli: Allison announced that Wendy Bruffy is the winner of a pre-pack of raffle tickets for the tricky tray.
- HMS Bake Sale: Nadyne Averso reported that they are looking for donations. She suggested donations of Dunkin Donuts as they sell quickly.
- Kristina Stipelkovich reported on the 6th grade Krispy Kreme fundraiser. Only one third of the grade participated. Even with that little participation, the fundraiser brought in about $1000. Thank you to Joanne Angelucci for driving to Jersey City to pick up the donuts. This may be a worthwhile fundraiser for the PTO to take over as the profit was very good.
NEXT PTO MEETING: Monday, April 16, 2018 at High Mountain School All Purpose Room.
Respectfully submitted
Jennifer Puskas, Recording Secretary