CLARKSON Secondary School SBI 3C0 – Grade 11 College Level Biology
Category / Types of Assessment / % Allotments / % of Final MarkCommunication / portfolio, presentations, reports, conferences, seminars, simulations, interviews, note taking, essays, labs, written responses / 15% / 10.5%
Thinking and Inquiry / research notes, bibliographies, projects, demonstrations, personal communication and reflection, observations. Portfolios, debates, written or oral analysis, performance assessments, tests, quizzes / 30% / 21.0%
Knowledge and Understanding / selected responses, performance assessment, personal communication, observation, portfolios, tests, quizzes / 35% / 24.5%
Application or Making Connections / labs and reports, simulations, debates, demonstrations, observations, applications to real life, projects, external interviews, research, STSE assignments / 20% / 14.0%
Culminating Task / to be determined by teacher / 10.0%
Performance Task / to be determined by teacher / 10.0%
Knowledge Based Exam / Written exam / 10.0%
Unit / Unit Breakdown / Summative Assessments /Approximate Types
Cellular Biology / -demonstrate and understanding of the basic process of cellular biology, including membrane transport, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and enzyme activity
-investigate the factors that influence cellular activity using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques
-demonstrate and understanding of the importance of cellular processes in their personal lives, as well as in the development and application of biotechnology / Unit Test, performance task
STSE assignment
Microbiology / -demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of various microorganisms, of their role in the environment, and of their influences on other organisms, including humans
-analyse the development and physical characteristics of microorganisms, using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques
-explain the role of microorganisms with respect to human health and in technological applications in medicine, industry, and environments of organic reactions and name / Unit test, performance task, STSE assignment
Anatomy of Mammals / -demonstrate an understanding of the structure, function, and interactions of the main internal systems of humans and other animals
-investigate, with the aid of laboratory procedures, the physiological mechanisms of animal systems that are responsible for the physical health of the individual
-demonstrate an understanding of the connections among health, preventive measures, and treatment, and of their social and economic implications / Unit test, performance task, STSE assignment
Plants in the Natural Environment / -demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of plants, and of their internal transport systems, reproductions, and growth
-analyse factors influencing the growth and maintenance of plants, using appropriate laboratory equipment and techniques
-evaluate the roles of plants in the urban community, in various technologies and industries, and in natural ecosystems / Unit test, performance task, STSE assignment
Genetics / -demonstrate an understanding of the genetic research and biotechnology;
-analyse the social, environmental and ethical implications
-evaluate the variability and diversity of living organisms result from the distribution of genetic materials during the process of meiosis / Unit test, performance task, STSE assignment
Note: A performance task can be in the form of a lab, project, presentation, research assignment, presentation, etc.
This information was taken from the Ontario Curriculum guideline established by the Ministry of Education.
Clarkson S.S. Assessment & Evaluation Policy
Students are expected to demonstrate HONESTYandintegrity and submit assessment that are reflective of their own work.
Cheating is defined as completing an assessment in a dishonest way through improper access to the answers. Examples include, but are not limited to; using another student’s work as your own, using an unauthorized reference sheet during an assessment, receiving /sending an electronic message to another student with test questions / answers, etc.
willbe assigned a mark of 0 when the student is truant or purposely avoids or cheats on any evaluation. Note that in case of plagiarism a mark of zero will be recorded. Plagiarism includes the copying of print and electronic media sources (without indicating the source) or copying of materials from other students.