Term 1 Unit 1 Day 3 To Access Online Activity for Data Collection
When doing a lab, we often graph a series of points. This is called a ______scatter plot______.
Using this as our guide we then draw a solid line that follows the data. This is called a ___best fit line______.
Both axes should ALWAYS have ___a label______and ___units_____.
Scale = how much each gridline is worth and the final graph
Should use more than half of each axis.
In real life graphs. . . .do not form perfect shapes.
Best Fit Rules:
1.the number of dots above your final line should
equal the number of dots below your line..
2.you must always use a ruler or straight edge,
3.if your first graph is obviously NOT the BEST fit
you need to erase it and try again..
Not all graphs are _____Straight______it is ok to ____curve______.
The importance of (0,0) : It can force a graph to curve.
Warnings:1.Do NOT just connect two dots and call it a best fit.
2.Always start your scale with 0.
3. Keep your scale consistent.
1. relationship:directly proportional2. relationship:inversely proportional
shape:lineshape: hyperbola
3. relationship:quadratic4. relationship: root
shape:parabolashape: hill
Term 1 Unit 1 Day 3 To Access Online Activity for Data Collection
SCENARIO 1: You are a civil engineer that designs city roads and are conducting a research project to determine safe speed limits for a new road. One of the things that makes high speeds dangerous is the great distance required to come to a complete stop. Using the same vehicle, you achieve a set speed and then slam on the brakes. You measure the distance the car moves before it stops.
I changed the ___speed______
and then recorded the ____stopping distance_____.
X-axis = speed
Y-axis = stopping distance
Does (0,0) make sense? If the car isn’t moving (0)
YES It won’t move forward (0)
The shape of this graph is a_____parabola______
SCENARIO 2: You work for a large pharmaceutical company that creates new medications and are conducting a research project about a new drug. The medicine comes in red tablets that dissolve when they reach your stomach. You need to know how quickly they will dissolve at different body temperatures. Using the same type of acid (to represent stomach acid) you fill beakers at different temperatures and then place the tablet inside. You measure the time it takes the pill to dissolve completely.
I changed the ____temperature______
and then recorded the ___dissolve time______.
X-axis = temperature
Y-axis = dissolve time
Does (0,0) make sense? If the water is freezing (0)
NO It will take no time to dissolve (0). !!! Crazy.
The shape of this graph is a ____hyperbola______
Speed Distance
DATA TABLE: (mph) (ft)
0 0
10 5
20 20
30 45
40 81
50 127
60 181
( o F ) (s)
40 8.75
50 6.96
60 6.08
70 5.04
80 4.40
90 3.96
100 3.56
SCENARIO 3: You are a mechanical engineer that designs rides for a large amusement park and are conducting a research project to develop a safe stopping mechanism for a free-fall ride. The ride is lifted to great heights and then allowed to fall straight down. At the bottom it is stopped by a large mechanical spring and brought to rest. You need to make sure the spring is large enough to handle the load. Using the same passenger platform you drop the ride from different heights. You measure the distance the spring compresses before the ride completely stops.
I changed the _____drop height______
and then recorded the _____compression distance__.
X-axis = drop height
Y-axis = compression distance
Does (0,0) make sense? If we don’t lift the ride (0)
YES It won’t squash the spring (0)
The shape of this graph is a _____hill______
SCENARIO 4: You are a marine biologist and are conducting a research project to determine the swimming speeds of sea turtles. You place the same turtle in a large pool with an incentive on the far side and set a timer. At the end of a set time you record the location of the turtle and then repeat.
I changed the ______time______
and then recorded the _____swim distance______.
X-axis = time
Y-axis = distance
Does (0,0) make sense? If the turtle has no time (0)
YES It won’t go anywhere (0)
The shape of this graph is a _____line______
DATA TABLE: drop height spring
(ft) compress (ft)
200 49
160 45
120 40
80 32
40 22
0 0
DATA TABLE: time distance
(s) (m)
0 0
2 1.1
4.2 2.5
6 3.6
8.2 4.8
10 6