Welcome Rev John Shields: Good to see John here with us, covering our minister’s absence this week. John and Mary are now on email – but the address is privileged! However the Shields’s phone number is 01573 229015 should you need their assistance during the absence of our Jamie Griggs.

Messy? – What Mess? Herewith a response from our caretaker and our cleaner to the idea of bringing a ‘Messy Church’ to Lauder.

“Messy Church – never! We should hope not. Jennifer and I take great pride in looking after Lauder Church. It is good to know that the cleanliness of Lauder Church has been noticed. Thank you all for the comments made after the announcement of a ‘Messy Church’ in Lauder. We appreciate the comments including the ones left in the book by visitors. Good luck to the ‘Messy Church’ in the Youth Trust Hall!!” May Steele.

Perhaps a similar quote may come from Jackie Pinkerton who keeps Channelkirk Church spic and span.

Further detail of the ‘Messy Church’ will be intimated early next year. If you would like more information please speak with Dr Rebecca Green 718874 - or visit website -

Ceilidh: Our Social Team has organised the St Andrew’s Ceilidh for this Friday evening 25th November. Ticket sales have been slow. Can you help with this social event? Please speak with Carol Batchelor or Judi Gunn today.

Dates for the Diary:

27th November: Advent Service in Channelkirk at 1000 then Communion Service in Lauder at 1130 and South Garden 1415.

An Advent Carol Service will be held in Channelkirk Church at 1800.

Tuesday 29th November: Church Centre, Lauder 7pm. Meeting of Channelkirk and Lauder Team Leaders.

4th December: 1000 service in Channelkirk followed by Family Service in Lauder at 1130.

4th December: 4pm Switch On of Christmas Lights – Oxton.

8th – 10th December: Church Centre Art Group Exhibition of their work. 10am – 3 pm each day.

Friday 9th December: Christmas Lights ‘Switch-On’. 1830-1930 in Lauder Church with Selkirk Junior Silver band, Peter Pepper, the Lauderdale Choir and Santa Claus compered by the Revd. Jamie Griggs. Soon after 1930 the official ‘switch on’ by Santa at the Town Hall with refreshments available.

11th December: 1000 service in Channelkirk, Lauder service at 1130 including baptism. Carol singing at South Garden at 1415.

Tuesday 13th December: Meeting of the Kirk Session, Lauder Church Centre, 7pm

Saturday 17th December: Parish Treat, Lauder Public Hall. 10-12pm; 2-4pm and 7-10pm; according to age.

Notices continued……

Channelkirk Worship Service

Sunday 20th November, 10.00am

Led by: The Revd. John Shields

Channelkirk and Lauder Parish Church

See our Website at:

Scottish Charity Number: SC 009892Copy and Performance Licences: CCL 416985; MRL 1288057; PRS 1288064.

Visitors or returning members we welcome you.

May God bless our visitors and keep safe all who travel from us.

Please meet and chat with us over a tea or coffee after the service in Channelkirk Church or Lauder Church Centre

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

CH3 36 The Lord is King! Lift up thy voice

(Tune: Church Triumphant)

Call to Prayer: “The Lord has become King, clothed with Majesty;

The Lord is robed, girded with might”

Prayer of Approach and Confession

The Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Address

CH3 383 Come , children, join to sing – Alleluia! Amen!

(Tune: Madrid)

Reading: Psalm 100

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Reading: 1 Corinthians 15/50 – 58

CH3 684 Beneath the cross of Jesus

(Tune: St Christopher)

Prayer of Illumination

Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of your presence,

open the mind of God to us, that in your light

we may see light, and in your strength be strong.


CH3 531 Behold what witnesses unseen

(Tune: Wetherby)

Offering and Dedication

Prayers of Intercession

CH3 533 (Para 66) How bright these glorious spirits shine!

(Tune: St Asaph)


The Spirit leads us into the World.

Please remain standing.


Notices continued from back page….

18th December Services in Channelkirk (1000) and Lauder (1130) including the Young Church Nativity.

18th December: Oxton Christmas Fair – War Memorial Hall. Children’s part 3pm – carol singing round the Christmas tree at 5pm: chestnuts and stalls.

21st December: Longest Night Service: 1900 in Lauder Church. Tea and coffee served after the service. An opportunity to reflect in a stress free peaceful place, at a quiet time; a time to light a night light.

23th November: (Wed.) in the Church Centre from 2pm - As part of National Guild Week Channelkirk and Lauder Guild will be holding a Coffee/Tea afternoon on. Proceeds will be go to Guild funds

Christmas Eve: A Christingle Service in Channelkirk Church at 1800 with the Watchnight Service in Lauder Church at 2300.

Christmas Day: The 1000 service in Channelkirk will include an opportunity to take Communion for anyone in the parish of Channelkirk and Lauder. The 1130 service in Lauder will be a family Celebration of the Birth of Jesus.

Parish Newsletter: Anyone who might be interested in participating in the production of a regular parish newsletter, either on production or delivery, or would like further information please contact Linda Kirby-Organ or the Minister.