IVCC Lifelong LearningRubric
IVCC General Education Goal #8: To connect learning to life. Studentsapply new and existing knowledge to exhibit a long-term perspective for career planning and personal growth; thus, they display the understanding thatinterdisciplinary experiences promote life-long learning.
Note: For the purposes of assessment with this rubric, choose assignments that prompt students to connect course content (what is learned in the classroom) to their personal or professional lives. Examples of assignments appropriate for scoring with this tool are portfolios,essay responses, journal entries, theory summaries, or reflections on experiences such as but not limited tointernships, experiential learning activities, clinicals, fieldtrips, or cultural events.
The lifelong learner: / Emergent / Proficient / Exemplary
Exhibits Curiosity: Does the student show a desire to learn? /
  • Tends only to ask surface-level questions, not realizing the depth of a subject.
  • Asks questions of self and others to enhance learning.
  • Exhibits inquisitive behaviors that prompt others to dig deeper into a subject.

  • Limits view to that which is presented in class or utilizes only resources directly recommended by the instructor.
  • Looks beyond the classroom and/or assignment requirements.
  • Learns more than is taught in the classroom.
  • Brings external references, views, and experiences to the class, helping others to see a broader perspective.

  • Appears frustrated or stymied by obstacles. Not willing to take risks that may lead to failure.
  • Adapts to changing conditions and unexpected obstacles. Accepts failure as a stepping stone.
  • Embraces challenges with vigor. Finds the fun in failure. Turns failure into a learning experience.

Cultivates Resourcefulness: Can the student learn independently? /
  • Seeks frequent guidance from instructor. Sticks to the prescribed assignment.
  • Takes ownership of learning experience. Recognizes that the teacher is a partner in learning.
  • Independently seeks out learning opportunities.
  • Provides evidence of having engaged in co-curricular or external activities that enhance ability to understand classroom content.
  • Willing to share or synthesize additional information.

  • Needs guidance to identify competencies required to achieve a learning goal.
  • Learning plan does not address all gaps.
  • Plan does not include sufficient progress markers.
  • Can list competencies needed to achieve goal and identify gaps to address.
  • Develops a plan for learning.
  • Evaluates progress toward learning goals.
  • Quickly assesses his or her current state of knowledge or skill to identify competency gaps.
  • Develops a relatively creative plan to achieve the learning goal.
  • Learning plan includes progress markers, which may include targeted levels of proficiency.
  • Adjusts plan to accommodate unexpected learning opportunities.

Closes the Learning Loop: Does the student recognize his or her own influence in the learning process? /
  • Misses some connections between knowledge and skills gained in other contexts.
  • Does not always recognize that a change in approach might improve learning outcome.
  • Applies knowledge and skills gained in one academic context to other contexts.
  • Engages in self-analysis as a learner. Evaluates changes in own learning over time.
  • Identifies connections that are less obvious. Can help others to identify connections to other contexts.
  • Seeks feedback in order to improve learning strategy. Modifies approach based on analysis of past learning outcomes.

  • Misses opportunities to demonstrate learning has occurred.
  • Produces artifacts or other evidence of learning.
  • Systematically demonstrates learning objectives have been met.

IVCC Lifelong Learning Rubric Reporting Form
IVCC General Education Goal #8: To connect learning to life.
Evaluator Instructions:Please score the text based on where the majority of the descriptions are met (see Guide). Evaluators should use a 0 for any instances where the evidence does not meet the Emergent criteria. Evaluators should use their best judgment per category, in general, as some instances may transgress these descriptions. 1 should be used for emergent, 2 for proficient, and 3 for exemplary. Please do not report zeroes for students who do not participate in the activity being used for assessment; leave blanks for those.
Type of Assignment: Written Oral Other ______
Description: / Score 0-3 pts
Student ID
(not the k-number) / Student name (not required) / Exhibits Curiosity: Does the student show a desire to learn? Asks questions to enhance learning. Looks beyond assignment and/or classroom to learn more that is being taught. Adapts to changing conditions. / Cultivates Resourcefulness: Can the student learn independently? Takes ownership of learning experience. Independently seeks out learning opportunities. Lists competencies needed to achieve goal and identifies gaps. / Closes the Learning Loop: Does the student recognize his or her own influence in the learning process?Applies knowledge and skills gained in one academic context to other contexts. Engages in self-analysis. Produces artifacts or other evidence of learning. / Total score(should total 0-9 points. Use only whole numbers, not fractions or decimals)
Do not record scores for students who did not complete the assignment.
0 indicates tried and failed.
Sample: 9999999 / Eagle Jones / 2 / 1 / 3 / 6