Tender no: BS/2004/EQ/OO5/CON/001 / Tender document issued by the BANKSETA ETQA
Page 1





CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 12:00 ON 5 April 2004


Please note that an information session (not compulsory) for this assignment will be held on Thursday 25 March 2004 from 9h00 to 10h00 at the BANKSETA offices, Thornhill Office Park, Building 15, 94 Bekker Road, Midrand (See Appendix I for a map).

Prospective contractors are to ensure that they have received all pages of this document, which consists of the following sections and appendices:

Section 1: Terms of reference (2 pages)

Section 2: Evaluation criteria (1 page)

Section 3: Instructions and rules for prospective contractors (7 pages)


Appendix I: Map (1 page)

Appendix II: Contact information (1 page)

Appendix III: Tax clearance (3 pages)

Appendix IV: Declaration of interest (2 pages)

Appendix V: HDI preference forms (11 pages)

Appendix VI: Promotion of Small Businesses (6 pages)

Appendix VII: Pro forma contract (16 pages)

Please note: The contact information, tax clearance certificate, declaration of interest the HDI preference forms and Promotion of Small Business should be completed and form part of the proposal. The pro forma contract is made available so that prospective contractors take note of the contents of the contract that will be entered into with the successful contractor.

Tender no: BS/2004/EQ/OO5/CON/001 / Tender document issued by the BANKSETA ETQA
Terms of Reference / Page 1


Contract No: BS/2004/EQ/OO5/CON/001


On behalf of the banking sector, the BANKSETA ETQA requires the services of a training provider to conduct a series of capacity building workshops in course design on two levels, i.e. basic and advanced, for ETD practitioners in the banking sector.

The intention of the workshops is to build capacity of training and development and research and design development practitioners linked to training providers accredited by the BANKSETA ETQA.

You are as such hereby invited to submit a proposal to deliver training in line with the considerations below.


·  The selected provider should possess a thorough knowledge of and expertise in course design and development.

·  The provider should be accredited as a training provider by the relevant ETQA and have the necessary capacity required to deliver the workshop at various venues identified by the BANKSETA ETQA.

·  Separate interventions will be run at basic and advanced levels.

·  The duration of the basic course will be 3 days and the duration of the advanced course will be 2 days.

·  The training provider should be able to achieve the stated outcomes as listed below with a focus on the practical application of course objectives.

Having attended the workshop, practitioners should be able to demonstrate the following:

Basic Course (3 days)

-  Introduction to NQF and unit standards

-  Development of learning objectives

-  Development of assessment activities (summative and formative)

-  Course design and development planning process

-  Course alignment to relevant unit standards

-  Basic writing and language skills

- Research skills

-  Referencing

-  Copyright principles

-  Adult Learning Principles

-  Basic layout and formatting

-  Design principles for different channels

-  Types of training media

-  Facilitation skills/methods (selecting the most appropriate method and understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each)

-  Types of learning activities

-  Introduction to pre-, learning and post-learning support mechanisms

Advanced Course (2 days)

-  Compliance, research and industry standards in design and development

-  Needs analysis and auditing process of existing programmes

-  Resource planning (including delivery mediums utilised)

-  Input and interface management

-  Pre-learning, learning and post-learning support mechanisms

-  Theory and practice applications in course design

-  Design output evaluations and reviews (includes pilots)

-  Return on investment principles

The basic and advanced courses will be run separately. The interventions should provide learners with tools that include but are not limited to templates, flowcharts, quality assurance processes and a blueprint that will serve as a model that participants can use in their own organisations. Bidders should also note that the intervention should be able to cater for delegates from various backgrounds, that is, from both large and small organisations and with differing levels of knowledge and skills in course design. It is also a requirement that the workshops be contextualised for banking-related content and learning.


Proposals should reach BANKSETA offices by 5 April 2004.

Presentations for proposals will be held on 8 April 2004.

The workshops are planned for May and June 2004 according to the need expressed by the sector.


·  Proposals must be delivered to the office of Ms D Hamilton, Manager: Quality Assurance and Investors in People, BANKSETA, Thornhill Office Park, Block 15, Midrand, before 12:00 on 5 April 2004.

·  The BANKSETA reserves the right to:

-  seek further clarification,

-  conduct due diligence tests,

-  not to use any of the bidders,

-  to use more than one bidder,

-  to extend deadlines,

-  choose the bidder/s that best fits needs irrespective of whether the bidder is the lowest price or not.

·  For consortia - the leady party must be clearly identified and no changes are allowed after tender submission without prior consultation and agreement with BANKSETA. BANKSETA will require joint and several liabilities provisions with the consortium members.

·  Two stage evaluation process is planned i.e. stage 1 to shortlist to most suitable bidders and stage 2 to shortlist to chosen partner/s.

·  Vendors may be asked to give presentations.

·  All information supplied by BANKSETA is confidential.


All tenders will be assessed in line with the criteria below:

1.  Technical requirements (50 points)
Proposed methodology in addressing the implementation of the assignment specific to the requirements and activities as reflected in the ToR document.
Company understanding of the objectives of the assignment and its relevant components.
Company’s relevant experience in projects of a similar nature.
A project plan clearly addressing the timelines and deliverables with associated budgets specific to each activity of the assignment. The project plan must be in line with the implementation of the proposed methodology specific to the requirements of the ToR.
2.  Equity ownership by HDI’s and promotion of small businesses (20 points)
(See Appendix V and VI of this document)
Equity ownership by HDI
Is the company an SMME as defined by the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996) and/or does it promote small business?
3.  Financial requirement (30 points)
A detailed budget (VAT inclusive) for the project that has been identified for the implementation of the brief. The budget shall clearly indicate a breakdown of consultancy fees, disbursement costs, etc.
The proposed budget should be competitive and reasonable.
Tender no: BS/2004/EQ/OO5/CON/001 / Tender document issued by the BANKSETA ETQA
Instructions and Rules / Page 7



1.1  The closing date and time for submissions is strictly 12:00 on 5 April 2004.

1.2  Submissions can be delivered between 08:30 and 16:30, Mondays to Fridays prior to the closing date, and between 08:30 and 12:00 on 5 April 2004.

1.3  No late submissions will be considered.

1.4  Submissions (an original plus 2 copies) should be delivered to the address hereunder and deposited in the tender box situated in the main foyer:


94 Bekker Road,


Thornhill Office Park,

Building 15

(See Appendix 1 for a map)

1.5  Submissions should be in a sealed envelope marked with

·  Tender no: (BS/2004/EQ/OO5/CON/001

·  Manager: Quality Assurance and Investors in People


·  94 Bekker Road

·  Thornhill Office Park

·  Building 15

1.6  The contact person at BANKSETA is Daphne Hamilton, who can be contacted at 011 – 805 9661 or by e-mail at .


Any clarification required by a prospective contractor regarding the meaning or interpretation of the Terms of Reference, or any other aspect concerning the tender, may be requested in writing i.e. e-mail, preferably before the information session. The tender number should be mentioned in all correspondence. Requests by telephone will not be considered.

If appropriate, the clarifying information will be made available to all prospective contractors, whose contact details are available, by 26 March 2004. Any clarification regarding the answers provided to questions shall be lodged by no later than Tuesday 30 March 2004. No new requests for clarification will be entertained thereafter.


Prospective contractors are advised that their proposal should be no longer than 20A4single sided pages, font Arial 12, excluding the appendices contained in this document, and written in plain English and simply presented.

Prospective contractors are to set out their proposal in the following format. Parts 3 – 6 must be based on the information supplied in the Terms of Reference.

Part 1: Covering letter

Part 2: Contact information

Part 3: Understanding of the environment and the assignment

Part 4: Technical Approach and Methodology

Part 5: Relevant experience and staff details

Part 6: Cost proposal

Part 7: SARS Tax Clearance Certificate

Part 8: Declaration of interest

Part 9: HDI preference forms

Part 10: Promotion of Small Business

3.1  Part 1: Covering letter

The proposal must be accompanied by a letter signed by a person of suitable authority to commit the prospective contractor. This letter should contain the following paragraph:

“We have examined the information provided in your tender documents and offer to undertake the work described in accordance with the requirements as set out in the tender document. The prices quoted in this tender are valid for sixty (60) days and we confirm that this tender will remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before this expiry date.”

In the case of a consortium, the letter must contain the following paragraph as well as a signature from each party to the consortium committing to the paragraph.

“We hereby confirm that we accept the contents of the proposal and that we authorise the contracting party to act on our behalf.”

3.2  Part 2: Contact information

Prospective contractors should complete Appendix II.

3.3  Part 3: Understanding of the environment and the assignment

Prospective contractors should demonstrate in this part their understanding of the components of the assignment as well as their understanding of the environment

3.4  Part 4: Technical approach and methodology

Prospective contractors must submit as part of the proposal, a project plan which shall at least include the following:

3.4.1  Detailed technical approach, tools and techniques noting exactly how the prospective contractor proposes to carry out each activity for the assignment to achieve the identified outcomes. Identify any possible problems that might hinder delivery and indicate how problems will be avoided, or overcome.

3.4.2  Timelines for key activities and outputs.

3.4.3  Deliverables.

3.4.4  Identify the persons responsible for the execution of the noted activities.

3.4.5  Indicate the number of hours, if relevant, required to complete each activity and the number of hours to be provided by each member of staff.

Prospective contractors are to present such information in a matrix. The following is provided merely as a guideline for the project plan – prospective contractors are free to elaborate as they see fit:

Outcome/output / Activity and approach / Staff member(s) involved (name and position) / Workdays/ hours for each staff member / Timelines

3.5  Part 5: Relevant experience and staff details

Organisational experience

Prospective contractors should indicate experience and expertise with practical fieldwork and previous assignments in the areas of:

·  Delivery of training interventions and specific technical expertise in the modules of training you are proposing for

·  Training facilitation as well as specific experience in the facilitation of experiential learning for adults

·  Course design and development training

·  The ability to clarify concepts in a South African language in addition to English appropriate to the province in which the training may be required.

Provide a summary chart on all the staff to be used. Identify the position(s) and persons involved in the direct delivery of the noted activities and in the overall management of the work. For each staff member there must be a brief capability statement clearly demonstrating why they are suitable to fill their position.

Name / Position in team / Current position / Years of experience / Age / Education / Specialist areas of knowledge and capability / Race (HDI) / SA citizen (yes or no)

3.6  Part 6: Cost Proposal

The under-mentioned costs must be shown in the formats prescribed. All foreseeable costs related to this assignment are to be disclosed in the cost proposal. The proposed totals for staff costs and reimbursables will be included in the contract as the maximum amount to be spent on these items.

Handling fees on reimbursable costs will not be considered.

NB: The time spent travelling to and from BANKSETA is not to be charged for.

Any budget amount indicated in this document shall be deemed to be a guide only and prospective contractors are expected to submit a costing that is fair and reasonable

3.6.1  Reimbursable, workshop and other costs

NB: The following conditions will apply to reimbursements for these costs:

§  Only economy class flights and GroupA and B hire cars are to be used

§  An AA rate per kilometre for the use of a personal car

§  Only three-star hotels, or equivalent other accommodation are to be booked.

·  Other costs include (if required):

§  Office supplies – details are to be provided

§  Computer software – details are to be provided

§  Communications – postage, telephones, faxes

§  Couriers

§  Printing/copying costs – estimates of cost per page and number of pages must be provided

·  Cost of workshops:

The BANKSETA will be responsible for arranging venues and catering as well as for the facilitator if travelling outside Gauteng. The BANKSETA will also be responsible for the cost associated with these activities.