Get connected to the USI Registry System
Our records indicate that you may not have established your connection with the USI Registry System yet. If you have, you may want to skip to the section on new tools.
USI requirements came into effect from 1 January 2015. Most Training Organisations have already connected with the USI Registry system!
You will need to collect and verify a student’s USI before conferring a qualification or statement of attainment unless a specific exemption applies.More information on exemptions can be found here.
You will need to connect to the USI system to VERIFY USIs even if you’re not planning to create a USI on the student’s behalf. This is required to meet national reporting requirements
– so get connected today!
Connect your business to the USI Registry System by completing our Online SystemAccess Request Form.
Have you accessed our User Guide?
The USI User Guide has simple to use instructions to help you connect to and interact with the USI Registry System.
It is now updated to include the new tools and changes in the USI Registry System. Access it here.
Accessing the USI Registry System: USI website or Web Services?
Web Services
The USI is supported by web services which enable your student management system to connect with the USI Registry System. This method can allow more seamless integration with your other business processes for easier handling of large student numbers.
If you’re thinking about linking your ICT system and computers to the USI system, you may need a Student Management System that is USI readyUSI Compatible SMS Register
Our alsoreferences ‘AVETMISS Compliant’ products.
USI Website
An alternative option is for individual authorised staff members to access the site directly from the USI website. From this website, your staff can logon to process one-on-one transactions
for functions such as creating, collecting, verifying or viewing USIs.
There are some simple one time stepsyou must take before your staff can use the USI website. These are necessary to ensure only staff authorised by your RTO are entering or altering student records.
New tools to help Training Organisations
You can now ‘LOCATE’ a USI!
You can now ‘Locate’ your student’s USI. This function will help you retrieve a USI made by the student or another RTO. To successfully locate a USI, you will need to get the student’s consent and enter all their personal and contact details correctly. The details must match those previously entered into the USI Registry System. More Information.
New Self Service Reporting Tool
A new Self Service Reporting tool is now available in the USI Registry System. You will now be able to run standard reports that have been prepared by the USI Office. The reports include how many USIs have been created by your Training Organisation and how many USIs have been verified. More Information.
Stay Connected, Stay Informed!
•There are currently over 1.7 million USIs created! Keep up to date with latest updates at
•See our USI Help Centrefor assistance – it’s a great resource when getting ready for the USI and includes step-by-step tutorials and ‘how to’ videos for RTO staff.
•Or go to Contact Us where you can submit an enquiry or use our chat function. Alternatively give us a call on 13 38 73 or email us at .
Kind regards,
Jason Coutts
Acting Student Identifiers Registrar
Department of Education and Training
P: 13 38 73