Lucie Cluver
United Kingdom
Department of Social Policy and Intervention
Oxford University
+44 1865 270 325
Research posts:
2015-present Oxford University: Professor in Child and Family Social Work
Governing Body Fellow of Wolfson College
Centre for Evidence-Based Social Intervention, Dept of Social Policy & Intervention
2009-2015 Oxford University: Associate Professor, Governing Body Fellow of Wolfson College
Centre for Evidence-Based Social Intervention, Dept of Social Policy & Intervention
2009-present University of Cape Town, Honorary Professor,
Division of Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health
2007-2009 Oxford University, Departmental Lecturer, Post-Doctoral HIV/AIDS Fellow,
Centre for Evidence-Based Social Intervention, Dept of Social Policy & Social Work
2007 Columbia University, Academic Visitor, HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies
Research grants held:
2016-2017 Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Award £50,000
Making Impact Matter: Bringing an evidence-based child-abuse prevention programme to the world. PI with Dr F Meinck & Dr J Doubt.
2015- 2017 The Philip Leverhulme Prize, £100,000.00.
The Leverhulme Foundation. PI.
2015-2017 DFID and Sweden-Norad: Evidence for HIV Prevention in Southern Africa: £250,000.00
The missing link in HIV prevention: Helping HIV-positive adolescents to reduce transmission in Southern and Eastern Africa. PI. (with Dr R Hodes, University of Cape Town).
2015- 2017 UNICEF HQ (Project Cooperation Agreement), $250,000.00
Generate evidence on Social Protection and HIV and AIDS, PI.
2014 – 2017 PEPFAR-USAID, $1.500,000.00
RCT: Mphatlalatsane (Early Morning Star) Lesotho: Integrating ECD, HIV testing and treatment support, and nutrition into rural informal nursery care. PI (with Prof Lorraine Sherr, UCL and Prof Mark Tomlinson, University of Stellenbosch)
2015 – 2017 PEPFAR-USAID, $1.480,000.00
Randomised Controlled Trial in Zimbabwe: effects of a community-based ECD and economic
resilience intervention on adherence and retention in paediatric HIV care and treatment programs. PI (with Prof Frances Cowan and Prof Lorraine Sherr, University College London).
2015-2018 UNICEF Innocenti Office of Research, $248,500.00
Reducing abuse of adolescents in Southern Africa. PI.
2013 – 2018 European Research Council €1,460,000.00
‘Preventing Child Abuse in the Context of HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa’. PI.
2014 – 2017 The Nuffield Foundation £583,287.00
‘Pathways to survival: identifying psychosocial, family and service mechanisms to improve antiretroviral adherence amongst HIV+ adolescents in South Africa’. PI.
2014 – 2015 ESRC Impact Acceleration Account £30,000.00
‘Accelerating international impact to improve health outcomes for HIV+ and abused children.’ PI.
2014 – 2015 UNICEF South Africa R332, 180.00
‘Pilot testing of a child abuse prevention programme in South Africa’ PI.
2013 – 2015 Ilifa Labantwana R2,494,623.00
‘Reducing Abuse and Maltreatment of Children in High-risk Families in South Africa’ PI, with Dr Cathy Ward (UCT) and Prof.Frances Gardner (Oxford).
2013 - 2014 Regional Inter-Agency Task Team for Children Affected by AIDS – Eastern and Southern Africa $60,000.00 PI, with Prof Lorraine Sherr and Prof Mark Orkin
2014 – 2016 International AIDS Society (IAS) Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) $145, 317.00 Co-PI and Mentor for PI Dr Rebecca Hodes (UCT).
2011 – 2013 John Fell Oxford University Press Research Fund, UK, £98,826.00
‘Development of an AIDS-related Child Abuse Prevention Programme (ACAPP) at the Centre for AIDS Interdisciplinary Research at Oxford. PI.
2009 – 2012 Economic and Social Research Council and National Research Foundation £910,000.00 ‘Young carers for AIDS-ill parents: Social, health and educational impacts’
PI, with: Prof Frances Gardner, Dr Don Operario, Prof Andrew Dawes, Dr Lauren Wild
2011 – 2013 South African National Department of Social Development, R400,000.00 ‘Young carers for AIDS-ill parents: Social, health and educational impacts’, PI
2009 – 2012 Rockefeller Foundation, USA, $300,000.00 ‘Evaluation of ‘Schools as Nodes of Care and Support’ with Soul City and Wits University. PI, with Prof Alan Stein, Dr Kathy Kahn
2010 – 2014 Claude Leon Foundation, SA, R411,000.00 ‘‘Young carers for AIDS-ill parents: Social, health and educational impacts’, PI
2009-2010 Health Economics AIDS Research Division, SA, R6,000,000.00 ‘Young Carers for AIDS-affected parents in South Africa’, PI with Dr Don Operario, Dr Caroline Kuo
2008- 2010 Leverhulme Trust, UK £98,212.00 ‘Caring for children orphaned by AIDS in Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, South Africa. Co-PI with Dr Don Operario and Dr Caroline Kuo
2008 – 2011 Nuffield Foundation, UK £299,000.00 ‘Resilience in young people orphaned by AIDS: predictors and mechanisms’. PI with Prof F Gardner, Prof L Aber, Dr S Collishaw.
2007-2010 John Fell OUP Research Fund, UK £129,500.00 Development of an interdisciplinary strategic plan to study HIV/AIDS prevention and policy, with Dr D Operario and Professor H Jaffe
2004-2007 Economic and Social Research Council (UK), MSc and PhD Studentship, National award.
2004 - 2007 Oxford University, D.Phil (PhD)
2003 - 2004 Oxford University MSc Social Policy Class I
Thesis: Child poverty and child well-being in South Africa Class I
2001 - 2003 Oxford University
MSc Applied Social Studies and Diploma in Social Work. Class I (Distinction)
Thesis: ‘Psychological well-being of AIDS orphans in South Africa’ Class I (Distinction)
1998–2001 University of Cambridge MA Classics Class I (Distinction)
Thesis Class I (Distinction)
2014: The Philip Leverhulme Prize.
2014: Green Templeton College Outstanding Alumna of the Year 2014
2014: Young Investigator Award. International AIDS Society.
2013: Discovery Clinical Excellence Award: Best paper, 6th South African AIDS Conference
2013: James Walegumbe Memorial Award for mental health in Africa.
2011: Discovery Clinical Excellence Award: Best paper, 5th South African AIDS Conference
2008: Merit Award for academic staff (Oxford University)
2007: Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Doctoral Thesis (Oxford University)
2007: Discovery Clinical Excellence Award: Best paper, 3rd South African AIDS Conference
2003: Distinction and Examiner’s commendation for MSc Thesis in Social Work (Oxford University)
2001: James Stevenson University Prize for Part II Thesis (Cambridge University)
2001: Faculty Prize for Tripos results (Cambridge University)
Impact recognition
2015: Oxford-South Africa Collaboration:
2015: Social Sciences Division Media REF Impact Case Study for REF 2014
2014: Oxford Impact researcher profile for University website
2013: 4* (‘World Leading’) REF Impact Case Study
2012: Oxford Impacts Health Series Case Study:
Published work:
Articles in peer-reviewed journals:
2016 and in press
78. Cluver, L, Orkin, M, Meinck, F, Boyes, M and Sherr, L (2016). Structural drivers and social protection: Mechanisms of HIV-risk and HIV-prevention for South African adolescents. Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS). 19. 2064-6.
77. Cluver, L, Orkin, M, Yakubovich, A, Sherr, L (2016). Combination social protection for reducing HIV-risk behaviour amongst adolescents in South Africa. JAIDS. 72: 96-104
76. Cluver, L, Lachman, Jb, Ward, C.L., Gardner, F, Peterson T, Hutchings, J, Mikton, C, Meinck, Fa Tsoanyane, S, (in press) Development of a parenting support programme to prevent abuse of adolescents in South Africa: findings from a pilot pre-post study. Research on Social Work Practice
75. Cluver, L, Toska, E, Orkin, M, Yakubovich, A, Hodes, R, Sherr, L (in press). Achieving equity in HIV-treatment outcomes: Can social protection improve adolescent ART-adherence in South Africa? AIDS Care Equity Special Issue.
74. Toska, E, Cluver, L, Hodes, R, Kidia, K (in press). Sex and secrecy: how HIV-status disclosure affects safe sex among HIV-positive adolescents. AIDS Care. (IF 2.1)
73. Steinert, J, Cluver, L, Melendez-Torres, G. (in press). Relationships between poverty and AIDS-illness in South Africa: an investigation of urban and rural households in KwaZulu-Natal. Global Public Health. (IF 1.5)
72. Lachman, J, Kelly, J, Cluver, L, Ward, C, Gardner, F, Hutchings, J (2016) Process evaluation of a parenting program for low-income families in South Africa. Research on Social Work Practice.
71. Yakubovich, A, Sherr, L, Cluver, L, Skeen, S, Hensels, I, Macedo, A, Tomlinson, M. (2016) Community-based organisations for vulnerable children in South Africa: Reach, psychosocial correlates, and potential mechanisms. Children and Youth Services Review. 58-64.
70. Kuo, C., Atujuna, M., Mathews, C., Stein, D., Hoare, J., Beardslee, W., Operario, D., Cluver, L., Brown, L. (In Press). Developing family interventions for adolescent HIV prevention in South Africa. AIDS Care.
69. Meinck, F, Cluver, L, Boyes, M (in press) Physical, emotional and sexual adolescent abuse victimization in South Africa: Prevalence, incidence, perpetrators and locations. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (IF 3.5).
68. Sharer, M, Cluver, L; Shields, J (in press) Mental Health of Youth Orphaned due to HIV in South Africa: Biological and Supportive Links to Caregivers. J Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies.
67. Yakubovich, A, Cluver, L, Gie, R (2016) Socioeconomic factors associated with asthma prevalence and severity among children living in low-income South African communities. South African Medical Journal. 9;106(4):404-12
66. Lachman, J. M., Sherr, L., Cluver, L., Ward, C. L., Hutchings, J., Gardner, F. (2016). Integrating Evidence and Context to Develop a Parenting Program for Low-Income Families in South Africa. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 25(7) 2337-2352. DOI 10.1007/s10826-016-0389-6
65. Sharer, M, Shields, J, Cluver, L; The Power of Siblings: Under-explored sources of social support among children affected by HIV and AIDS. AIDS Care Special Issue (in press)
64. Sherr, L; Yakubovich, A; Skeen, S; Cluver, L; Hensels, I; Macedo, A; Tomlinson, M (in press) How effective is help on the doorstep? A longitudinal study of the impact of community-based organisation support on child behaviour and mental health. PLOS One.
63. Kuo, C, Mtjuna, M, Mathews, C, Stein, D, Hoare, J, Beardslee, W, Operario, D, Cluver, L, Brown, L (in press) Developing family interventions for adolescent HIV-prevention in South Africa. AIDS Care.
62. Cluver, L, Hodes, R, Toska, E, Kidia, K, Orkin, M, Sherr, L, Meinck, F (2015). ‘HIV is like a tsotsi. ARVs are your guns’: Associations between HIV-disclosure and adherence to antiretroviral treatment among adolescents in South Africa. AIDS. 29. Suppl 1. S57-65. (IF 5.5)
61. Cluver, L, Orkin, M, Boyes, M, Sherr, L (2015). Child and adolescent suicide attempts, suicidal behavior and Adverse Childhood Experiences in South Africa: a prospective study. Journal of Adolescent Health. S1054-139X(15)00084-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.03.001. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 3.6)
60. Cluver, L, Hodes, R, Sherr, L, Orkin, M, Meinck, F, Lim ah Ken, P, Winder-Rossi, N, Wolfe, J, Vicari, M (2015). Social Protection: Potential for improving outcomes amongst adolescents. Journal of the International AIDS Society. (IF 3.2).
59. Pantelic, Mb, Shenderovich, Yb, Cluver, L & Boyes, Ma (2015) Predictors of internalised HIV-related stigma: A systematic review of studies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Health Psychology Review. Epub ahead of print. (IF 6.7)
58. Hudelson, C & Cluver, L (2015) Factors Associated With Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Adolescents Living in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. AIDS Care. Epub ahead of print. (IF 2.1).
57. Collishaw, S, Gardner, F, Aber, L, Cluver, L (2015) Predictors of mental health resilience in children who have been parentally bereaved by AIDS in urban South Africa. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. (IF 3.5).
56. Meinck, F, Cluver, L, Boyes, M (2015) Household illness, poverty and physical and emotional child abuse victimisation: Findings from South Africa's first prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health. (IF 2.3).
55. Meinck, F, Cluver, L, Boyes, M (in press) Longitudinal predictors of child sexual abuse in a large community based sample of South African youth. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (IF 1.2).
54. Boyes, Ma, Cluver, L (2015) Relationships Between Familial HIV/AIDS & Symptoms of Anxiety & Depression: The Mediating Effect of Bullying Victimization in a Prospective Sample of South African Children. Journal of Youth & Adolescence. 44: 847-859. (IF 2.3)
53. Skeen, S, Tomlinson, M, Ward, C, Cluver, L & Lachman, J (2015) Early intervention: a foundation for lifelong violence prevention. South African Crime Quarterly. 51, 5-7.
52. Toska, Eb, Cluver, L, Boyes, Ma, Pantelic, Mb & Kuo, C (2015). From “sugar daddies” to “sugar babies”: Quantitatively testing the pathway between inequitable sexual relationships, condom use, and adolescent pregnancy in South Africa. Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health. (IF 2.3)
51. Waller, R, Gardner, F, Maughan, B, Cluver, L, Boyes, M (2015) What are the risk factors for antisocial behavior among low-income youth in Cape Town? Social Development. (IF 1.4)
50. Casale, M; Cluver, L; Crankshaw, T, Kuo, C, Lachman, Jb, Wild, L. (in press). Direct and indirect effects of caregiver social support on child psychological outcomes in South Africa. American Journal of Community Psychology. (IF1.9)
49. Li, X, Chi, P, Sherr, L, Cluver, L and Stanton, B (2015) Psychological resilience among children affected by parental HIV/AIDS: a conceptual framework. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 3.1. 217-235
48. Becker, E, Kuo, C, Cluver, L, Operario, D & Moshabela, M (in press) Measuring child awareness for adult symptomatic HIV using a verbal assessment tool: Concordance between adult-child dyads on adult HIV symptoms. Sexually Transmitted Infections. (IF 3.1)
47. Lane, Tb, Cluver, L, Operario, D (in press) Young carers in South Africa: Tasks undertaken by children in households affected by HIV-infection & other illness. Vulnerable Children & Youth Studies. (journal awaiting IF)
46. Cluver, L, Orkin, M, Boyes, Ma, Sherr, L (2014) Cash plus care: social protection cumulatively mitigates HIV-risk behaviour among adolescents in South Africa. AIDS. S389-97. (IF 6.6).
45. Waller, R, Gardner, F, Cluver, L (2014). Shared & unique predictors of antisocial substance use behavior among a nationally representative sample of South African youth. Aggression & Violent Behavior (IF 2.1).
44. Sherr, L, Cluver, L, Desmond, C, Richter, L, Kellerman, S, Betancourt, T (2014). Evidence of impact: Health, psychological & social effects of adult HIV on children. AIDS. S251-9. (IF 6.6)
43. Anstey-Watkins, Jc, Sello, M, Cluver, L, Boyes, Ma, Kaplan, La (2014) At school I got myself a certificate": HIV/AIDS orphanhood and secondary education: A qualitative study of risk and protective factors. Global Social Welfare. Volume 1, (3) p111-121. (journal awaiting IF)
42. Boyes, Ma, Cluver, L, Bowes, L, Ward, C, Badock, N (2014) Bullying victimisation, internalising symptoms, and conduct problems in South African children adolescents: A longitudinal investigation. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 42(8):1313-24 (IF 3.2)
41. Pantelic, Mc, Cluver, L, Boyes, Ma, Toska, Ec, Kuo, C, Moshabela, M (2014) Medical pluralism predicts non-ART use among parents in need of ART: A community survey in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. AIDS and Behavior. Epub ahead of print. (IF 3.3)