St Giles Juniors
Temporary Staff Application Form Summer 2017
All sections must be completed in full. Please complete and return with a current CV to: for positions in the UK and for positions in the USA & Canada.
Please note that St Giles Juniors is not a sponsor for visa applicants. All applicants should hold citizenship or existing acceptable visa documentation or work permit for the country in which they are applying for work. In the UK, you can also be an EU citizen, or be a member of the EEA with free right to work in the UK. All applicants will be required to provide proof of this prior to the start of anyperiod of employment.
Personal Details:Surname: / Forename(s):
Position applied for:
Residential or non-residential position:
Please note that residential staff may be required to work at any residential location, particularly in the UK or in California. Staff may need to work in more than one location and this may be required at short notice at the beginning or end of summer contracts.
If applying for a non-residential position, please let us know which centre you are applying for:
Gender (M/F): / Nationality:
Permanent (year round postal) address:
Postcode: / Current address (if different):
Dates: From: To:
Main telephone (including code): / Alternative telephone (including code):
Email address: / Skype name:
Qualifications (incl. TEFL qualifications, A-Levels, Diplomas, Degrees, Coaching):
Name of Institution / Qualification/Subject / Awarding Body
Date of TEFL certificate (if applicable): / First Aid qualification: / Lifesaving qualification:
Expires: / Expires:
EFL Teaching Experience (if applicable, calculate up to June 2017):
Number of years teaching: / Adults: / Teenagers: / Children (12 and under):
UK, USA & Canada
Total number of years full-time (post-CELTA/Trinity TESOL) EFL teaching experience:
Employment History and Relevant Experience:
Please note that in order to process your application, your full employment history is required. Please explain/account for any gaps in employment. You may continue on an additional sheet if necessary. Please be aware that we may contact all previous employers to check references and employment history.
Name and address of previous employer: / Position held: / Main duties and responsibilities: / From: / To:
Do you have a full clean driving licence valid in the UK/US/CAN (depending on the country in which you are applying)? (Y/N):
Do you hold a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate (UK applicants),InfoCheckUSA report (US applicants), or MyBackCheck report (CAN applicants)? (Y/N):
If yes please give your date of birth, date and reference number:
Please give the names of two professional referees who can comment on your suitability to work with children. Please note that all references will be followed up. These referees should know you in a professional capacity and one of them should be your current or most recent employer. References from friends and family and from personal email addresses (e.g. yahoo and hotmail) are not acceptable.
Relationship to you:
Email: / Name:
Relationship to you:
For all posts: Please include details of experience of working with children and any positions of responsibility.
In addition, for academic posts: Briefly state what EFL courses you have taught, and what materials you have used.
For all posts, please indicate which of the following sports and activities you would be able to help organise and coach (C), teach (T) or would like to assist with (A). Please state if you have a relevant teaching qualification. Note: We provide full support and training for all activities and excursions.
Soccer / Treasure Hunts
Tennis / Karaoke
Badminton / Quizzes
Volleyball / Art and Craft
Basketball / Yoga
Table Tennis / Aerobics
Swimming / Drama
Sports Tournaments / Dance
Other (please specify) / Other (please specify)
Have you ever: YESNO
1. Been convicted of any offence against a child? □ □
2. Had a child removed from your care by the order of a court? □ □
3. Had a prohibition imposed on you at any time? □ □
4. Been disqualified from acting as a foster parent? □ □
5. Been proven negligent whilst supervising under 16s on□ □
activities/courses organised by any other organisation?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, please supply further details, including the dates and circumstances:
Section 70 (a) of the Children Act 1989 provides that a person who makes any statement in this notice or gives information which he/she knows to be false or misleading, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5.
St Giles will not unfairly discriminate against any applicant for employment on the basis of the existence of a criminal record. St Giles makes appointment decisions on the basis of merit and ability. Recruitment decisions are made in the first instance by the Director of Studies and decisions on criminal records are made independently of this by the Director of Juniors.
If you have a criminal record, please disclose this information to the Director of Juniors Marc Burgess by emailing him at . This information will be dealt with in confidence and will not be shared with third parties, except where there is a legal obligation on our part to do so. For full details of our policy on recruitment of ex-offenders, policy on recruitment and policy on Child Safeguarding please email Marc Burgess.
By signing this this application form, you confirm that you are suitable to work with children and young adults and to also confirm that all of the information given is accurate and true. If you are not able to sign it electronically, you will be asked to sign it on arrival at the centre. You also accept that any untrue or misleading information may result in the offer of employment being withdrawn or employment being terminated if already commenced.