Book Talk Assignment:
Book Talk Show and Tell
A book talk is an informal presentation in which you sell us on readinga book WITHOUT summarizing it in its entirety. Tell us just enough to get us thoroughly hooked. You do have to include, however, the important characters and the essence of the book. In one sentence, what is the book about? What is the central question the author --or main character(s) -- grapples with in the book? For what kind of audience was the author writing? Your book talk must include a short enticing reading from the book—no more than 2 minutes’ worth. Choose text that would help your audience get a feel for whether or not they would like to read the book.
If you are struggling with ways to present your book without summarizing the plot, try to fit your book talk into the following framework:
Somebody Wanted / But / ThenName a character and whathe or she desires. (You can discuss morethan one character.) / What happens that interfereswith the character’s attemptsto get what he/she wants? / What’s the result?Does the charactersucceed or not? Note: Don’t give away the ending.
Practice your presentation a few times before you present. Time yourself.
Use note-cards or an outline. This will prevent nerves.
Students can pre-record a book-talk and upload it to All other requirements are the same. Search “book talks” or “book trailers” on for examples
Each book talk is worth 75 points.
Content (45 points)
_____Audience gets good sense for the book’s theme, major issues, and basic plot elements (15)
_____The presenter(s) names the title and author and showsthe book (5)
_____Selected reading appropriatelyshowcasestheme, characters, or issues. The presenter(s) indicate the reason they selected this reading. (15)
_____Presenter includes his/her opinion of the book and justifies it (10)
Presentation (30 points)
_____Volume/Presence (no gum chewing, nervous movements, etc) (5)
_____Eye Contact with Audience (5)
_____Inflection/Expression in reading and overall presentation (10)
_____Effective use of time (10)
Book Talk Assignment:
Book Talk Show and Tell