Postal AddressBuilding and Plumbing ServicesInternet
PO Box 159Ph: 07 3205 0555
Caboolture QLD
Fees listed are applicable 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019 ABN:92 967 232 136
Applicant details:
Company name (if applicable):Mr Mrs Ms Miss
Given name/s: / Surname:Postal address:
Home number: / Mobile phone: / Work/Business phone:
Note: Contact numbers which you provide may be used to update council’s records.
Property owner details: (if the same as applicant write ‘as above’)
Name:Postal address:
Home number: / Mobile phone: / Work phone:
Note: Contact numbers which you provide may be used to update council’s records.
Signature:Subject property information:
Street address:Real property description: / Lot: / Plan:
Type of temporary accommodation: Garage Shed Caravan Other:
Proposed sanitary facilities and effluent disposal details:
Number of proposed residents in temporary accommodation:Proposed period of occupancy From: / To:
Supporting information required to be submitted with this application:
Application fee of $488.00
Details of the site plan showing the location of the proposed temporary home to an acceptable scalee.g. (1:100) including plans and specifications of the proposed temporary home where applicable
A copy of the building approval for the temporary dwelling where applicable
Details of the water supply source, sanitary facilities and effluent disposal
A copy of the building approval for the permanent residence, together with the expected date of completion
Written assurance from the lending authority that sufficient funds are available to the applicant for the completion of the permanent residence
Customer summary:
I acknowledge the information provided in this application is, to my knowledge not false or misleading.
Signature: / Date:Office use only
CSO:______Application number:______
Receipt number:______Amount:______Date:______
Privacy statement
Moreton Bay Regional Council is collecting your personal information for the purpose of assessing your application. The collection of this information is authorised under the Building Act 1975 and the Planning Act 2016.
All approvals will be subject to the following conditions:
- The minimum lot size for temporary accommodation must be 3,000 square metres or greater
- The temporary home must not be occupied as a permanent place of residence or for an indefinite period
- The applicant proposes, within the period for which the approval is granted:
- to erect, or convert an existing structure into a permanent residence; or
- to carry out building work on a permanent residence that will make the residence temporarily unfit for occupation as a place of residence
- The approval ends when the term of the approval ends; or the permanent residence or proposed permanent residence becomes fit for occupation.
- The temporary home must be kept in good order and repair and not become the source of valid complaint to the local government
- The area surrounding a temporary home must be maintained in accordance with the visual amenity of surrounding homes
- Upon expiration, cancellation or surrender of the approval, the temporary home must be altered,dismantled or removed to render the temporary dwelling no longer habitable
- A temporary home must not be used without a current approval
- A temporary home must be of a size adequate and suitable for the proposed use
- A temporary home must be compliant with the provisions of the Building Act 1975, including all relevant fire safety provisions
- A temporary home must be located at least 1.5 metres from any property boundary
- The number of people approved to occupy the temporary home must not be exceeded approved ablution facilities at the ratio of 1 hand wash basin, 1 shower or bath and 1 toilet to each 8 people housed in the temporary home
- The provision of suitable laundry facilities to the satisfaction of the authorised person. e.g. at least twenty-fivelinear metres of clothes drying space
- The provision of internal kitchen, food storage and preparation facilities of a standard to the satisfaction of an authorised person
- An approved supply of potable water is to be provided to the temporary home
- All effluent is to be disposed of to the reticulated sewer system, or an on –site sewerage facility (OSSF)
- A standard domestic refuse service must be provided for the disposal of household waste, otherwisethe refuse is to be stored and removed from the property on a weekly basis in a manner approved by an authorised person
- A certificate of compliance for all plumbing works, must be obtained prior to occupation
- A certificate of compliance with AS 3000 for all electrical installations must be obtained prior to occupation.
Payment options:
Payment can be made in person by debit/credit card, cheque/money order or cash at a Customer Service Centre:
Caboolture: 2 Hasking Street, Caboolture
Strathpine: 220 Gympie Road, Strathpine
Redcliffe: Irene Street, Redcliffe
Or, please return this form by mail with cheque/money order made payable to Moreton Bay Regional Council.
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