As some of you know I belong to the DC Stop Modern Slavery group which raises awareness about the issues of human trafficking in the WashingtonDC area as well as on an international level. This is an issue I've been passionate about for several years.Last year, I traveled to Pignon, Haitiwith my church to evangelize/minister to the people of Haiti. We were able to visit the local hospital, orphanages, and schools in order to become more familiar with their plight and how we could help them in the future. Although I was very familiar with the trafficking of children (Restavek’s) from the rural areas of Haiti, such as Pignon, to Port-au-Prince or other cities, I was unable to explore that further.

Upon my return from Haiti I was looking for more outreach/mission experiences that focused on human trafficking. I discovered World Hope International and realized that their mission/goals were in line with what I hope to accomplish.

World Hope International’s (WHI) work and mission.

World Hope International is a faith-based relief and development organization operating in 25 countries. The organization was established in 1996 to alleviate suffering and injustice through education, enterprise and community health programs. With a focus on local leadership and staff, WHI is engaging poverty, disease, exploitation, and natural disasters with opportunity, dignity and hope.

On May 15-24, I plan to travel with 9 other women to Cambodia to understand the issue of sex trafficking and learn how trafficking and the Civil War have impacted the nation of Cambodia. We will visit the WorldHopeAssessmentCenter for girls rescued from prostitution and slavery, see sites of the Civil War and meet with representatives from partner organizations on the issue of human trafficking. We’ll also be able to hear from the director of a coalition of faith based organizations working in Cambodia and participate in crafts-based activities that promote the health and well-being of rescued children. Lastly, we’ll be able to purchase and deliver school supplies to children and teach them games and crafts sponsored by World Hope International. After reading The Road of Loss Innocence by Somaly Mam, which highlighted the author’s personal experience as a victim of sex trafficking and how she survived, I especially look forward to seeing the work that is being done there.

In order for me to travel to Cambodia, I’ll need your prayers and financial support as soon as possible so I can assess what additional funds that I’ll need. The cost of the trip is$1,125 due by April 1st. All donations given to World Hope International on your behalf are tax deductible and can be given using two methods: by check or by credit/debit card charge online. Please see the following page on “Instructions for Donation Methods”.


Deanna McPherson

Donation Methods

for Hope Corps Volunteers

You may make contributions to my trip in 2 ways:

  1. By check made out to World Hope International with the assigned constituent number and Hope Corps trip number written on the memo line.My Constituent Number (individual World Hope account number) is CT10011030 and the team number T1244.
  2. These should be sent to World Hope at:

World Hope International

P.O. Box 96338

Washington, DC20090-6338

  1. By credit/debit card online. Please follow these instructions:


b.Click on the “Donate Now” button on the lower right side of the screen.

c.Scroll down until you see the Gift Designation section.

d.Click the “Hope Corps” link in the pink area. This opens a new window.

e.Enter the amount of your donation on the first line.

f.Choose “one-time gift” or “recurring monthly gift.”

g.Enter the Volunteer Name, Volunteer Constituent Number, & Hope Corps Volunteer/Team Number on the next line. If the donation is to be split between multiple members on a team, be sure to note each constituent number and amount to be received by each.

h.My Constituent Number (individual World Hope account number) is CT10011030 and the team number T1244.

i.Click the “Make Your Donation Now” button in the middle of the screen.

j.Click “Make Donation” button to complete the transaction or click “Continuing Donating” to give to another World Hope International project.

k.Complete the transaction.