AP Psychology Syllabus

Social Science Department

Mrs. Renfeldt- AP PSYCHOLOGY

Summer Reading Assignment (2015-2016)

*** Note of Disclosure: I believe an education is one where the teacher teaches various ideas, topics, assumptions and multiple points of view. In no way do the discussions, topics, or points of view on sensitive subjects brought up in class reflect my opinions, thoughts or point of view. ***

AP Psychology Reading List-

** Please be aware that a few of the books below do address sensitive material such as child abuse/ neglect/Rape. Be sure to read a synopsis of the book prior to purchase/ reading so that you can best find a book that meets your interests. Do not read a book that does not interest you and/or may have material that you may find unpleasant to read.

Wurtzel, Elizabeth - Prozac Nation

Wells, Jeanette- The Glass Castle

Vine, Robert-Broken Glass

Sacks, Oliver - The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat

Skinner, B.F. Walden - Two: Beyond Freedom and Dignity

Shaller, Susan - A Man Without Words

Seligman, Martin - The Optimistic Child

Schiller, Lori- The Quiet Room

Schreiber, Flora R. – Sybil

Rapoport, Judith -The Boy Who Couldn’t Stop Washing

O’Neil, Cherry Boone - Starving for Attention

Nasar, Sylvia – A Beautiful Mind

Keyes, Daniel – Flowers for Algernon

Hosseini Khaled- The Kite Runner

Gladwell, Malcom- Blink

Gibson, William - The Miracle Worker

Gardener, Howard - Creating Minds

Frankl, Victor- Man’s Search For Meaning

Fast, Julius - Body Language

Earley, Pete- Crazy: A Father’s Search Through America’s Mental Health Madness

Crichton, Michael - The Terminal Man

Buscaglia, Leo - Living Learning and Loving

Baron, Naomi- Growing Up With Language

Axline, Virginia- Dibs: In Search of Self

Summer Reading & Writing Assignment: Choose 1 book from the AP Psychology Reading List. Due the 2ND day of class

  1. You are responsible for reading 1 book and writing a 2-3 page (double spaced, 1 inch margins) book review for your book of choice.
  2. Book Review will include the following:
  3. Summarize the book, setting, characters, plot, key events,What psychological concepts/topics are discussed in this book (example- character has schizophrenia, depression, personality disorder….) and how is it portrayed in your book. (Do not use spark notes or Wikipedia I will check)- 1 page
  4. Your review: What did you think of the book? What did you find interesting? What did you learn from the book? What is some of the topics addressed in your book that you would like to discuss? Would you recommend this book to someone else (why or why not? explain..)