Mr. Carson / Classroom Policies and Procedures
1. Follow instructions and raise your hand to be called on.
2. Have respect for yourself, classmates, equipment, classroom and teacher.
3. Be prepared for class and ready to participate.
4. Do not speak when others are speaking, wait to be called on, pay attention to volume.
5. No horseplay, roughhousing or dangerous activity.
6. Turn off cell phones before entering the classroom.
Entering the classroom: Please begin working on the assignment as soon as you enter the classroom, since you will have a limited amount of time to complete it. Continue to work on the assignment from the previous day or check the board for new instructions. These assignments will be checked regularly for completion.
Exiting the classroom: You will be instructed to clean up your designated area approximately 5 minutes before the end of the period. Your area must be cleaned before you leave class. Failure to clean up your area will result in a loss of participation points and/or loss of privileges for future use.
Tardy Policy: You are expected to be on time to class. Failure to arrive on time results in you spending the period in the tardy room (old gym).
Restroom Privileges: Our school policy states that everyone is to remain in the classroom the first 10 and last 10 minutes of each class. You will not be allowed to use the restroom during lectures, critiques or tests unless it is an emergency.
Absentee Policy: The school policy is one make up day for each day absent when an excuse note is submitted. You are required to make up all work missed as a result of the absence, regardless of reason or length of time. It is your responsibility to get the make-up work upon your return to class. Unexcused absences are not given equal make-up days.
Cellphone Policy:Electronic devices are to be off and out of sight, except for BYOT days.
Turing in Work: Due dates will be placed on the board for each assignment. You will receive individual grades for workbooks, preliminary planning, critiques, participation, and artwork.
Late Work:Workbooks will lose 9% per day up to one week and then it is a zero. Artwork will lose 4 percent per day. All late work must be placed directly on my desk.
11th to 12th Grade IB will follow 5 step research document policies.
Inappropriate Behavior: Any student who refuses to follow the classroom policies and procedures and interferes with our learning atmosphere will be given the following consequences- 1st offense: Verbal Warning, 2nd Offense: Parent contact, 3rd Offense: Referral
Grade Retake: Each 9 week grading period, students have the opportunity to retake one summative assessment. In order to do so the student must seek prior approval from the teacher and complete the retake before the 9 week grading period is over.
Attendance/Participation Grades: Each week students will be given an Attendance/Participation grade (school weeks that consists of 4 or more school days). The grade will be based on 2 points per day (5 days in a week is 10 points). Full credit is based on being on time, present, and working throughout class. The week with the lowest points will be dropped at the end of each grading period. This includes excused and unexcused absences.
Final Grade Override: A teacher may override the final grade if a student’s overall performance warrants it. Before the grade override is finalized, the teacher must notify the parent/guardian concerning the student’s performance if the override may result in a lower final grade. The teacher may issue a failing grade override based on the student’s overall performance only with the approval of the principal.
Contacting Me: Students who need additional help are encouraged to attend open studio after school on Wednesday. Times will be placed on the board due to changing schedules.
Email address:
Students: You signature on the sign in sheet confirms that we have reviewed the Policies and Procedures, you understand them and know that you or your parents can review the document at anytime through the schools webpage.
DeLand High School
Course Syllabus - Mr. Carson
Pre-IB I Photo and Photo I
Textbooks Used:Focus on Photography by H. Joyner and The Visual Experience by J. Hobbs
Materials Needed: I will send home a detailed list of supplies necessary for photography.
The most important item that the students need immediately is an Unlined Hardbound Journal for research (sketchbook) 8 ½ x 11 ½ - (Available from me for $10 or at a variety of art and craft stores and bookstores).
Here are supplies that will be needed later in the year. I am providing them here online so if a student forgets the exact description they can reference this page at any time.
When buying film to develop in school purchase non C-4135mm negative Print Film (b&w process only)- Do not buy C-41 Process! An ISO from 100 to 400 is fine (but 200 to 400 is easier to use).
Resin Coated (RC) Photo Paper- Multigrade (MG) Paper (glossy or satin).Do Not open this in lighted environments and Do Not buy fiber based paper!
Course Objectives: Students will be introduced to the formal elements and principles of design which are the foundation for every visual artwork ever created. They will also be introduced to the photo chemistry process, history of photography, careers in photography, camera operation, and the safety and use of the darkroom.
Major Topics and Projects:Understanding and using each of the Elements and Principles of design, written and oral critique process, the history of art and photography, the entire black and white photo process from developing film to creating enlargements in the darkroom, an understanding of cameras and their functions from basic pinhole cameras to present day digital cameras and techniques, and a study of the many ways art influences daily life.
Methods of Assessment:
Formative Assessments: Quizzes, contact sheets, research, planning, written/oral critiques, and participation.
Summative Assessments: Tests, photo enlargements/final prints, written/oral critiques.
Make-Up Work Policy: Please refer to the school’s policy as found in the Student Handbook.
DeLand High School
Course Syllabus - Mr. Carson
Pre-IB II Photo and Photo II
Textbooks Used:Focus on Photography by H. Joyner and The Visual Experience by J. Hobbs
Materials Needed: I will send home a detailed list of supplies necessary for photography.
The most important item that the students need immediately is an Unlined Hardbound Journal for research (sketchbook) 8 ½ x 11 ½ - (Available from me for $10 or at a variety of art and craft stores and bookstores).
Here are supplies that will be needed later in the year. I am providing them here online so if a student forgets the exact description they can reference this page at any time.
When buying film to develop in school purchase 35mm negative Print Film (b&w process only)- Do not buy C-41 Process! An ISO from 100 to 400 is fine (but 200 to 400 is easier to use).
Resin Coated (RC) Photo Paper- Multigrade (MG) Paper (glossy or satin). Do Not open this in lighted environments and Do Not buy fiber based paper!
Course Objectives: Pre IB II students will already have a basic understanding of the formal elements and principles of design, the photo chemistry process, history of photography, camera operation, and the safety and use of the darkroom. Pre IB II will focus on specific media and techniques that are more advanced for the students to perfect their skills, have a better understanding of camera operation, and understand how precise techniques and media create a direct message to the viewer.
Major Topics and Projects:Refine specific uses of the Elements and Principles of design to create a direct message to the viewer, complete written and oral critiquesthat can inform the reader of their entire thought process from start to finish showing the influence of research, the history of art and photography, black and white photo process with alternative techniques, creating enlargements in the darkroom, an understanding of cameras and their functions, and a study of the many ways art influences daily life.
Methods of Assessment:
Formative Assessments: Quizzes, contact sheets, research, planning, written/oral critiques, and participation.
Summative Assessments: Tests, photo enlargements/final prints, written/oral critiques.
Make-Up Work Policy: Please refer to the school’s policy as found in the Student Handbook.
DeLand High School
Course Syllabus - Mr. Carson
IB PHOTO(11th and 12th grade)
Textbooks Used: No specific textbooks will be used, but the students will have to reference a variety of resources for research purposes.
Materials Needed: I will send home a detailed list of supplies necessary for photography.
The most important item that the students need immediately is an Unlined Hardbound Journal for research (sketchbook) 8 ½ x 11 ½ - (Available from me for $10 or at a variety of art and craft stores and bookstores).
Here are supplies that will be needed later in the year. I am providing them here online so if a student forgets the exact description they can reference this page at any time.
When buying film to develop in school purchase 35mm negative Print Film (b&w process only)- Do not buy C-41 Process! An ISO from 100 to 400 is fine (but 200 to 400 is easier to use).
Resin Coated (RC) Photo Paper- Multigrade (MG) Paper (glossy or satin). Do Not open this in lighted environments and Do Not buy fiber based paper!
Course Objectives: The goal of an International Baccalaureate Visual Arts Program is for the student to have an international understanding of artistic expression, and to develop a personal style that respects and demonstrates the shared heritage of world cultures. This personal style otherwise known as an area of concentration is based on a theme that the students concentrate on over a two year period. While it is encouraged that the student uses various media and techniques, there is an underlying connection between the majority of their work. In this way the IB program encourages focus, development, and exploration at the same time. An IB student demonstrates growth and commitment to the study of art, through Research Work Books as well as the studio works. The research allows students to develop a critical and intensely personal view of themselves in relation to the world, promote intercultural understanding and respect, learn about art history and artists, and develop well defined goals and planning before the completion of a studio work. At the conclusion of the student senior year they will have completed at least one full research workbook and 18 studio works to be presented for IB testing.
Major Topics and Projects:All of the projects in a student’s junior and senior year will be independently led assignments that have a focus on social, political, and/or cultural events along with a connection to independently chosen research and personal ideas (as stated by the IB curriculum). While the projects are independently led by the student’s, they are to document and discuss each stage of their progress with me for one on one time specifically focused to their assignment.
Methods of Assessment:
Formative Assessments: Quizzes, contact sheets, research, planning, written/oral critiques, and participation.
Summative Assessments: Tests, photo enlargements/final prints, written/oral critiques.
Make-Up Work Policy: Please refer to the school’s policy as found in the Student Handbook.
DeLand High School
Course Syllabus - Mr. Carson
IBART (11th and 12th grade)
Textbooks Used: No specific textbooks will be used, but the students will have to reference a variety of resources for research purposes.
Materials Needed:Unlined Hardbound Sketchbook 8 ½ x 11 ½ - (Available from me for $10 or at a variety of art and craft stores and bookstores).
I ask for a “Donation” and then let the students have an unlimited access to any and all materials. There are some instances where students might want to purchase individual supplies that are not available here at school.
Course Objectives: The goal of an International Baccalaureate Visual Arts Program is for the student to have an international understanding of artistic expression, and to develop a personal style that respects and demonstrates the shared heritage of world cultures. This personal style otherwise known as an area of concentration is based on a theme that the students concentrate on over a two year period. While it is encouraged that the student uses various media and techniques, there is an underlying connection between the majority of their work. In this way the IB program encourages focus, development, and exploration at the same time. An IB student demonstrates growth and commitment to the study of art, through Research Work Books as well as the studio works. The research allows students to develop a critical and intensely personal view of themselves in relation to the world, promote intercultural understanding and respect, learn about art history and artists, and develop well defined goals and planning before the completion of a studio work. At the conclusion of the student senior year they will have completed at least one full research workbook and 18 studio works to be presented for IB testing.
Major Topics and Projects: All of the projects in a student’s junior and senior year will be independently led assignments that have a focus on social, political, and/or cultural events along with a connection to independently chosen research and personal ideas (as stated by the IB curriculum). While the projects are independently led by the student’s, they are to document and discuss each stage of their progress with me for one on one time specifically focused to their assignment.
Methods of Assessment:
Formative Assessments: Quizzes, contact sheets, research, planning, written/oral critiques, and participation.
Summative Assessments: Tests, photo enlargements/final prints, written/oral critiques.
Make-Up Work Policy: Please refer to the school’s policy as found in the Student Handbook.
DeLand High School
Course Syllabus – Mr. Carson
Pre-IB I Art/Photo and Art 1
Textbooks Used:The Visual Experience by J. Hobbs
Materials Needed: Unlined Hardbound Sketchbook 8 ½ x 11 ½ - (Available from me for $10 or at a variety of art and craft stores and bookstores).
I ask for a “Donation” and then let the students have an unlimited access to any and all materials. There are some instances where students might want to purchase individual supplies that are not available here at school.
Course Objectives: Students will understand how to use the formal elements of principles of design themselves and how other artists use them, composition, the oral and written critique process, the history of art and how it has influenced social and political issues, careers in the visual arts, and how the visual arts are a part of everyday life.
Major Topics and Projects: Understanding and using each of the Elements and Principles of design, the written and oral critique process, the history of art, art careers, how to properly research and interpret what the research means in relation to social, political, and cultural issues, as well as drawing, painting, and mixed media processes, techniques, and media. Some examples of the art studio projects are acrylic paintings focusing on realism, drawing from direct observation, understanding perspective, and creating self portraits.
Methods of Assessment:
Formative Assessments: Quizzes, contact sheets, research, planning, written/oral critiques, and participation.
Summative Assessments: Tests, photo enlargements/final prints, written/oral critiques.
Make-Up Work Policy: Please refer to the school’s policy as found in the Student Handbook.
DeLand High School
Course Syllabus – Mr. Carson
Pre-IB IIArt
Textbooks Used:The Visual Experience by J. Hobbs
Materials Needed: Unlined Hardbound Sketchbook 8 ½ x 11 ½ - (Available from me for $10 or at a variety of art and craft stores and bookstores).
I ask for a “Donation” and then let the students have an unlimited access to any and all materials. There are some instances where students might want to purchase individual supplies that are not available here at school.
Course Objectives: Pre IB II students will already have a basic understanding of the formal elements and principles of design, composition, the oral and written critique process, and the history of art and how it has influenced social and political issues. Pre IB II will focus on specific media and techniques that are more advanced for the students to perfect their skills, and understand how precise techniques and media create a direct message to the viewer.
Major Topics and Projects:Refine specific uses of the Elements and Principles of design to create a direct message to the viewer, complete written and oral critiques that can inform the reader of their entire thought process from start to finish showing the influence of research, incorporate the history of art, document in research how art plays a role in social, political, cultural, and personal issues.