Templates to assist with
Sustainable School Design and Construction

EcoMasterplans are designed to reduce the environmental footprint of a campus, increase student connection to nature and to prepare for climate change and population impacts.

As a case study, Footscray Primary School has many lessons to share with other schools.
These templates are a guide only and are not designed to replace your own contract procedures.

Templates for All

The following templates and checklists are available for download and use:

  1. Parent Skills:It is helpful to draw advice and help from people within your school community when developing an EcoMasterplan. Adapt our template questionnaire to call for Involvement and advice.
  2. Feature Site Survey: To best understand how water flows across the school, its important to know contours, pits, downpipe locations and more. We have developed a template Feature Site Survey request for quote (RFQ)to help you on your way.
  3. School Water Balance: The water balancewill help work out where you most need (and can save) water. Use theschool water balance RFQ template. And check out thesewater balance and WSUD options examples.
    Or for a simpler approach, just find ways to connect tanks to toilets and allow rain to run into garden areas.
  4. iTree Assessment:Gone are the days of not valuing our trees for all the benefits they provide. Use the iTree Eco Assessment RFQ templateto put a value on the trees at your school. Check out this example iTree report.

  1. EcoMasterplan: EcoMasterplans are an evolving concept as we increasingly link new research and sustainability goals to our urban land development. Use our EcoMasterplan RFQ template to get underway. For more detailed design, you may like to use our Nature Play RFQ template or Roofgarden RFQ template.
  2. Shared Use Agreement:Example of Agreement between Local Government and School.
  3. In Ground Works: If building raingardens, swales and wetlands you will need soil contamination assessment and detailed construction drawings. After you have these, then you are ready to construct and can use theRaingarden Construction RFQ template to find a good contractor. Use this Water Saving (Plumber) RFQ template to start your water saving works.
  4. Monitoring and Maintenance: Be sure to use the Schools Water Efficiency Program (SWEP) for an easy way to monitor and learn about your water use.
  5. Information Sharing:Here is some examplesignage.
  6. Environment in Curriculum: Take advantage of having great examples of urban water management outside the classroom door by drawing upon these School as a Catchment sample lesson sequences.

Insert School Name

Parent Questionnaire

Can you help us from time to time?

Insert School Name values the involvement and help from the parents and families of our students.

This helps us draw on great local skills, and also gives the children a valuable connection between school and family.

We would love to hear from you if you skills that we can use and learn from.

Don’t worry we are not asking for a big time commitment, but would certainly love to ask for your advice from time to time.

These questions are merely prompts. Please fill in anything that you are happy for the school to ask for your assistance on.

No / Area of Interest / Skills, knowledge, resources, interests…
Please let us know if you can help or give advice
Eg: design, construction, horticulture, vegetable growing, farming, soils etc
As an example, the school hopes to do more landscaping works. Can you help with design or planting?
Eg: carpentry, handyman, plumbing, electrician, welding, architecture, planning, building, operations, utilities, facilities management, heritage protection, engineering etc.
As an example, the school maintains its buildings, and construct new works (such as sheds and pergolas). Can you help with design, advice or building works?
Eg: traffic management, active transport, transport planning and design, cycling, driving, mechanic etc
As an example, the school needs traffic plans, and promoting active, safe student activities. Can you help with the design, advocacy, education and implementation of sustainable transport activities?
Eg: greenhouse, water, recycling, ecology
As an example, the school wants to make its ground more sustainable, and welcomes guest speakers in class. Can you help with design, activities, education and monitoring?
Health and Wellbeing
Eg: care and wellbeing expertise in public health, medicine, physical education, therapy, social work, policy, education and community action.
As an example, the school continues to develop its active health policy and program. Can you provide advice, input, and program ideas? Can you speak at a class?
Community Development
Eg: local engagement, capacity building, connection to other communities, neighbourhood wellbeing
As an example, the school can better link with neighbours and community groups to provide better use and care for facilities, and more connections for student programs.
Arts, Craft, Music, Performance
Eg: visual arts, craft, sewing, woodwork, metalwork, drafting, storytelling, drama, circus skills, music, singing, dancing, debating, cooking, hobbies (stamps, model trains, collectibles etc)
As an example, the school welcomes artistic skills for use around the school grounds, and holds fun lunchtime activities for students. Can you help?
International Culture
Eg: traditions, stories, language, dance, rituals, sports, food, translation skills, etc.
As an example, the school may hold a community fundraising event – can you help by cooking food from different countries, bringing traditional items from other cultures, or holding traditional ceremonies such as Ethiopian coffee ceremony or greek dancing? Can you come to class to talk about your ‘home’ country?
Eg: promotions, media, fundraising, copy writing, graphic design, website design, social media, typing, layout
As an example, can you help the school increase its communications to parents and wider community?
Website Management
Eg: website layout, content and features
As an example, the school is seeking to increase the use of its website for sharing and gathering information. Can you help with ideas and guidance?
Eg: finance, accounting, business planning, law, staffing, human resources, public reporting
As an example, the school may seek partnerships with local business owners, Do you own a local business? Do you have skills from working for large or small business?
For all other skills and knowledge we have missed.

Thank you for letting us know your skills and interest. And remember, its okay if you don’t yet have skills to offer, but would like to learn or gain experience. Some parents have even managed to build school parent activities into their extra-curricular study requirements.

Please provide your contact details

Your name/s: / Your child’s names:
Phone number: / Email address/es:
Are you happy for the details in this form to be shared where necessary within the school community? The information will not be displayed, only passed on as relevant. / Yes / No

Insert School Name

Request for Quote – Feature and Level Survey of School Grounds

Insert Date

Due date for quote: insert date

Submit electronically via insert school email address


Insert school nameis undertaking a water balance across the school to investigate opportunities to capture rainwater from roofs and stormwater from ground surfaces. These sources of water will be used to flush toilets (rainwater) and to support greater vegetation growth across the school via passive irrigation (stormwater).

A feature and level survey of school grounds is needed to assist in future design plans for water sensitive urban design at the school. This can include options such as future raingardens, wetlands, swales and lawn buffer areas.

Project Brief

A consultant is required to undertake a feature and level survey of school grounds, including:

1)Survey the site and locate all the buildings, significant trees, rainwater tanks, fences and fixed structures

2)Provide contour levels to Australian Height Datum over the site and to the nearest kerb line.

3)Locate all onsite utility services with special emphasis on downpipes and invert levels.

4)Provide one electronic copy and one A2 hard copy of the plan

5)Provide all raw data electronically to enable the school to use in future when an updated survey is required.

Timeframe for Works

Insert date– Consultant appointed.

Insert date (2-4 weeks later)– Draft survey provided (project manager at school to advise within three working days all requirements of the contract have been met.

Insert date (1 week later)– Final survey provided with invoice for works.

Fee Proposal

All fee proposals are to be presented GST exclusive (and show the applicable GST).

Fee proposal is to specify total amount payable and hourly rate.

Payment Schedule

Payment will be made in full upon completion of final draft survey.

Assessment Criteria

No. / Knowledge / Skills / Weighting
1 / Experience and Skills / Experience in similar projects
Example of quality of work / 30
2 / Timeliness / Availability to undertake the works / 20
3 / Value for money / Total cost. Hourly rate. Quality of work. / 40

Management of the Consultancy

The project manager for this project is insert school contact name and details here.

Insert School Name

Request for Quote – School Water Balance and WSUD Options

Insert Date

Due date for quote: insert date

Submit electronically via insert school email address

Project Aim

The aim of the project is to identify opportunities to plan future water sensitive urban design (WSUD) projects that will meet best practice in stormwater pollutant removal as well as increase liveability by providing more vegetation, reducing the heat island effect also protecting urban ecology, local waterways and the bay.

Insert school nameis seeking to reduce potable water use on the site, maximise stormwater harvesting to support increased vegetation throughout the schoolgrounds. Ideally, the School would like to aim for zero untreated stormwater leaving the site as a way of helping to protect downstream waterways.

The opportunities should consider an integrated water management approach including stormwater, greywater, rainwater, and potable mains drinking water. They should also consider the risks of the different options available, including risks to public health, the environment and financial risks.

Project Brief

Insert school nameis seeking submissions from suitable consultants to:

  1. prepare a water balance for the school site
  2. set out potential WSUD options for consideration in future site ecomasterplanning.

A consultant is required to undertake a school water balance that will determine:

6)The total stormwater catchment of the site

7)Description of how stormwater and rainwater flows of across the site

8)Opportunities to harvest the stormwater, and opportunities for reuse

9)Opportunities to harvest rainwater, and opportunities for use

10)Opportunities for ‘trickle streams’, ponds, wetlands, raingardens, greater vegetation etc

11)General cost estimates and maintenance requirements for different options.

The consultant is to supply a brief report electronically containing all plans, reports, maps, images (in both PDF & native formats for editing).

Timeframe for Works

Insert date– Consultant appointed.

Insert date (4-6 weeks later)– Draft report provided. School must provide feedback within 1 week.

Insert date (2 weeks later)– Final report provided.

Fee Proposal

All fee proposals are to be presented GST exclusive (and show the applicable GST).

Fee proposal is to specify total amount payable and hourly rate.

The School has $8000 available for this study. Quotes are to identify how it can deliver the above brief within this budget, and to itemize the quote into (a) existing water balance (b) two or three WSUD options (c) brief report.

Payment Schedule

Milestone 1: Submission of Draft Report.70% payment

Milestone 2: Submission of Final Report.30% payment

Assessment Criteria

No. / Knowledge / Skills / Weighting
1 / Experience and Skills / Experience of staff in similar projects
Example of quality of work / 30
2 / Methodology / Approach described demonstrates rigour and applicability to school circumstances. / 30
3 / Timeliness / Availability to undertake the works / 10
4 / Value for money / Total cost. Hourly rate. Quality of work. / 30

Supporting Information

A detailed feature and level site survey of the school grounds is provided.

Management of the Consultancy

The project manager for this project is insert school contact name and details here.

Insert School Name

Request for Quote – School iTree Eco Assessment

Insert Date

Due date for quote: insert date

Submit electronically via insert school email address

[Notes: To fill out this brief, you will need to know approximately how many trees you have at the school (to the nearest 20 is fine). We suggest you count them onsite, or by aerial photograph. Do not count any trees less than head height.

As an indicative ballpark costs, it is likely that this report could cost approximately $3,500 for 100 trees, maybe $5000 for 200. Please delete these notes prior to sending out this request for quote (rfq)]


Insert school nameis investigating opportunities to enhance vegetation within and adjacent to our grounds as a way to provide environmental, social and economic benefits for our school. These benefits include greater nature play and learning for children, greater habitat for biodiversity, shading to reduce heat and sun exposure, reduction in air and water pollution, and amenity improvements.

The School seeks to recognise the true value of the trees as an asset. This will assist in ensuring their ongoing care and protection. It will also help the School to develop a business case for additional planting and maintenance of trees.

This contract will establish the School’s baseline iTree Eco assessment for existing trees.

i-Tree Eco provides dollar values for our urban forests. It estimates:

  • urban forest structure including species composition, number of trees, tree density, and tree health
  • amount of air pollution removed by the urban forest
  • amount of volatile organic compounds created by the urban forest
  • total carbon stored and sequestered in the urban forest
  • effects of trees on building heating and cooling energy use, and its effect in turn on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants
  • Compensatory value for the urban forest

Project Brief

A consultant is required to undertake an iTree Eco assessment of existing significant vegetation at insert school name:

12)Collect required tree data for each tree on school grounds (and adjoining naturestrips).
All trees with a height greater than 2 metres and a trunk diameter greater than 5cm are to be included. A complete inventory approach is to be applied as defined in the latest iTree Eco Users Manual.

13)Develop an iTree Eco Summary Report for the school that provides an interpretation of the tree data.

The consultant is to supply a iTree Eco Summary Report electronically pdf and word form. All tree data in is to be set out in an access database and provided electronically to the School.

Timeframe for Works

Insert date– Consultant appointed.

Insert date (4-5 weeks later)– Draft report provided (project manager at school to advise within three working days whether all requirements of the contract have been met or whether changes are required).

Insert date (1 week later)– Final report and data sets provided with invoice for works.

Fee Proposal

The fee proposal is to be itemised into delivery components as much as possible. This will enable flexibility for the School to defer or delete some components in the event that the fee proposal exceeds the budget allocated for this project.

All fee proposals are to be presented GST exclusive (and show the applicable GST).

Fee proposal is to specify total amount payable and hourly rate.

Payment Schedule

Payment will be made in full upon completion of final data collection and School iTree Eco Summary Report.

Assessment Criteria

No. / Knowledge / Skills / Weighting
1 / Tree and iTree Knowledge / Experience of staff in iTree Eco projects
Aboricultural skills for specialist tree knowledge / 35
2 / Methodology / Data collection, analysis and interpretation
Timeframe for delivery / 15
3 / Report Writing / Ability to write clear and simple reports and diagrams drawing out key results. / 10
4 / Value for money / Cost per quality of proposed works. / 40

Supporting Information

An example of the summary report is the Footscray Primary School iTree Eco Summary Report.

Management of the Consultancy

The project manager for this project is insert school contact name and details here.


Insert School Name

Request for Quote – School EcoMasterplan

Insert Date

Due date for quote: insert date

Site visit scheduled for:insert date

Submit electronically via insert school email address

Project Aim

The School EcoMasterplanwill set out the vision, guidance, spatial allocation and opportunities to: