Template ForFull Paper To Submit to IconSWM 2018

S. K. Ghosh (Initial. Last name)1,*, Second Author2, Third Author1

1 Institution, City, Country

2Institution, City, Country

* Corresponding author. Tel: +91 33 24146207, Fax: + 91 33 24146207, E-mail:

The paper must be prepared in A4 format (297x210 mm) with 25 mm margins. The manuscript file must be in an editable format, preferably Microsoft Word. The submission of pdf files is not allowed. Times New Roman should be used for the entire document.

You are recommended to use this Template for the full paper preparation. Final abstract in full paper should be written within 300 words.

The title of the contribution should be centred and written in bold script, font size 14 pt. This should be followed by a 12 pt space before the author’s/authors’ name(s). The name(s) should be centred, written in 12 pt, normal script and given in the following order: given name, (initials) and surname. Author names and affiliations should be linked with corresponding superscript Arabic numerals. After the name(s) there should be a 12 pt space before the affiliation list. Affiliations should be centred, written in 10 pt italic script, and include at least the name of the institution, city and country. The corresponding author should be marked by an asterisk (*). At least e-mail and telephone number for the corresponding author must be given.

There should be a 24 pt vertical space before the main body of the abstract. The body text should be single spaced and fully justified, in 12 pt, normal script, with paragraphs separated by a 12 pt space. Headings or subheadings should be used in the paper. Each of the Headings or subheadings will have 12 pt space before and after with 12 pt bold head lines with numbering and sub numbering stating from 1.0, 1,1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.2, 3.0 so on.

We expect all texts to be written in good English and that grammar and spelling have been checked before submission. Abbreviations and acronyms must be clearly defined. Photographs / Tables / Graphs are to be numbered separately serially each with the caption below in 11pt bold letter with 6 pt space before and after the figure.

The paper should be 4000 words in maximum. The paper should clearly state the introduction, literature survey, the work, approach and methodology, or case study, significant results, analysis and discussion with concise conclusions or recommendations if any and future scope of work, Acknowledgement ( if any in not more than three lines) and references.

The revised deadline for sending back final abstract and full paper is Sept 30, 2018.

There should be references to be put in international style as below.

1. Rypdal, K., Zhang, L.C., 2000. Estimation of Uncertainties in Greenhouse Gas Emission Data. Report. Statistics Norway, Oslo.

2. Matthews HS, Hendrickson CT, Weber CL (2008) The importance of carbon footprint estimation boundaries. Environ Sci Technology 16 (42):5839–5842.

3. Morgan, M.G., Henrion, M., 1990. Uncertainty.A Guide to Dealing with Uncertainty in Quantitative Risk and Policy Analysis.CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge, ISBN 0-521-42744-4.

File name :Please name your full paper as the format of the example shown below:


File name :Please name your full revised paper as the format of the example shown below:


File name: Ghosh is your Surname (presenting author)

EnergyconversionofMSW...... is the title of your paper (full or part of the title)

 India - is your country