Biotechnical faculty - Podgorica
SurveilLance of invasive and native mOsquito VeCtors and pathogENs they transmit in Montenegro - LOVCEN
In Podgorica, May 8 2014.
Project leader Dean of Applicant institution
Igor Pajović Miomir Jovanović
Approved by Environmental Specialist on the HERIC project:
Ilinka Beatovic Nikic
The Ministry of Science announced the Call for Research and Development Project Grants (CRDS) on October 18th 2013 and it was opened until December 17th 2013. After a two-stage of the external evaluation, the project “SurveilLance of invasive and native mOsquito VeCtors and pathogENs they transmit in Montenegro” - LOVCEN, University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty, coordinated by Dr. Igor Pajović, is ranked as the highly recommended that will be funded over the next three years.
The project activities fall into screening category II (B) according to the World Bank rules and require development of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
This proposal encompasses the researchers from Montenegrin institutions:
(1)Biotechnical Faculty University of Montenegro (BTF),
(2) Institute for Hydro Meteorology and Seismology (IHMS),
(3) Institute for Public Health (IPH) and
(4) Natural History Museum (NHM).
Partners from abroad:
(1) Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael I of Romania" – Timisoara, Romania (USAMVBT);
(2) Centro Agricoltura Ambiente "G. Nicoli" - Bologna, Italy (CAA);
(3) Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia (FoA);
(4) Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia (FoM);
(5) Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’ Emilia Romagna “Bruno Ubertini” Brescia, Italy (IZSLER) and
(6) Research Institute for Veterinary Medicine; Novi Sad, Serbia (NIV).
As well as one SME/business partener from Montenegro:
(1) Hemko, Podgorica (HEMKO).
In total 10 scientific or high education institutions and one business partner.
Mosquito vectors and mosquito-borne diseases are rising threat to Europe, which impact strength is difficult to predict. The main infection sources are dependent on vector and environmental factors, hence the best choice for prevention and control of diseases is surveillance and control of mosquito vectors. For this reason, their surveillance and control require efficient and appropriately standardized methods, integrated knowledge and awareness among researchers, academic educators and policy-makers as well as well-trained young scientists. The HERIC-CRDS LOVCEN aims to promote all of these values and apply them in the field of vector mosquitoes and mosquito-borne pathogens.
This will provide to the Montenegrin partners conditions to reach a level of outstanding EU research institutions in the applied domain and to contribute to sustainable research development in Montenegro.
The LOVCEN project will combine diverse set of activities grouped in four work packages: (WP1) Collaborative research on native/invasive mosquitoes and pathogens they transmit in Montenegro and development of non-chemical control measures; (WP2) Twinning through exchange of know-how and experience and dissemination activities; (WP3) Acquisition of research equipment and innovation capacity building and (WP4) Management that will be horizontally connected.
We propose top quality innovative research that are new and for Montenegro and for EU: (a) application of the “sterile insect technique” (SIT) in invasive mosquito control – after Italy, Montenegro will be the second country in Europe to adopt this technology (b) implementation of the newly released European Centre for Diseases Prevention and Control (ECDC) “Guidelines for the surveillance of invasive mosquitoes in Europe” that are until now implemented only in Belgium 2013. and planned to be implemented in Greece in Italy in 2014.; (c) mobile phone application for surveillance of invasive and indigenous mosquito species –innovative approach, the Europe (France) first similar application was presented this year and (d) evaluation of novel non-chemical, biodegradable materials for control of mosquito larvae. And at least novelties for Montenegro: (a) identification of mosquito species present in Montenegro and their distribution - last study on indigenous mosquito species in Montenegro was confined to Durmitor mountain 30 years ago; (b) identification of mosquito vector species – never conducted in Montenegro; (c) detection of pathogens carried by mosquito vector species – new for Montenegro; (d) modelling of climate changes influence on mosquito vectors and mosquito-borne diseases - new for Montenegro; (e) survey, dissemination and feedback on stakeholder’s opinions about direction of the research in vector borne disease prevention – never accomplished in Montenegro.
Project activities will be done in:
(1) application of SIT in invasive mosquito control will be accomplished in Luštica peninsula. Relatively small settlements and narrow connection to continental part of the coast make Luštica peninsula ideal place for implementation of SIT. Partner institutions for implementation of activity: CAA, FoA and BTF.
(2) implementation of “Guidelines for the surveillance of invasive mosquitoes in Europe” by ECDC, will be conducted and operate in all territory of Montenegro, especially in Coastal and Central part of the State and, as well as, near the lakes, natural and artificial pools, rivers, springs and streams in the North part. Partner institutions for implementation of activity: CAA, FoA and BTF.
(3) mobile phone application for surveillance of invasive and indigenous mosquito species – will be created on BTF. Partner institutions for implementation of activity: FoA and BTF.
(4) evaluation of novel non-chemical, biodegradable materials for control of mosquito larvae will be settled up practically in BTF and FoA. Partner institutions for implementation of activity: FoA, BTF and HEMKO.
(5) identification of mosquito species present in Montenegro and their distribution will be done in FoA and BTF.
(6) identification of mosquito vector species as previous will be done in FoA and BTF.
(7) detection of pathogens carried by mosquito vector species – efforts will be done in IPH, FoM, IZSLER and NIV.
(8) modelling of climate changes influence on mosquito vectors (MV) and mosquito-borne diseases (MBD) will be created in IHMS. Partner institutions for implementation of activity: BTF, FoA and IHMS.
(9) survey, dissemination and feedback on stakeholder’s opinions about direction of the research in vector borne disease prevention will be managed in BTF. Partner institutions for implementation of activity: BTF, USAMVBT and NHM.
Activities in LOVCEN project by WP-s / possible impact / institutions for implementationWP-1 Collaborative research on native/invasive mosquitoes and pathogens they transmit in Montenegro and development of non-chemical control measures
WP1a / Surveillance of invasive and native mosquito / NO / BTF, CAA, FoA
WP1b / Mobile phone application for surveillance of invasive and indigenous species (KOMARAC) / NO / BTF, FoA
WP1c / Detection of pathogens in mosquitoes and humans / YES / IPH, IZSLER, NIV, FoM
WP1d / Social Impact and Policy Recommendation / NO / USAMVBT, BTF, NHM
WP1e / SIT and other non-chemical control methods / POSSIBLY / BTF, CAA, FoA, SME HEMCO
WP1f / Climate change impact on MV and MBD, adaptation and mitigation / NO / IHMS, FoA
WP-2 Twinning through exchange of know-how and experience and dissemination activities
WP2a / Training visits of MCM's young researchers to international partner institutions / NO / All partners
WP2b / Know-how visits of MCM's senior/leading researchers / NO / All partners
WP2c / Hosting foreign institutions representatives for in situ training / NO / All partners
WP2e / Active participation of the applicant's research staff at international conferences / NO / MCM partners
WP2f / Introduction of teaching on MV and MBD / NO / BTF, IPH
WP2g / Designing LOVCEN web site / NO / All partners
WP2h / Internal dissemination meetings / NO / MCM partners
WP2i / Preparing web pages and brochures / NO / BTF, FoA
WP2j / "Laboratory open days" / NO / IHMS, BTF, IPH
WP2k / Public (radio, TV, newspapers) appearances / NO / MCM partners
WP2l / Dissemination and feedback on stakeholders opinions / NO / All partners
WP2m / Community participation in mosquito surveillance and control / NO / BTF
WP-3 Acquisition of research equipment and innovation capacity building
WP3a / Purchasing of the equipment / NO / BTF, IPH, FoA
WP3b / Training in research skills and innovation capacity building / NO / BTF
WP-4 Management
WP4 a / Management / NO / BTF
(WP1e)- SIT and other non-chemical control methods - the best way for prevention and control of MBD outbreaks is control of vector mosquito.
During the project we are going to develop biological inputs that can help manage mosquito vector populations (e.g. release of sterile male insects, physical and other non-chemical methods). These activities do belong to the group for which a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required, in accordance with the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment. A permit from Environmental protection agency of Montenegro is obtained (related to the import of the sterile adult males mosquitoes) The permition is valide from September 2013 to September 2014, and it will be extended for the total period of the LOVCEN project duration (Agency for Environment Protection decision submitted, Annex 1). Planned application of SIT in invasive mosquito control in Montenegro is environment safe (release of sterile male insects is ranked by FAO as “Biological input that can help manage pest populations” together with release of predators, parasites or pathogens; biological control through fish, ducks, geese, goats; bio-pesticides and biological preparations), high quality innovative research tool that represents cutting edge of RTD in Europe, until now only practiced in Italy. Evaluation of novel non-chemical, biodegradable materials for control of mosquito larvae will be in line with FAO 2010 International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides. The code will also serve as a basis for recommendation on Mosquito and Biocide Management Policy Development. Based on the results of the monitoring it will be decided whether and when to use what mosquito management inputs. Sustainable biological, physical and other non-chemical methods will be tested to see if they provide satisfactory pest control.
Partner institutions for implementation of activity: BTF, CAA, FoA and SME HEMCO.
(WP1c)- Detection of pathogens in mosquitoes and humans
For this proposal we chose to identify mosquito vector species and pathogens they transmit especially targeting vectors of Chikungunya Virus, Dengue Hemoralgic Fever Virus, Japanese Encephalitis Virus and West Nile Virus that are both (vectors and virus) entirely neglected in Montenegro. Many of the arboviral diseases are misdiagnosed as “summer flu” or encephalitis/meningitis of unknown origin.
Samples of human sera and liquor will be taken and processed at FoM during the first project year. When new equipment is purchased and installed and training of staff in the first project year accomplished, IPH will start to process human samples and blind tests will be performed by FoM.
It will also contain mosquito sampling, pooling on chill table by sex, species, date and place, freezing at <-60 ̊C and proceeding with virus detection. First project year all pools will be processed in IZSLER and NIV. When new equipment is purchased and installed and training of staff in the first project year accomplished, IPH will start to process mosquito pools and blind samples will be sent to IZSLER and NIV.
Partner institutions for implementation of activity: IPH, IZSLER, NIV and FoM.
The proposal of the LOVCEN project is made following the laws of Montenegro, rules of the World Bank and international guidelines. Montenegro, as a candidate for the Member State has imperative to harmonize regulations in the domain of public health and environment protection with EU legislative. In that sense three important drafts of environmental related laws were adopted: Law on Environmental Protection, Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Law on Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control, in accordance with EU directives and modern environmental practice.
Except to mention Montenegrin laws LOVCEN research strategy is also relevant to WHO Human Health and EU Community action in the field of health (2008-2013). New technologies in prevention and control of mosquito vectors/mosquito borne diseases, foreseen to be developed within LOVCEN will be tailored to European Parliament directive P6-TA-(2009) 0010.
All actions in environmental management plan of LOVCEN will be based on:
- Law on Environmental Protection of Montenegro,
- Law on Nature Protection of Montenegro
- Law on Environmental Impact Assessment of Montenegro,
- Law on Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control of Montenegro,
- Law on Waste Management of Montenegro,
- Law on Chemicals of Montenegro
- European Parliament directive P6-TA-(2009) 0010,
- International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides,
- Guidelines for the surveillance of invasive mosquitoes in Europe by European Centre for Diseases Prevention and Control (ECDC) and
- International best practice in safety of research laboratories.
It’s important to note that Project leader, Igor Pajović, as representative of Applicant institution BTF, contributed in several Environmental Impact Assessment documents:
- Environmental Impact Assessment of the intake system Grbaljsko Polje - Topliš, May 2004, member of the expert’s team.
- Environmental Impact Assessment of the reconstruction and electrification of railway Niksic - Podgorica, December 2004, member of the expert’s team.
- Environmental Impact Assessment of surface exploitation t-g stone, the bezel "Krš" in Rozaje, February 2005, member of the expert’s team.
And in 2010, Project leader Igor Pajović was invited to contribute in writing of the “First national communication of Montenegro to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)” in sector agriculture - inventory of greenhouse gas emissions. Also the other partner’s institutions from Montenegro, especially IHMS and NHM, but never the less IPH, do have experience in assessment of environmental impacts.
Also, staff of international partner (FoA) contributed with their research results in creating strategic documents about climate change impact on agriculture in Serbia for Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia and also played a role in preparing the Draft for strategic development 2009-2014 of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia. Four researchers from FoA and FoM (B. Lalić, I. Hrnjaković - Cvjetković and D. Petrić) were invited to contribute in writing of the “First national communication of the Republic of Serbia to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2010”, sectors agriculture and human health.