Template for submission of aViewpointin English with a Chinese abstract
to Chinese Jouranl of Catalysis

This is the template for submission of aPerspective to Chinese Jouranl of Catalysis. Viewpoint describes the results of original research in general in a certain area, with a view to highlighting the pro-gress, analyzing the major problems, and commenting on the possible research target and direction in the future. View-points may be organized as the author wishes, but should not be more than 3–6 Journal pages (15000–30000 characters) in length. Chemical formulae, figures, and schemes should be restricted to important examples, and the number of references should be no more than 30.

This Word fileuses A4 paper, 12-point font size, 1.5 spacing, and single column. When preparing the paper, type your manuscript directly into the template by selecting the text in black font of this templatethat you want to replace and typing your manuscript whileusing the format in red font as is. Keep the layout of the text clear and simple.All sections of the paper must be presented in a clear and concise manner. Spelling may be British or American English but consistency should be maintained within a manuscript. All figures and tables are placed in the manuscript file. Number all pages consecutively.

Symbols, special characters, molecular formulae, simple mathematical formulae,and chemical reactions used within lines of text should be typed as normal text using the Word’s fonts as far as is possibleand must not be small graphics imported from other programs.

All graphics (including chemical structures) should be produced in the actual size they are to appear in the printed journal. After the manuscrip is accepted, the authorsare required to provide the original documents of the graphics such as ppt, cdx, and psd files saved by the program the graphics were originally drawn in, and thus we can edit.

The title (use all lowercase letters) should be a brief, accurate description of the emphasis and content of the paper and should not contain abbreviations

ZHANG San, LI Si*, WANG Xiaowu, John R. SMITH(Use all capital letters for the family namesto avoid ambiguity. The given name (not the initial),initial of the middle name, and the last name should be given for complete identification)

The brief introduction states the background of the study, its relation to previous workin the field, the questions to be answered, and the methods adopted, to allow a reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present work. Relevant previous work by the same authors should be referenced. Avoid a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.

Provide sufficient detail to enable others to repeat the experiments. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference, but new and modified experimental procedures should be described in detail. Give the compositions of catalysts clearly.

All measurements should be expressed in the international system of units (SI). Other quantities should be converted into SI units. Italicize symbols of physical quantities, such as ABET (BET surface area), c (concentration), p(pressure), t(temperature or time), T(temperature), Y(yield), S(selectivity), X(CH4)(conversion of CH4), Eb(binding energy), δ(chemical shift), m/m(mass ratio), V/V(volume ratio), n/n(molar ratio), w(mass fraction), φ(volume fraction), and x(molar fraction), but not their units.

Temperature units should be presented as either °C or K in the same paper. Leave a single space between the number and the unit of a value, e.g., 20 ml. Each abbreviation must be defined the first time it is used in the abstract and again in the body of the manuscript.

Some symbols and characters frequently used in this journal are listed as follows. Please use the copy of them in your manuscript. ( ) % ~ [4–7] 25–40 25 °C 58° cm–1 SO42– A + B c0 – c + –   = < > ± · •(free radical) α β γ δ ε η θ λ μ ν π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ω 2θ Cu Kα Cu 2p3/2 O 1s 10–6 C–C C=C C≡N ABET N,N′- 25 cm × 50 mm

The results should be given clearly and concisely, and the discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work. Give results in a logical sequence in the text, tables, and illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables or illustrations.

Number references in the order they appear in the text. Ensure that each reference cited in the text is present in the reference list (and vice versa). Numerals for the references in the text are given in square brackets such as[1–3], [4,5], and[3,6–9] (all not superscript and put a space before the bracket). Each reference should be separately numerically numbered, without the use of alphabetical suffixes. Personal communications, unpublished materials, and works that have not yet been accepted for publication are not recommended as references.

All figures and tables must be referenced in the text and placed in the text near the point of the first mention. Number them consecutively with Arabic numerals. The captions should be understandable without reference to the text. The same data should not be presented in more than one figure or in both a figure and a table.

In the initial manuscript submission, the figures and tables must be of sufficient quality for peer review. If the manuscript is accepted, all figures and tables, and their titles and legends will be re-created or edited according to the Journal style prior to publication. For this purpose, authors will be asked to provide original documents (including experimental data) of the figures saved by the program the graphic was originally drawn in. For printing, the minimum resolution for a black and white line art, grayscale art, and color art is 1200, 600, and 600 dpi, respectively.

The maximum width of a single-column graphic and a double-column graphic can be set at≤ 8.4 cm and≤ 17.5 cm, respectively. The use of single-column graphics is suggested.

Fig. 1.XRD patterns of the Cu(x)/V(4.3)TiO2-600 catalyst samples with different x values. (1) x = 0; (2) x = 0.29; (3)x = 0.36; (4) x = 0.75; (5) x = 1.1; (6)x = 2.5.

To help authors provide actual size graphics, it is suggested that the following settings be used with Origin program: page ratio100, display fixed factor 1, print/dimentions width 8.0 cm (for a single-column graphic) and 17.0 cm (for a double-column graphic), line width 0.4, symbol size 3, axis thickness 0.3, major tick 3, font Times New Roman, point 9.

Fig. 2.N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms (a) and pore size distribution curves (b) of the catalysts.

Schemes are illustrations of chemical structures and reactions and should be numbered with Arabic numerals in consecutive order. Schemes can be produced using a drawing program such as ChemDraw with the following settings: chain angle 120°, bond spacing 18%, fixed length 14.4 pt (0.508 cm), bold width 2 pt (0.071 cm), line width 0.6 pt (0.021 cm), margin width 1.6 pt (0.056 cm), hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088 cm),font 10 pt Times New Roman, font style regular.

Scheme 1. Three stereoisomers of 2,3-butanediol.

Tables should be created using the table format feature of the Word software, and authors should ensure that each data entry is in its own table cell. Tables should not be created as graphics files or contain line breaks within single cells.

Table 1 Propylene epoxidation over Au/(N)TS-1 catalysts prepared under various conditions.

Catalyst / Loading (wt%) / Au captureefficiency (%) / X(C3H6)/% / S(PO)/% / r(PO)/(gPO/(h·kgcat))
Au a / N b
0.03%Au/TS-1 / 0.03 / 0.00 / 1.25 / 2.7 / 89.4 / 43.9
0.07%Au/NTS-1-3 / 0.07 / 0.31 / 2.93 / 4.7 / 89.3 / 76.0
0.08%Au/NTS-1-10 / 0.08 / 0.34 / 3.35 / 6.8 / 84.4 / 104.5
0.06%Au/NTS-1-20 / 0.06 / 0.37 / 2.51 / 5.4 / 88.3 / 85.8

Reaction conditions: C3H6/H2/O2/N2 = 3.5/3.5/3.5/24.5 ml/min, space velocity = 7000 ml/(h∙gcat), reaction temperature 150 °C.

a Determined by ICP-OES. b Determined by CHN analyses. PO—Propylene oxide.

*Corresponding author. LI Si

Affiliation (Provide the full postal address of each affiliation,including affiliation, city and zip code, province, and country, e.g., Dalian 110623, Liaoning, China)

Tel: +86-411-84379240

Fax: +86-411-84379600

E-mail: (no period here)

This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2003CB615804), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (20673054), and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (00000000).


In the reference list, periodicals [1,2], books [3], multi-author books with editors [4], proceedings [5,6], and patents [7,8] should be cited in accordance with the above examples. Authors' and editors' names are given as surname followed by initials. List the names of all authors; "et al." should not be used. Abbreviations for the journal titles follow the system used by Chemical Abstracts. Each reference should be complete in itself. Journal titles are in italics. The issue number should not be omitted when the journal is paginated by issue. Omit periods in all abbreviations.

[1]M. D. Krcha, K. M. Dooley, M. J. Janik,J. Catal.,2015, 330, 167–176.

[2] L. Shen, L. M. Peng, Chin. J. Catal., 2015, 36, 1494–1504.

[3] P. W. Selwood,Chemisorption and Magnetization, 2nd ed., Academic Press,NewYork, 1975, 26–31.

[4] J. M. Thomas,R. M. Lanbort,Characterization of Catalysts, Z. T. Huang transl., Chemical IndustryPress, Beijing,1987, 160–165.

[5] S. Gao,Z. W. Xi,in: S. T. Oyama ed.,Mechanisms in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Epoxidation Catalysis, Elsevier,Amsterdam, 2007, 429–448.

[6] Y. Z. Fang, Y. Lu, in: Proceedings of the 12th Chinese National Youth Congress on Catalysis, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, 2009, 84–85.

[7] L. K. Frevel,M.Mich, US Patent 3657310,1972.

[8] X. L. Qi, X. Y. Liu,G. Chen, CN Patent 1198404,1998.

Graphical Abstract

Authors are required to submit a graphical abstract at the time the paper is first submitted. The graphical abstract is meant to provide the reader the essence of the work and thereby capture the reader’s attention. The graphical abstract includes title of the manuscript, Author’s name, Author’s affiliation (only the name of the university or institute), a color graphic, and a description of less than 35 words. The description states the findings and the significance of the research in the paper and should not be the same as the abstract in the manuscript.The graphical abstract should be included at the end ofthe English manuscript file.

The color picture in the graphical abstract can be a newly designed key model, structure, reaction, equation, concept, or theorem, etc., or an ingenious representation that provides the reader with a strong idea of the content of the article. The graphic should be a maximum size of 4–6 cm high and 6–15 cm wide. After the manuscrip is accepted, the author is required to provide the original document of the graphic such as ppt,cdx, and psd files saved by the program the graphic was originally drawn in, thus we can edit.

More examples of graphical abstracts can be found at our website

The manuscript title

SanZhang, SiLi*, XiaowuWang*, John R. Smith(Useasterisks to identify every corresponding author, and superscript affiliation labels are not needed.)

Affiliation (Only the name of the university or institute is needed, e.g., Dalian University of Technology); Affiliation

One or two sentences (less than 35 words) that clearly state the findings and the significance of the research in the paper are needed. (e.g., Highly crystallized phase-pure zeolite A is synthesized from low-grade bauxite by alkali fusion activation and hydrothermal reaction, which can be used as a high-capacity cadmium ion exchanger.)