Lacrosse Meeting Minutes

October 24, 2017

7:00 p.m.

Board and Coordinator Members present: Dana Brion, Tera Brooks, Art Haag, Christina Johnson Koshiol, Mike Dingman and Matt Formato

Meeting Minutes

1. Treasurer’s Report

  • $16,053.39 is the current lacrosse club budget. The club received a generous $500 donation from a Monticello Lacrosse family. Once deposited the club balance will be $16,553.39
  • The board no longer had checks so Art ordered more.

2. MLC Clinic

  • Date options:

-A lacrosse clinic will be held on January 27 from 1-3 p.m. at the Monticello Middle School.

-Erik will secure the date and time of the clinic.

-Matt will plan the activities and details for the clinic.

-Matt will take care of marketing which include: flyers, posters, video and outside sign.

  • Winter/Spring Community Education Journal

-Erik will connect with community education and make updates/changes from last year’s information?

  • There was discussion about providing a small incentive for those who attend the clinic in January. Dana will check into last year’s attendance numbers and this will be tabled for a future meeting.
  • Dana will take out insurance from USLacrosse to cover the upcoming clinic.

3. Equipment

  • Storage

-The board needs to research options such as temporary storage, a trailer or a permanent storage unit.

-Matt will check into a permanent storage unit option.

-Art will check into trailer storage options.

-Art can store current items if needed.

-Goals need to get picked up and a storage place needs to be secured.

4. MSLAX Annual Meeting

  • Mandatory representation from the club is required to attend a MSLAX meeting on Monday, November 6 in Bloomington.

-Art and Dana volunteered to attend this meeting.

5. Website Updates

  • The board would like the coordinator positions posted on the website.
  • It was also recommended to remove any outdated coach information.

6. Coordinator Positions

  • What training/information is needed for new coordinators?-The board volunteered to provide guidance and assistance with the following positions…………………..

-Equipment Coordinator: Mike Dingman

-Fundraiser/Picture Coordinator: Vacant

-Clinic Coordinator: Matt Formato

-Jersey Coordinator: Emma Bachmann

-Registration/Team Coordinator: Andrea Sigler

7. Next Meeting Items

  • Dana will confirm coaches
  • Clinic details present thoughts/ideas/needs for upcoming clinic-Matt
  • Christina will check into a couple of styles of jerseys and the cost.
  • 2018 Fees was tabled for a future meeting.
  • The board and coordinators discussed having these local vendors such as AST, Ausco and Geared Up attend the clinic.

-Dana will reach out to Emma and request her attendance at the next board meetings as there will be a discussion about jerseys.

  • Dana will contact the coaches to see if they will be returning for the 2018 season.
  • Fundraising Options was tabled for a future meeting.
  • Field updates and options was tabled for a future meeting.

8. Calendar

  • The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 13at 7 p.m. at Hawks.

Minutes taken by Tera Brooks