Project Budget
Technical Consultant Costs / Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition
Program: HCFCD’s Cypress Creek Watershed Stormwater Management Plan
Ref Cost Cost Cost Total Cost Work Grant $
PartDescription Budgeted[1] To Date To Complete At Completion Authorization[2] Requested[3]
1 Primary Tributaries, Phase 1 -0- -0- -0- -0- N/A -0-
2 Primary Tributaries, Phase II -0- -0- - -0- -0- N/A -0-
3 Upper Watershed Plan $78,000 -0- $78,000$78,000 TBA -0-
4 TSARP Digital Mapping:
4. Original work scope -0- -0- -0- -0- N/A -0-
4,1 Remedy FEMA
computer modeling defects)[4] -0- $ 43,000 $15,000$58,000 #3, #4, #6 Yes
5 Watershed Management Plan:
5.1 Future Conditions Research[5] $50,000 $ 4,600 $45,400 $50,000 #3 [6]
5..2 Evaluate HCFCD permit regulations $6,000 $ 5,800 $ 2,000 $7,800 #1 Yes
5.3 No Adverse Impact research
o Dr. Philip Bedient[7] $30,000 $ 27,000 $ 3,000 $30,000 Contract Yes
o Larry Dunbar -0- $ 1,600 $ 3,000 $ 4,600 #7 Yes
6 Implementation Strategy[8] $10,000 0- $ 10,000 $10,000 TBA[9] __-0__
TOTAL $174,000 $82,000 $156,400 $238,400 $38.000
[1] Ref: CCFCC planning document “Budget Detail 2007”
[2] This is the sequential identification number assigned to the document issued by CCFCC authorizing the work to be performed.
[3] This grant proposal is submitted to request a composite $38,000 for the research line items marked “Yes”.
[4] Ref: LawrenceDunbar, P.E. technical evaluation report dated 11/17/04, Appeal dated 3/22/05, report dated 3/28/07 and letter dated 11/14/08.
[5] Ref: Document entitled, “Future Conditions Consultant – Scope and Price Proposal”, Lawrence Dunbar, 6/03/03.
[6]Ref: HEI Grant 03-0475 ($20,000). Funds have been expended as reported in CCFCC “Grant Report for Y/E December, 2005”
[7] Ref: Contract Research Agreement, August 9, 2007 between Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition and P.B. Bedient and Associates.
[8] Ref: “Contingency” line item, “Budget Detail 2007”
[9] TBA = To be assigned at time Work Authorizationr is issued.
HEI 2008 Project Budget