Meeting Date: February 10, 2016 (7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.)

Published Date: February 11, 2016

By: Ken McGowan, P.E., F.NSPE

Location: Schacht Aslani Architects (901 5th Avenue, Suite 2720, Seattle, WA)


Cliff Webster – AELC Lobbyist (Carney Badley Spellman)

Nathan Fitzgerald – Asst. Lobbyist (Carney Badley Spellman)

Walter Schacht– Chair – AIA

Brad ??? – AIA Lobbyist

George Shaw- AIA

Jeffrey Hamlett - AIA

Van Collins – ACEC President/CEO

John Warren – Vice Chair – LSAW

Dan Campbell - ACEC

Craig Lewis – ASLA

Ken McGowan – WSPE


General: All bills in red on the Bill Status Report are dead! We are 30 days into the legislature and therefore mid-way through the legislative session. Last Friday was the deadline for bills to pass out of the committee of origin. Walter Schnacht, George Shaw and AIA’s lobbyist Brad are in Olympia today to lend support for K12 and other public works projects.

  1. WSDOT:
  1. Update on SB 6180 (Creating a disadvantaged business enterprise advisory committee within the transportation commission)
  • Senator King’s bill on DBEs passed the Senate yesterday. Bill puts the DBE responsibility with the Transportation Commission. It was politics from the get-go. Passage of this bill lays open issues with agencies.
  • This bill reflects the relationship that the legislature wants to have with DBEs.
  • I-200 failed to come out of the Senate Transportation Committee.
  1. Non-Competition Agreements (HB 2931)
  2. This bill is about the use of non-competition agreements with employees that are terminated without cause.
  3. ACEC has mixed feelings on this, but does have any great concern about the bill.
  4. The legislature may end up defining what a non-compete is.
  5. Some firms just use non-competes at the highest leadership levels.
  6. High tech industry has an interest in the bill.
  7. AELC will carry the bill as a Monitor.
  1. Capital Budget / Transportation Budget

A. Nothing significant to report

  1. UW Alternative Contracting Procedures (SB 6617)
  • Heard at the Senate Ways and Means Committee and passed out yesterday.
  • On certain large projects (i.e., large laboratories, hospitals), UW would be able to use alternative contracting procedures.
  • At the CPARB meeting tomorrow this will be a topic of discussion.
  • UW believes that contractors need to understand infectious disease control; UW wants the ability to find contractors that were qualified in this area.
  • Authority has been in place for 3 to 5 years. Doesn’t change existing authority.
  • AELC will carry as a Monitor until we hear back from CPARB.
  1. Design Services Volunteer Immunity

A. At a minimum, AELC depends to introduce the bill that the Department of Military finds objectionable.

B. Maybe some hearings on volunteer immunity before the end of the legislature.

C. Cliff is not clear on what WABO is trying to accomplish.

D. Since this legislative issue is dead for this session, SEAW has slowed up their work on a letter opposing the Department of Military’s position, but Cliff wants the letter completed for sending out.

  1. Discussion of Bills on Bill Status Report (attached): Note that these are present bills of interest to AELC
  1. HB 2129 (State Contracting and Bonding):
  • Didn’t survive cutoff.
  1. HB 6482 (Mechanic / materialmen’s liens) – AIA:
  • BIW is now vehemently opposed.
  • This bill deals with lien rights and is related to other bills having to do with retainage issues that AIA is not concerned about.
  1. HB 2857 (Sustainable wood materials) - AIA:
  2. AIA discussed at some length this past week and is Neutral on it.
  3. As design professionals their notion is that we shouldn’t be taking a position on it one way or the other.
  4. Apparently the Agriculture Resource Committee has sent the bill onto Finance.
  5. This bill is exempted from other legislative deadlines.
  6. AELC will continue to Monitor.
  1. Building Code Issue Bills:
  1. HB 2841 (State building code council):
  • The compromise building code bill of the session.
  • This is the best bill to relieve pressure on the State Building Code Council.
  • AELC is supportive of with +L position.
  1. HB 2933 (Small Works Rosters - Gregerson):
  • AELC will follow the WCIC position on HB 2933.
  1. HB 2803 (Prevailing wage compliance):
  • All the action is in the House.
  • At least one of the bills will move forward and then move over to the Senate where it will die.
  • AELC would oppose these bills with a –M priority.
  • The one that uses collective bargaining to set prevailing wage is the most objectionable.
  1. Ornsby Bills:
  1. HB 2844 (Responsible bidder criteria):
  2. HB 2845 (Prevailing wage law recovery):
  3. HB 2846 (Apprenticeship utilization):
  • AELC’s position remains at –M on the above 3 bills
  1. HB 1915 (Contracting Out):
  2. Puts additional burden on the department of services
  3. Will discuss next week.
  4. A mix of Democrats and Republican have signed on the bill.
  5. ACEC has the greatest interest in.
  1. HB 2622 (Eliminating various licensure and certification requirements) - LSAW
  • Cliff doesn’t expect that there will be a hearing on this bill this session.
  1. SB 6258 (Ethics rules):
  • No action taken.
  1. Other Business
  2. No other business was raised.