Looking to Paris: 29 November – 5 December

Our journey of faith sometimes feels significant and at times it feels ordinary. This week is a significant one for issues relating to climate change and for the world's poorest people who feel its impact the most.Let us offer our ordinary, everyday prayers and actions to God to stand in solidarity with them.

Sunday 29 November

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. May the hope of God's light shine brightly in a world of great challenges and complex problems. Pray for communities and countries, like Vanuatu and the Philippines, who are most affected by adverse weather and the changing climate.

Monday 30 November

The UN climate meeting of world leaders to negotiate a climate change deal starts in Paris today. ‘The current economic and environmental situation in our community is becoming increasingly difficult, especially for us who are entirely dependent on agriculture,’ says Jesús Gómez, a pastor who lives in the community of Lima, Nicaragua. Pray for Jesús and his community.

Tuesday 1 December

‘We were worried that we wouldn't have seed to plant this year,’ says Pastor Jesús Gómez.

Climate change has become one of the biggest problems in Central America, hitting the poorest and most vulnerable people hardest. Pray for our world leaders and for negotiators and representatives in Paris, that they will put the interests of people like Jesús first.

Wednesday 2 December

Earlier this year, we launched our Ordinary Heroes campaign, encouraging people to speak out for change, alongside making lifestyle changes. Ask God to prompt you to take a small but significant change today. Could you think about taking a holiday in the UK next year, reduce the amount of meat in your diet, or switch energy supplier to a renewable company like Ecotricity?

Thursday 3 December

Earlier this year, Tearfund launched a major new report, The restorative economy, which sets out a long-term vision for a more just and sustainable world. Pray that its content and ideas will enter the public domain and be influential; pray that the biblical concepts of jubilee and shalom that the report promotes will take root in our societies and economy.

Friday 4 December

Long-term recovery work is underway to help the people of Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam brought destruction to the South Pacific nation. Pray for the recovery work being carried out by Tearfund partners. Give thanks for the generous gifts of Tearfund supporters and pray that the resources continue to be used well.

Saturday 5 December

Thousands of Christians will gather for a church service today, part of a series of events and marches in Paris to speak up for poor and marginalised people during the Paris climate summit. Many people are making pilgrimages to Paris to speak up, pray and stand in solidarity with poor people. Pray that the church's voice will be authoritative and influential.

Peace and Provision in Zimbabwe: 6 – 12 December

Zimbabwe continues to face political instability and deep poverty, but God is moving in power through the work of our partners based in the country. They are making a massive difference in the communities where they work and are seeing God answering many prayers.

Sunday 6 December

Tearfund partner Ebenezer runs an Agricultural Training College, which brings many benefits to its community but which recently came under threat of being closed because of the land it was built on. However, after visiting the project, Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko announced that Ebenezer could keep the land. Praise God for his faithfulness and mercy in answering the prayers of the community.

Monday 7 December

Please pray that Ebenezer will continue to forge good relationships within the community and the government. The unity displayed in efforts to save the college was unprecedented; please also pray that local people will be encouraged and seek more opportunities to work together to improve their lives.

Tuesday 8 December

Thobekile's role is to strengthen the capacity of Tearfund's church partners so they can help shape the Zimbabwean development agenda. However, she has found that many people are ‘almost afraid to hope that things can be better’. Pray that God will help Thobekile inspire communities and partners to dream bigger: nothing is impossible for our God!

Wednesday 9 December

Earlier this year, our in-country team carried out a strategy review to evaluate Tearfund's work within Zimbabwe and discern what God wants to do through us there over the next few years. Pray for continued wisdom and insight as the team put plans into motion; pray that they will keep in sync with God, be spurred on by righteous anger towards injustice, abuse and inequality, and have the grace to respond appropriately.

Thursday 10 December

Give thanks that God enabled our Country Representative Ben Nicholson to return to Zimbabwe after a long delay in getting his visa renewed. Praise God for the way he has sustained Ben and his family during the wait. Ben describes the experience as an ‘incredible journey’, knowing God's peace and provision throughout.

Friday 11 December

Earlier this year Zimbabwe was rocked by xenophobic attacks, stirring up fear and intimidation across the country. The attacks have provoked emotional responses from Zimbabweans, some rational and some strongly negative. This situation opens up a way for Christians to stand up as peacemakers. Pray that Zimbabweans will not let the seeds of vengeance, fear and hate take root among them, as a result of these attacks.

Saturday 12 December

Dear Lord, we thank you for bringing breakthrough in the tough situations faced by our partners and staff in Zimbabwe. Shine your light across the nation, bringing hope and a future to those who are living in poverty and fear. Amen.

Inequality in Zambia: 13 – 19 December

According to the World Bank, inequality in Zambia is higher than in many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with huge income gaps between rural and urban areas. This week, we support in prayer the work of Tearfund partners who are addressing these inequalities, with life-changing results.

Sunday 13 December

Unable to feed her children or pay the rent, Edith contemplated suicide in 2007. Then she encountered Tearfund partner Jesus Cares Ministries (JCM). The baking course run by JCM gave Edith new skills and income. Today she has a thriving business and her own house with electricity, her children have left school for good jobs, and Edith has a close relationship with the Lord. Praise God for freeing people from the captivity of poverty.

Monday 14 December

Through JCM, mum-of-eight Grace has learnt how to make her one-acre garden grow with an abundance of tomatoes, onions and cabbages. Seeds and know-how from our partner mean Grace can sell produce and now afford to send the children to school. She's also bought a plough to open up more land – a far cry from her days scratching a living as a labourer for others. Give thanks for the turnaround in Grace's life and pray that people she meets will be inspired by her example.

Tuesday 15 December

Proverbs 3:13 says, ‘Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.’ Goats can be a successful livestock moneyspinner in Zambia if people have good husbandry skills. Ask God's blessing on our partner, Brethren in Christ Church (BICC), which is equipping people to have sustainable futures.

Wednesday 16 December

Nebbon and Febby Nkando used to spend a lot of time and money taking their children to hospital, due to illness caused by bad hygiene practices. Since BICC helped them understand how diseases are spread, that's changed. Pray more Zambians can be freed from avoidable and life-sapping illnesses.

Thursday 17 December

Busy mum Bepher used to walk miles each day to fetch water from a spring. When it was dry, she'd go to a shallow well nearby but, because livestock as well as people used it, drinking its water often made the family sick. Praise God that, since BICC put in a deeper well, protected from animals, incidents of illness have fallen.

Friday 18 December

Learning how to prevent disease and the importance of safe accommodation has transformed Major from a small-time chicken keeper into a profitable poultry breeder. That means his children are going to school and he's building a new home. Pray God's blessing on our partners as they share life-enhancing knowledge with Zambian families in poverty.

Saturday 19 December

Lord, we lift up the people of Zambia to you and pray that you will break down the inequalities caused by poverty that shackle so many. Father, continue to bless the work of Tearfund partners as they equip Zambians to fulfil their potential, sharing your love and care for all – whatever their circumstances.

The Wonder of Christmas: 20 December – 2 January

Tearfund will be sharing the message of hope through Jesus to many thousands of people this Christmas. We'll be doing that through a musical tour of Scottish churches to Christmas cards, Sing Christmas carol events and through our partners across the world – thanks to your prayers and support. This week, we pray for all these activities and reflect on the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Sunday 20 December

Today is the last date of the Tearfund Scotland music tour. Scottish Christian musicians Yvonne Lyon, Steph Macleod, Allan McKinlay and David Lyon have visited a dozen churches this month, performing Christmas songs and sharing about Tearfund's No Child Taken anti-trafficking campaign. Pray that those who came will be inspired and moved to offer their support.

Monday 21 December

Last year churches, community groups and even sports stadiums held Silent Night Carol events – an initiative organised by Tearfund in partnership with HOPE and Sports Chaplaincy UK. Last year 1,200 people enjoyed a carol service at Bolton Wanderers stadium. Pray that people will be bold in inviting people to events this year.

Tuesday 22 December

‘She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ Matthew 1:21

As people prepare for the coming festivities, pray that families across the world will be touched by the true message of Christmas – of the Son of God sent to save us from our sins.

Wednesday 23 December

Donations collected at Silent Night Carol events last year raised £115,000 for families caught up in conflict in Syria and across the world. Pray for families still suffering because of conflict today – particularly for people in Syria, Iraq and the Middle East. Pray that people will be challenged by Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to put an end to conflict.

Christmas Eve 24 December

Following on from the success of Silent Night Carols, this year HOPE and Tearfund are partnering once again to take part in Sing Christmas – an opportunity to engage with villagers in a country pub, sports fans in a stadium or families from your local schools. Pray for the many Sing Christmas events that have already taken place, that people will be touched by the story of Jesus.

Christmas Day 25 December

‘Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’ Luke 2:11

Father God, thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus. We pray that more people will choose to follow Jesus this Christmas. Amen.

Saturday 26 December

‘It just swept over me, the wonder of it all / That in the person of his Son / God came to this poor world undone.’ (Mary Topham, The wonder of it all)

Christmas Day is often a busy time with friends and family. So take time today, if you are able, to reflect on the birth of Jesus using the following poem…

The Wonder Of It All

By Mary G Topham

It just swept over me, the wonder of it all

That in the person of his Son

God came to this poor world undone

In such humility.

With Mary on her ass to ride

And faithful Joseph by her side

They made their way to Bethlehem

But found no shelter at the inn

And no one else could take them in.

So in a stable he was born

The Christ of God that wondrous morn

Amidst the cattle and the hay

As in his mother's arms he lay

In such simplicity.

And in the babe that day began

The great unfolding of God's plan

Of full salvation brought to man

At such a cost and what a price

Was paid by God's great sacrifice

At Calvary.

Continuing still that plan unfolds

Until one day the story's told

When Jesus Christ appears again

In glorious majesty to reign.

With hearts and voices we exclaim

‘All glory be to his great name!’

The wonder of it all, the sheer wonder of it all.

A passionate supporter of Tearfund and faithful follower of Jesus, Mary Topham died in 2012 aged 98. This poem is taken from The wonder of it all, a selection of Mary's poems compiled and illustrated by her friend Lalage Carswell as a tribute to Mary. All proceeds of the book are being donated to Tearfund. For details of how to order visit mary.topham.muchloved.com

Sunday 27 December

Last year thousands of Tearfund supporters sent Christmas messages on cut-out card angels to children rescued from trafficking in Nepal. The children were really encouraged and many wrote back. ‘May Godbless you,’ wrote Bina, 16. ‘I am very happy to read the Bible verse, 'Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.'‘ Let the words of Romans 12:12 inspire you today.

Monday 28 December

‘The gifts are beautiful and do send again. I always pray for you. I love you,’ wrote Samjhana, seven, in response to the message she received from a Tearfund supporter. Pray for children like Samjhana today: the people of Nepal have suffered greatly this year because of the earthquakes and their aftermath.

Tuesday 29 December

‘I am very happy to receive your gifts that you sent us. You have sent it from far away and it is very beautiful. I will pray for you,’ wrote Rita Pun Magar, aged 16, when she received a decorated angel from a Tearfund supporter. Pray for Rita Pun Magar who lives at a trafficking rescue centre in Nepal, that she would be released from the trauma of her past.

Wednesday 30 December

Tearfund's partner Red Viva has been helping the indigenous Wayuu community to deal with a crippling drought in northern Colombia, which has left many children with poor nutrition. Red Viva have been giving them food supplements to build up their strength. Last Christmas, when they realised the children had never heard of Jesus, the team shared the nativity story with the whole community through drama, mime and music. Pray that the community will remember what they learnt last year about Jesus and be open to him.

Thursday 31 December

Thousands of Tearfund Christmas cards will be adorning shelves and mantelpieces across the country, with images and Bible verses telling of the hope that can be found in Jesus. Pray that people will be encouraged by the messages they read from Christian friends, and that they will be inspired that followers of Jesus care for them, and for poor people across the world.

Friday 1 January

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

It's the start of a new year, and praise God – we have been given new life through Jesus Christ. Ask God to give you boldness and courage this year to share the good news of Jesus with others.

Saturday 2 January

Lord, help us to keep Jesus and the hope that comes from him in our thoughts, and reflected in our words and actions in the coming months. We ask you to help us to remember and uphold people in need this year – particularly those living in extreme poverty around the world. Help us to be generous with our prayers, time and resources. Amen.

Tearfund Prayer Diary December2015 – tearfund.org/praying