Select your answer from the drop down list or add information as requested. Remember to save the document to your computers desktop, then forward the completed survey to Debbie Santos at .

Business Name: Type Your Information

Contact: Type Your Information

Email Address: Type Your Information

1.  Would you be interested in a SAMA sponsored job fair?

2.  During what month would you consider the best for a job fair?

3.  What hours would you prefer the job fair be held? Other: Please Specify

4.  What day of the week would be best for a job fair? Other: Please Specify

5.  What part of San Antonio would appeal to you regarding location?

6.  Regarding the booth, would you prefer?

7.  In addition to the booths, would you want separate one-on-one interview tables?

REMEMBER… Save the document to your computers desktop, then forward the completed survey to Debbie Santos at .

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (210) 979-7530.

Thank you for your time.

Debbie Santos, SAMA