District 1220

Loan of District Equipment

The district possesses a quantity of pull ups, banners and gazebos which have been purchased for various events. See the inventory of District Equipment for more details. These materials are owned mutually by all Rotarians in our District and to ensure fairness, availability and maintenance of stock a loan system is necessary.

The equipment is centralised at a purpose made store at Trent Hills Farmhouse, Fosse Road, Nottingham, NG23 5LL and clubs are asked to book equipment using the form following and submit this with the required deposit to arrive at least ten days before they wish to pick it up. All requests will be confirmed by e-mail or telephone and collection days and times confirmed. Collection and returns will be normally be available only at certain days and times and always by prior arrangement and booking, please respect the privacy of the Rotarian who hosts the store facility.

There is a deposit required for each item as follows;

  • Hire of Gazebo including walls, sand bags and headers if required £100 each
  • Hire of display pull up or banner. £30 each.

Conditions for Loan

  1. The person and club named on the form are responsible for the intact and undamaged return of the equipment, on time and in a dry and clean condition. Any damage, malfunction or problem is to be reported .
  1. Equipment is to be picked up and returned to the store at times agreed in advance and as written on the booking form. Transport and other costs are the responsibility of the borrowing club.
  1. No pins, adhesives or strings are to be used which may damage the equipment and all ancillary pieces, e.g. poles, pegs are to be returned to their packaging correctly before return.
  1. The borrowing club is responsible for the safe use of the equipment and the preparation of sound risk assessments. Please note that gazebos require four people to erect them safely and without damage to the frames. The club loaning equipment must also ensure that those collecting bulky items can handle them safely. Weights are given in the Equipment Inventory.
  1. Weather conditions can change quickly and gazebos and pull ups are not made to withstand strong winds. It is the responsibility of the person and club borrowing equipment to look after it and make prompt decisions to ensure its survival.
  1. Returned equipment will be checked before being put back in stock. Only after this has been done will deposits be returned. Damage, dirt and damp will result in costs being levied against the deposit. As checking will be done by teams of Rotarians throughout the summer months, this is a self-monitoring scheme. The opinion of the checking team, endorsed by the MPRC committee and the DG concerning the cashing of deposits and invoicing of clubs for replacement owing to default or damage will be final. This is our equipment and we all undertake to be “fair to all concerned”.
  1. Equipment must notunder any circumstances be passed on to another club or Rotarian. In the event of items being “lost” in this way the deposit sent by the original borrower will be cashed and the club liable for any extra cost incurred in replacing the lost item.
  1. To facilitate club accounts a deposit ceiling of £300 has been set. This does not limit the liability of the club to this amount in the event excessive damage of equipment.

Rotary International District 1220

Booking Form for the Loan of District Equipment

(Please print and save a copy of this form for your records returning the printed form with the club deposit cheque to Anni Gell (Bingham and District) by post(cheques payable to “Rotary District 1220” please, cheques will be held uncashed as security)

a) I have read the Conditions for Loan District 1220 document and on behalf of the Rotary Club of

______I apply to loan the equipment detailed

below. I enclose a deposit cheque for £______( Deposit ceiling of £300 for large bookings)

Article / Number available / Number required / Deposit

b) As the named borrower I agree to collect and return the above requested equipment in good condition and undamaged on the dates below.

Collect from Trent Hills Farm District Store, ______

Return to Store______

Name of person collecting and returning items different to below______

Person responsible for this booking______

Day time telephone number______e-mail______
