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Teaching and Learning Cooperative


Title of Proposal: RTI-Response to Intervention: Using Evidence Based Practice to Support Students with Developmental Articulation Delays in the Classroom Using a Flexible Service Delivery Model.

(A 10 point TLC is a minimum of 40 hours with at least half of the hours outside the contract day. A 20 point TLC is a minimum of 80 hours with at least half of the hours

outside the contract day.)

TLC points requested: 20 points

Proposal Submission Date: August 22, 2007

Proposal Description (2-3 sentences for publishing to prospective participants):

IDEA (2004) gives local education agencies the option to provide RTI as a type of Early Intervening Service. RTI offers an alternative to the well-established discrepancy model (difference between the IQ score and an achievement score) which determines eligibility for special education services. RTI works on a 3-tier approach. Tier 1 represents general education in the regular classroom with no accomodations. Tier 2 represents classroom modifications and accomodations usually presented by the classroom teacher. Tier 3 represent systematic intense instruction within or outside the classroom provided by education specialists. All the tiers precede determination of eligibility for special education. We will provide support for students without identified disabilities who exhibit developmental articulation delays in order to prevent identification and placement into special education services at a later time. In collaboration, we will be using the following book to support our research and implementation activities: A Response to Intervention (RTI) Program for Reading by Judy K Montgomery, PHD, CCC-SLP and Barbara Moore-Brown EDD, CCC-SLP both of whom are speech/language pathologists. We will use evidence based practice to identify eligibility for this program through a screening process and implement, with parent permission, an 8 week program targeting identified articulation errors.

Intended Audience or Participant list: Jessica Sol & Sally Radeloff

Implementation Timeframe (Beginning and Ending Dates):

September 4-November 30, 2007

(No hours may be counted for any TLC until the proposal has been approved by the Professional Development Advisory Board.)

Proposal Facilitator: Jessica Sol

Work Location: Sunset Hills Elementary School Phone: 858.484.1600 x3157


Participants: Jessica Sol

Sally Radeloff, Morning Creek Elementary 858-748-4334 Ext 2158

District Goals to be Addressed: PreK-12 Literacy (support for PreK-12 reading, writing, or mathematics)

** Proficiency for all students across all grade levels and content areas, as measured by standardized state measures (CAHSEE, CST)

Increased access to rigorous curriculum

Intended Learning Outcomes: *Acquire strategies for improving roles as a resource to teachers, staff and parents to provide functional strategies to increase student learning.

*Develop and provide learning activities that integrate speech and language development into content instruction and support a positive learning environment

*Gain an in-depth understanding of current/best practices in speech/language therapy in order to coordinate speech therapy with classroom instruction/curriculum to ensure student success

*Establish common vocabulary to use with students, parents, colleagues

Professional Growth Activities – Acquisition of New Learning

As evidence of implementation, each participant is required to maintain a portfolio of documentation regarding completion of her/his new learning, impact on student learning and reflection activities. This portfolio will be reviewed by the facilitator at the end of the TLC. Examples of documentation: time logs, meeting notes, discussion group notes, lesson plans, student work samples, journals, etc.

State what new learning participant(s) will acquire through this proposal, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:

Revised May 4, 2007

Outside the contracted day:

8/31/2007 & 9/20/2007:

One 4 hour collaboration between participants to discuss the RTI method, set-up, strategies, new practices involved.

TOTAL: 4 hours

9/7-11/16/2007-Reflect and collaborate with colleague on best practices used in the model and what's working/what's not, read/reflect chapters of text on the following dates and times (3:15-5:15) 9/21 9/28 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/26 and 11/30.

TOTAL: 22 hours

8/31-11/16/2007: Read from text and associated journal articles, reflect and journal writing about student results, activities ideas for 1.5 per week outside contracted school day

TOTAL: 16.5 hours


Revised May 4, 2007

Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 42.5

Hours INSIDE the contract day: 42.0

Classroom Implementation Activities

The impact of the newly acquired learning of TLC participants on student learning is critical to this section

State how participant(s) will implement new learning in the classroom, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:

Identification and screening of participating students ( during weeks of 9/18-9/25/2007)

TOTAL: 6 hours

Scheduling, parent involvement activities (folders, homework), preparing therapy materials (ongoing during project)

TOTAL: 15 hours

Actual therapy with students ( 8 weeks beginning week of 9/17/2007 -11/9/2007)

TOTAL: 20 hours

Final Reflection/Wrap up:

TOTAl: 1 hour


** The RTI model works on a three tier process. Tier I represents general education, Tier II represents classroom modifications and accommodations usually presented by the classroom teacher. Tier III represents systematic, intense instruction within or outside of the classroom provided by other educators and specialists. RTI represents the activities of Tier III. Special Education is beyond Tier III. As speech pathologists, we typically do not work or assess a child until beyond Tier III, especially for developmental articulation errors. Our proposal is geared at providing intense instruction to determine if students benefit from working on developmental articulation errors, or if, in fact, they do not respond to the intervention and further testing is needed once the errors are no longer developmental (at a later time and if generalization of learned skills has not occurred).

As specialists, we get involved once a student is identified as struggling in the classroom. With RTI, we will get involved earlier and provide the instruction to struggling students before suggesting Special Education as an alternative means to support them. This is a new way of thinking and one that is not readily done to date here in PUSD. We would provide our services and knowledge to students who would not normally be on our caseload through screening and teacher input (using an articulation screener), parent involvement with at home activities we set up as well as training-(e.g., having them join groups if they so desire, on-going communication), and scheduling a therapy time for students to come to the speech room to work on their developmental articulation error(s) once/twice a week for an 8-week program. The therapy group is in addition to our other students already on our caseload (with IEP’s) and a means to work on developmental errors in hopes that they would not need testing and/or an IEP later on. It is an early intervention tool for non-identified struggling students with developmental errors. In addition, developmental errors are not treated by speech pathologists in the school setting; however, some students do not “outgrow” the developmental errors and need services at a later time. With intense instruction, we are hoping to decrease this from happening.


Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 42.5

Hours INSIDE the contract day: 42.0

Reflection Activities

State how participant(s) will reflect on their new learning, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:

SLP's will document, through one page written summary, the most important concepts, therapies and modifications from the attended conferences and trainings and their impact on student learning, as stated in the summary of time spent outside of the contractual day. They will also share ideas with other SLP’s at job-alike meetings.

Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 4

Budget Request

If you anticipate needing fiscal support for the implementation of your proposal, please list prospective needs and estimated costs. TLC will fund up to 50% of site based TLC’s, not to exceed $500. TLC will fund 100% of district wide proposals, not to exceed $500.

·  No financial support needed

If you are the facilitator, will you need “facilitator hourly”?

Yes If so, for whom? No ***

For a 10 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 30 hours.

For a 20 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 60 hours.

If you wish to receive points as a facilitator, in lieu of hourly compensation, you must write a separate facilitator proposal using the facilitator form.

Revised May 4, 2007