

Teaching & Learning Committee

Wednesday 13thNovember 2013 at 11.30am
Room MF3

Present:John PetittGovernor (Chair)

Grace BryantStudent Governor

Brenda LeeStudent Governor

Bob LewinGovernor

Gillian MayPrincipal

Frank PitkinGovernor

Karnail PannuGovernor

Simon PolleyStaff Governor

Viv RobinsonStaff Governor

Daniela ShanlyGovernor

Apologies:Phil HindleyAP Quality &Improvement

In attendance:Alex BallardAP HE & Adult Learning

Anne EntwistleVPStudents & Safeguarding

Bill GradyConsultant (Ex-Principal)

Tracy ReeveClerk to the Corporation

26/13 Apologies for absence

Apologies had been received from Phil Hindley who was on leave. The Chair

welcomed the new staff and student governors to their first Teaching & Learning (T&L) Committee meeting and Grace Bryant who was serving a second year as student governor.

27/13 Notification of any other business

There was no other business.

28/13 Notification of interests

There was none.

29/13Minutes of the Teaching and Learning (T&L) Committee, 12thJune2013

The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairas a correct record.

30/13Matters Arising on the minutes of 12th June2013

  • Progression Rates (minute 20/13)

It was noted that this would be covered during the meeting agenda.

  • Learner Focus Group Feedback(minute 20/13)

This would be covered during item 7 of the agenda.


DS sought, and was given clarification on the acronym ALFIE – Adult Learning for Independence and Employment.



31/13Quality Report 2012/13: success rate data (including retention)

The meeting noted detailed success rate data for the last 3 years by length of qualification, including and excluding Functional Skills. Excluding functional skills, the overall retention for 2012/13 was noted as 94% (89.7% in prior year) and overall achievement at 93.9% (87.5% in prior year) giving a success rate of 88.3% (78.5% in prior year). Members were pleased to note the high level of attendance at 92.4%; this was a key factor in driving up success rates. The increasing performance of levels 1 and 2 and the dip in level 3 performance was further considered. The meeting noted curriculum areas of particular strength and some weaknesses. GM informed the meeting that the two areas of most concern, Early Years and Health and Social Care, has vastly improved performance during the last 4 or 5 months which had secured a very positive impact on the enrolment for 2013/14. Early indicators showed strong student satisfaction in these areas but they would continue to be closely monitored. The strong progression data of 74.7% was commended as was the fact that 86% of all students had gone onto ‘positive’ destinations.

  • AS Results

Members were pleased to note that success data for AS levels was encouraging; BCA had 7 subject areas performing considerably above national benchmarks. Governors commended the strong performance in the first year of the course offering. However, the Principal reminded the meeting that although above benchmark the results had fallen short of the internal College target; for this reason A levels had been graded as a 4 during the recent Quality Review Board (QRB) process. The student governors informed the meeting that the smaller A2 cohort (some students had transferred onto a vocational science qualification rather than progressing to A2) was now working in an extremely focussed and effective manner. Anecdotal feedback from those students who had transferred to the vocational science course was also very strong – they were enjoying the new course much more than the traditional AS/ A2 offer. The Principal reminded the meeting that AS data was not reported outside the College until the cohort completed the A2 level. Current assessments enabled the College to be confident of 100% success at A2 for the existing cohort (apart from Environmental Studies). Members discussed the issues around the Environmental Studies A level; this would be taken forward by management for further consideration. The meeting was also informed that recruitment for the AS/A2 programme for 2013/14 had been more rigorous around the ability of enrolled learners. It was noted that the vocational science course would have 2 groups of learners from 2014/15 due to its popularity. Members were reminded that the College now had 12 Year 12 students from Altwood School attending for A level Physics tuition (through the RBWM consortium offer); this made BCA the largest provider of this course within the RBWM with 27 enrolled students.


32/13Enrolment 2013/14:

The Principal gave the meeting a verbal update on the ‘hard start’ which had been implemented for 2013/14 with lessons starting on Day 1 and an activity offering during the first week for tutors to buy into and book for their own learners. She informed the meeting that response from staff had been mixed; there was some concern that it had a negative impact on time spent on induction. The views of the Staff Governors were sought and they commented that there had been a lack of communication on all the options available for extra activities to be booked for their learner groups during the first week. However, it was noted that the staff found the enrolment much better organised with students having their timetables from the start. GM stated that this would be taken on board for next year.

  • Summary of Learner Focus Groups – Feedback from Induction

The meeting noted a report from the AP Quality which summarised the findings from student feedback on the induction process for 2013/14. Members were pleased to note that in general the learners felt that the college achieved the right balance between induction activities and course specific content in preparation for their learning. However the feedback had highlighted an inconsistent approach to how departments across college used resources on Moodle and other resources for induction; in some cases students had not taken part in any ice-breakers or team building activities. Members were assured that some departments had already been asked to re-think their induction programme for next year in response to the learner voice. The student governors, (both year 2 students), agreed that there was a need for year 1 students to have the facility to meet students from across the curriculum; this had not happened for 2013 starts. However, it was agreed that to spend a week on induction activities was too long; for 2014 enrolment a programme of cross-college induction activities should be introduced for circa 2 days for all new entrants. The possibility of some activity to integrate AS and A2 students was also discussed; possibly in the form of a buddy or mentor programme.The meeting was also reminded that a large percentage of students had attended Experience Days on the campus in June 2013 which started their induction. The Principal asserted that the excellent attitude to learning and positive behaviour of the current cohort had been greatly helped by a strong start to the term.

It was AGREED that any inconsistencies in the induction activities provided across college should be addressed for 2014; a programme of cross-college induction activities to be implemented for approximately 2 days.

33/13Draft Self-Assessment Report (SAR) 2012/13

The meeting was reminded that the AP Quality & Improvement had drafted the SAR based on the submissions from curriculum areas which had all been tested and validated through the Quality Review Board (QRB) process. BG informed the meeting that the recent round of QRBs had provided a rigorous challenge to all curriculum areas. The majority of grades in draft SARs had been validated but a couple had been graded downward during the review. Emerging issues were focussed around the 16-18 provision. The attendance of the Link Governors at the QRBs was commended – governors agreed that it was an invaluable briefing tool for them and enabled them to understand key issues around teaching, learning and assessment. The draft SAR would go to SLT during the next couple of weeks for validation, then to the Corporation meeting (4th December 2013).

The report would be finalised in December in time to submit to the SFA Gateway by the end of December 2013 (although no longer a mandatory requirement).

The verbal report was NOTED.


34/13Performance Report 2013/14

  • Attendance & Retention

Attendance - The headline attendance report was noted: an overall rate of 90.12% with unauthorised absences at 5.13% and authorised absences at 4.75%. The Principal confirmed that attendance was now tracked on a daily basis by curriculum area. A cohesive approach to maximising attendance had been implemented for 2013/14 with the MIS Team coordinating attendance reporting and action on non-attendance. The meeting noted that attendance was an issue with GCSE and Functional Skills lessons; all students were now required to be working towards GCSE English and Maths even if they had achieved Level 2 Functional Skills.

Retention - The meeting was informed that retention during the first 6 weeks was higher than in the prior year. At 25th October, 1297 of the original 1398 FE enrolments remained on programme (92.7%). The target for retention was noted at 92%. The final confirmed withdrawal figures would be brought to Corporation in December 2013 but it had gone someway to closing the gap in target and actual enrolments.

The Principal tabled an extract of information from a recently commissioned marketing report. This showed that the proportion of new learners had increased for the September 2013 enrolment so the 100 learner shortfall would appear to come from a lack of progression.

It was AGREED that further work would be undertaken on this analysis to see how BCA could increase progression rates; a report would be brought to the next T&L Committee meeting in February 2014.

  • Lesson Observations (term 1)

Paired Observation Week

It was noted thatduring the second week in September an Ofsted Inspector had been commissioned to do paired observations with BCA Heads of Department. During the week 24 paired observations were undertaken; 34% were validated as good, 58% as requiring improvement and 8% as inadequate. The meeting was informed that the biggest limiting factor at the moment was teachers showing evidence of ‘pace and challenge’ i.e. stretching all students. The meeting considered the action plan being put into place in order to remedy this weakness; it would now be a major issue in all lesson observation feedback.

The Chair queried the difference in the percentage breakdown for the ‘butterfly’ lesson observations with 85% graded as green, 9% as amber and 6% red. The impact of peer observations and HoDs being more nurturing on their staff was a factor. However, it was noted that more focus on High Grades and stretch and challenge would now need to be a key priority for all curriculum areas.

Members were pleased to note the 2 observations which were borderline ‘outstanding’ – 1 in Health and Social Care and 1 in Motor Vehicle. The meeting noted the lower number of butterfly observations having been undertaken compared with prior years; there was an action plan in place to rectify this.

  • HE Enrolment

The meeting noted a detailed report on HE Enrolment for 2013/14. Overall enrolment for HE during 2013/14 showed an increase of 24 students on prior year. BCA now had 74 HE learners which generated income of £651,300 (an increase of £223,425 on prior year). The most significant growth was in the FdA Animal Behaviour and Welfare Course which enrolled 37 compared with 18 in prior year. Members were pleased to note that strong internal progression had contributed to this increase in numbers. The main area of concern was the FdA Sports Coaching & Performance course where the enrolment of 10 was 8 below target and 4 lower than prior year. It was noted that this was partly due to poor level 3 recruitment in September 2012 when insufficient rigour to academic ability had been applied. Future potential developments at an HE level were considered including a level 6 Animal Management programme and a level 4+ Art & Design offering.

  • Apprenticeships

The meeting noted a detailed breakdown by curriculum are and start date of the current Apprenticeship cohort. Since August 203 BCA had seen 30 ‘16-18’ and 12 ‘19+’ apprentices start at the College, (initial targets were 29 and 13). A detailed reconciliation of the SFA andEFA financial contracts was considered in more detail. Members were reminded that ’16-18’ apprenticeship funding was unlimited and guaranteed so focussing on this age group would provide a secure basis for the contract going forward. It was noted that a clear cost plan for the apprenticeship area was in place: in order to generate a 40% contribution, the apprenticeship work would need to generate income of £568k during 2013/14.

BCA Central – AB updated the meeting on progress with the College’s town centre hub which would focus on delivery of the Apprenticeship contract. Doors would open week commencing 18th November and the official launch with local employers and dignitaries in attendance was on Thursday 28th November at 6pm; all governors were invited.

The Performance Report was NOTED.

35/13Quality Assurance

  • Quality Assurance Process 2013/14

Agraphicdetailing the Quality Assurance model was presented to the meeting; this was the same as in 2012/13 and was now fully embedded throughout BCA. Governors were reminded that the Quality Model targeted the five strategic objectives set out in the College Strategic Plan and described the processes by which theCollege’s Quality Assurance could continue to develop and improve.

  • Key Quality Assurance Dates 2013/14

A Summary of Processes document showed in a table how the QA model broke down into defined activities, associated responsibilities and event dates. It also contained detailed sections on the purpose, frequency and management of lesson observations, the internal verification audit and the learner focus group.

  • Quality Improvement Calendar

The meeting noted the QI calendar which showed all the key dates throughout the year. It was confirmed that a limited number of this document had been printed in A3 size and distributed to curriculum areas. It was proving a useful tool in ensuring that all Quality processes were fully embedded throughout the college.

The Quality Report was NOTED

36/13Enrolment 2014/15

Applications by curriculum area at 31/10/13 were noted. The meeting was informed that the College currently had 151 firm applications (compared with 145 in prior year). Of concern was the decrease in Animal Management applications; this would be carefully monitored. It was noted that there were already 80 learners registered for the next College Open Day on 30th November; this represented a 100% increase on the same time during 2012/13.


37/1314-19 Schools Provision Update

During the first 6 weeks of 2012/13 BCA enrolled 277 young people onto a schools programme (the number was expected to rise to 325 by the year end). Members noted that although numbers were slightly reduced on prior year, income would be matched as a number of learners were studying more than one course. Members commended the strong collaborative working, with the College now having 28 partner schools. However, it was noted that with the introduction of RAPA (Raising the Participation Age) schools were becoming more reluctant to allow access to their full student body and are seeing BCA as a provider for those who will not achieve within the traditional school environment. DS sought, and was given clarification on the entry procedure for 14-16 year olds; they needed an interest in the course, undertook an interview and received an induction at BCA before the end of Year 9. It was confirmed that whilst the College would consider any report from the school it would not bias any judgement on whether to accept a student. It was confirmed that in the very few cases where it was not possible to work through the behavioural issues and if it was having a detrimental impact on other learners then a student would be taken off the course at BCA and returned to the school. Members noted the current management view that BCA was not currently in a position to offer those aged 14+ the opportunity to study at BCA on a full-time basis, (this was now permissible within education legislation).


38/13Any Other Business

  • E-Learning Update

The Principal tabled an E-Learning Update Report. Members were particularly pleased to note the hugely increased Moodle usage and the move towards electronic books and science journals. The introduction of the Moodle champions was working well as it enabled curriculum areas to channel any issues and queries which was enabling quicker resolution. It was also noted that the anti-plagiarism package ‘Turnitin’ was being well used.


  • RBWM Bus Advertising

Members were informed that the College would be placing an advert on the back of two Courtney buses in Maidenhead.


Therewas none; the meeting closed at 1.05pm.

39/13Date of next meeting

Wednesday 12th February 2014 at 1.30pm.