Teaching Development Fund Open Call Application form

Proposed Project Title:
Project Leader and Deputy Leader Names and Department(s):
Names and department(s) of any other staff associated with the project:
Total Amount of Funding Requested: / £
Short Summary of the Proposed Project (200 words maximum. If your proposal is successful, this summary will be used to describe the project on the Learning & Teaching website)
For the EOI please complete Section A with 50-100 words per section
For the full bid please expand on Section A with 100-200 words per criteria, plus Section B with 100-200 words per criteria.
For completion atexpression of interest (EOI) stage, and full bid stage
For the EOI please complete Section A with 50-100 words per criteria.
For the full bid please expand on Section A to 100-200 words per criteria.
Criterion 1: Enhancement to teaching andlearning in terms of Aims (what the project intends to achieve) and Anticipated Outcomes (what this achievement will look like plus any tangible activities or products in a bullet point list)
Criterion 2: Rationale (background and context; plusrationale based on, for example, evidence of need, existing good practice at the University or elsewhere, or the learning and teaching literature)
Criterion 3: Cross-Departmental Collaboration(describe how this will be achieved within the project)
Criterion 4: Students as active partners(describe how students will be actively involved in the project team beyond any role as employees)
Criterion 5: Wider relevance(describe how the outcomes of the project may be relevant more widely across the University)
Criterion 6: Sustainability of outcomes(describe what measures will be explored or implemented to ensure the sustainability of outcomes beyond the project’s lifetime i.e. an exit strategy)
Please give a broad breakdown of project costs
Personnel (who, time, pay rate)
Leader Signature:
Date: / Deputy Leader Signature:
Date: / Head of Leader’s Department/School/Service
For completion atfull bid stage only
For the full bid please complete Section B with 100-200 words per criteria.
Criterion 7: Project methodology, timescale & costs (a description of what the project will do in order to achieve these aims and outcomes)
Timescale(include key dates. Note: project will normally run for one academic year. Please present this in bullet point form or as a Gantt Chart)
Costs (provide a detailed breakdown of the costs and how funds intend to be used in a tabular format)
Criterion 8: Alignment with the Education Strategy(briefly describe how the bid aligns and contributes to the University’s Education Strategy)
Criterion 9: Exchange of ideas / practice (how you will ensure colleagues across the University know about what you are doing and how you will actively involve them from the outset to ensure your dissemination is effective)
Criterion 10: Benefits to the project team(briefly outline the benefits, in terms of professional development, to the project leaders and participants)
Criterion 11: Evaluationplan (how will you know your project has achieved its aims and intended outcomes)
Criteria 12 & 13: Evidence of consultation with professional services and/or Legal Officer (as appropriate)(e.g. what support might you require from Professional Services such as BUCS, the Library, CLT etc; have you been in contact with the Legal Advisor to discuss intellectual property rights issues, particularly if the project involves an external contractor)
Leader Signature:
Date: / Deputy Leader Signature:
Date: / Head of Leader’s Department/School/Service

Please email the completed Pro forma as a single Word document to the required deadline.


Centre for Learning & Teaching