Guidelines for Authors
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Email: try1
Firstname Lastname
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Email: try2
This template is prepared for your preparation of an extended abstract for THESIS-2016. It provides instructions regarding page layout, font style/size, and other elements. Kindly follow the instructions for the presentation of your article.
The abstract should not exceed 250 words. Abstracts should summarize the contents of studies and present new achievements. Each abstract must reflect concisely the contents of the paper.
You can use this template directly to prepare your paper.
Key Words: times, italic, 10 pt., one blank line below abstract, indent if key words exceed one line
1. Introduction
Kindly respect scrupulously the presentation recommendations. If accepted, your paper will be copied as received without any further modifications.
Copies of your full paper should be submitted via the website using Microsoft Word and a PDF format according to the styles recommended in this template.
The text of your paper should be typed in a single column. The font used should be Times New Roman, 11 pt., in an A4 format. The entire manuscript should be single spaced. Top, bottom, left, and right margins for the text should be set equally at 25 mm. The main text should be placed about 1 cm below the key words.
Your text should not exceed four (4) pages (letters, figures, appendices, and references included). No footnotes and page numbers are allowed.
1.1. Affiliation
Authors’ names and affiliations should be indicated as shown above.
2. Copyright
Authors’ copyright shall be transferred to the local organizing committee. Download the copyright form from the THESIS-2016 homepage. The PDF file of the signed consent form shall be returned via this website with the final version of your paper.
3. Headings
3.1. Main heading
3.1. Sub-headings for sections
The sub-headings for sections should appear in 12 pt. bold font, with initial letters capitalized. Please follow the numbering format shown here.
3.2. Sub-headings for sections (2)
Insert a single blank line before every sub-heading.
a) Sub-headings for sub-sections
They are written just as the sub-headings for main sections except that lowercase letters in alphabetical order followed by right parentheses introduce the sub-heading. No additional line spacing precedes or follows a sub-heading.
4. Mathematics
Equations should be centered and numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers in parentheses in the right margin. Use special high-quality fonts for all mathematical equations in the text. Some equations may be centered as follows:
where is force vector, is mass of a particle, and is acceleration vector. Blank lines should not be placed before and after the equation(s) if the same paragraph is continued. Please define all the variables immediately after their first occurrence in the text as shown for Eq. (1). Refer to an equation by using its number enclosed by brackets.
5. Tables and figures
Figures should be referenced in the text. They will be reproduced in black and white. Care should be taken that figures are clear and legible to contribute to the quality of the paper. When importing figures or any other images, make sure that any number, text, or symbol is in Times New Roman font—10 pt. or larger—after reduction to the actual window in your paper. Additionally, it should be able to be printed in Postscript format (Microsoft Word).
6. References and citations
All references must be numbered in the order of appearance within the text; use of brackets should be used, as in [1]. The reference list must be summarized at the end of the main text. Use 10 pt. font for the list.
7. Conclusions
Place your summary and conclusions here.
Acknowledgments should follow Conclusions.
[1] Author 1, Author 2: Title of the article. Title of the book, Volume: Page number, Year of publication.
[2] Bagnold, R.A.: Experiments on a gravity-free dispersion of large solid spheres in a Newtonian fluid under shear. Proc. R. Soc. London. Ser. A, Math. Phys. Sci., Vol. 225, No. 1160, pp. 49-63, 1954.
[3] Cundall, P.A., Strack, O.D.L.: A discrete numerical model for granular assemblies. Geotechnique, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 47-65, 1979.