From the Office of:
The Principal: Mrs. Mary Harkins,
This time of the year is always bittersweet. The approach of the summer vacation is a cause for happiness, saying good-bye to our graduates is hard.
However, while summer is almost here and the seniors have completed their final assessments, the freshmen, sophomores and juniors still have many days of education left and these days include their final assessments.
Please be sure your son or daughter is in school, on time every day. Vacation does not begin until the last day of school. Please remember that the final assessment counts for 10% of the final grade. A child with grades in the 70's could find themselves with a final failure due to a poor final assessment grade. A student can not return to Archbishop Wood with a final failure. While we do offer summer school, it is our hope that no one has to attend.
To our senior parents: Thank you for your commitment to your child's education at Archbishop Wood. It has been a pleasure working with your children and with you, their parents. Please know that the Class of 2018 and their families will always be in the thoughts and prayers of the Administration and Faculty and that you are always welcome to visit.
Mr. Mingacci has been working very hard to insure that both Baccalaureate and Graduation are ceremonies befitting this class. He has prepared detailed directions for Arcadia including parking and where to take the best pictures.
Click here for this information.
We hope the end of the year will be a pleasant and successful one for all our students.
Information from the Guidance Counselors
Our school counselors are concerned about more that just academics and college! We care about their mental well-being too. Mrs. Butts attended training this week on adolescent trauma and adolescent brain development. Many of our students struggle with anxiety, even those who have not experienced trauma. Some useful apps were shared to offer tools to deal with these struggles. Check out the following apps: Calm; 10% Happier; Stop, Breathe & Think; Breathe 2 Relax; Mindfulness Coach; Affirmations; Happify; and Pacifica
If your child has experienced trauma, NOVA (Network of Victims Assistance) offers many useful services. Please visit them at
Helping your students work on their college apps? Looking for great advice on the whole application process?
CollegeXpress is teaming up with the College Essay Guy for a webinar on 5 Ways to Create an Amazing College Application in Less Time (and How to Finish Over the Summer).
Find out our recommended timeline to apply, advice on how to improve personal statements, ways to boost different sections of the application, and much more. The best part-it's totally free!
Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm PDT/9:00 pm EDT
For more information and to register now, click here. You can also learn more about the College Essay Guy here.
If you can't make it, don't worry. You can still register, and we'll send you a recording that you can watch on your own time.
Scrip News
We received a new shipment of Giant Gift Cards. The denomination of the cards is $200.00 each card and we usually get $50.00 cards. We are unable to return the cards to Giant, therefore we will need to deplete the $200.00 cards before we can order new cards. I am attaching scrip order forms reflecting the $200.00 Giant Gift Cards on the order form. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Drivers Education
American Driving School is offering a Summer Drivers Education at Archbishop Wood from June 18, 2018 to June 28, 2018, Monday to Thursdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon.Applications are available in the Business Office, room 245. Questions regarding the class, please contact Ian Jeffery at 215-639-2390.Please return the completed applications along with the payment to American Driving School to the Business Office by May 30th. There needs to be at least 10 students to have the class.
Around Campus:
Good Bye to the Class of 2018

On May 24, their last class day, the members of the Class of 2018 wore their college T-shirts and gathered for a class picture.
Spring Concert, May 24, 2018

The Drum Line played in memory of their director, Mr. Dale Brown who passed away recently.

Concert Band

Jazz Band

String Ensemble

Nativity Demo Day
Students from Ms. McLaughlin's Environmental Science class and Dr. Halloran's Medical Careers Class visited with the students from Nativity and demonstrated a number of science lessons. Click the link below to see pictures of the day.

Wood's Girls Attend girlSTEM Conference

On Thursday 16 young women from Archbishop Wood attended the annual "girlSTEM" event at Delaware Valley University. Our Director of STEM Education, Kevin McLemore, reports that this is his 4th year sponsoring the girls, and this year joining him for the exciting day was Diane Antes, our Science Department chair. The students were able to meet and interact with approximately 60 successful women who are prominent STEM professionals, gaining valuable insights into potential careers. They received tips
on success and even participated in some fun hands-on experiments and demonstrations. The girls also had the opportunity to create lasting contacts with women who can help them as they move forward in their education and careers. The United Way, one of the conference's many sponsors, quotes the following data from last years event:
#girlSTEM 2017 Results:
94% of girls decided to take more STEM courses in high school
78% of girls decided to declare a STEM major in college
80% of girls decided to pursue a STEM-related career
Our Archbishop Wood girls returned to school full of enthusiasm and inspiration! Go girls!
Parx Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the Parx Scholarship winners, Jack Swift and Julia Klos.
Warminster Rotary, Guiseppe Giaimo Scholarship

Congratulations to the winners of the Warminster Rotary, Guiesppe Giaimo Scholarhship: Claire Robinson, Shane Kennedy, Jacob Leinenbach, Rebecca Alexander and Joe Fasti.
Warrington Rotary Scholarship
Congratulations to Kathy Callaghan and Erin Welsh winners of the Warrington Rotary Scholarship.

Congratulations to Scott Boyle winner of the Comcast Leaders and Achievers Award. Scott will attend Gwynedd Mercy University.
Honors Biology

Honors Biology students learn human body structures and functions by dissecting a mouse.
Italian IV

Arrivederci to the Italian 4 class of 2018. They leave Wood eager for new adventures and...maybe even a study abroad in Italy! Thanks for the memories.

In ELA II, after answering a question correctly, Jimmy Heron drains a three-pointer during Recyclaball Review for "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" exam.
Anatomy and Physiology Fetal Pig Dissection Class

Seniors Tyler Dackow, Amanda Dean, Alexandra Cassidy and Natalie Bowers dissect their fetal pig in Dr. Halloran's fourth period anatomy and physiology laboratory. After the students learn all of the body systems, they participate in an intensive, three day lab exploring all of the fetal pig body systems, dissect out body system sections and gain a greater appreciation of all of God's creatures.
Aid for Friends

Members of CSC prepare meals to be sent to Aid for Friends.

Students and leaders who attended Kairos XXXVII in February gathered for a barbecue last Wednesday, May 16. Ms. McLaughlin and Mr. Roche cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for the group. Unfortunately the rain kept everyone inside. Special Thanks to Fr. Paul for all he does for our students.
TV Studio - Class of 2018
Mr. Donovan would like to thank the departing seniors who served as TV crew and anchors for this school year. Taking over this program could have been a daunting task if not for the enthusiastic support and hard work that these young men and women put in each day. Good luck in your future endeavors!

Kathy Callaghan (Sports)
Graham Demkovitz (Weather)
Shannon Dyke
Devin Foley
Haley McGowan
Brandon Schmidt
Tech Crew:
Matt Buonomo
Annemarie Troy
TV Crew 2018-2019
Below are the names of those students who will be joining the TV Studio program for next year:
Congratulations to our new in-studio TV anchors for next year:
  • Ellen Fleming
  • Anthony Glass
  • Haley Nguyen
  • Erin Leonard
  • Sarah Carbajal
Congratulations to our new and returning members of our in-studio TV Crew for next year:
  • Maddi Cain
  • Grace Fanning
  • Chris Hope
  • Nick Kuonen
  • Magdalena Zak
Congratulations to our new Weather Anchor for next year:
  • Kim Tursi
Congratulations to our new Sports Anchor for next year:
  • Paul Zavorski
Congratulations to the students who will form our inaugural original content program as our Remote Anchors:
  • Billy Cook
  • Cassie Healy
  • Anna McCarthy
  • Meagan Muhlig
  • Lizzy O'Driscoll
Information on the remote tech crew and content creation will be released soon!
We are all excited for this next chapter in keeping the greater Wood community informed and involved!
Sports Report:
Boys Volleyball All-Catholic Awards Announced
1st Team: Jonathan Hober, Brian Piekarski
2nd Team: Patrick McCaffery
Girls Lacrosse

For the first time in school history, the girls lacrosse team clinched the District XII AA Championship after beating Cardinal O'Hara in a close game 9-6. They now have the chance to continue onto the state tournament. Their next game is Tuesday, opponent TBD.
Game statistics:
Erin Welsh (SR)- 1g
Kate Waddington (SR) - 3g
Annie Whalen (JR)- 1g
Haley Nguyen (JR)- 2g
Lindsay Faul (JR)- 2g
Athletes Committed to play their sport in college

Front Row (from l to r):
Billy Shaeffer, Lafayette, football
Katie May, Northeastern, basketball
Albert Glasgow, Kutztown, football
Nasir Peoples, Virgina Tech, football
Kyle Pitts, University of Florida, football
Adrian Lambert, East Strousburg, football
Tyler Smith, Central Connecticut, football
2nd Row (from l to r):
Dan Rockenbach, Chestnut Hill, baseball
Tommy Walsh, University of Delaware, football
Peter Gori, Fairfield, swimming
Robbie Bailey, Gwynned Mercy, baseball
3rd Row (from l to r):
Nasir Bowen, Lycoming, football
Steve Veneziale, Muhlenburg, wrestling
Dylan Slowinski, Gwynned Mercy, baseball
Hugh Lynch, Gwynedd Mercy, soccer
Jake Nubbemeyer, Scranton, soccer
CaitCligget, Holy Family, soccer
Marisa Browne, Drexel, softball
4th Row (from l to r):
John Gifford, West Chester, baseball
Eric Bauer, Ursinus, lacrosse
Tamir Barksdale, Del Val, football
Max Shaeffer, Wilkes, wrestling
Aubrey McDonough, Catholic University, swimming
Molly Prior, Bloomsburg, volleyball
5th Row (from l to r):
Andrew Funk, Bucknell, basketball
Tyree Pickron, Quinnipiac, basketball
Kyle McNamee, Gwyneed Mercy, baseball
The link below is to a Google Calendar. This calendar also links you to the Athletic Calendar. Please refer to this calendar for upcoming athletic events.

You can find the scores for Wood's games and other Catholic League Schools atAOPAthletics - Archbishop Wood