Miss Ortner
Teacher’s Contact Information
Room: B330Email:
Extra Help Hours: SAP Periods or by appointment (before, during, or after school hours)
Class Overview
Through this course, students will learn how to critically think and problem solve in order to conquer any Geometry question that may come their way. The Geometry topics we will cover this school year include building blocks of geometry, volume, transformations, circle terms and conjectures, theorems and proofs of triangles, trapezoids, and parallelograms, similarity, trigonometry, and constructions. Students will be capable of understanding theorems and the relationships between them. We will also apply geometric concepts to real life situations.
Required Materials
All of the following materials must be brought to class every day.
· 1 ½ inch binder with loose leaf paper
· Five dividers to be labeled: Do Now, In Class Notes, Homework, Study Guides, Test and Quizzes
· Writing utensil (preferably a pencil) along with a highlighter
Course Requirements
Students are expected to come to class dressed in uniform, prepared with all materials, all homework assignments completed in full, participate in class discussions and in class activities, complete all tests and quizzes, and maintain a classroom portfolio. Students are expected to meet these requirements at all times.
Classroom Expectations
1. RESPECT – Respect yourself, others, and your school. You are an important part of this classroom and you are capable of achieving great things! Continue to try your best and work your hardest; you can push yourself to be the best version of YOU! Everyone is unique within this classroom and it is your responsibility to respect that. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Contribute to an atmosphere that generates mutual respect, dignity, and honesty. Your school is a large part of your experience; respect our beautiful learning environment.
2. Be Prepared to Learn – My goal is to have everyone be successful! In order for us to make that happen, every student must participate in class activities, class discussions, complete homework, and follow directions the first time they are given. Mathematics is an integral part of the world; the more comfortable you are with mathematics the more likely you are to succeed. I am here to assist you in any aspect of our classroom. Do not be afraid to come to me with any questions that you have – I am here solely to ensure your success.
3. Take Responsibility for YOUR Actions – Complete your work, stay focus, attend extra help, and take responsibility for yourself. I will help you realize that our path to success will become an easier road to travel. Just remember, failure is NOT an option.
Typical Day Agenda
1. Do Now
2. New Vocabulary, Investigations, and Explorations
3. Examples
4. Practice and Activities
5. Closure
Classroom Procedures
1. Zero Noise Signal – Raised hand from ANY staff member means to stop talking and listen
2. Come Prepared – Upon entering the room, students should be dressed appropriately in uniforms, have all materials necessary, quietly find assigned seat and review the Objective on the board (take note of this in your notebook). Students are required to begin working on posted Do Now and pull out their homework. Homework will be checked every day.
3. During Instruction and Activities – If you would like to speak, please raise your hand and wait to be called on. I will not answer to someone that calls out. Students should be active listeners during instruction and group work. Students will complete assignments cooperatively with groups that are assigned, and they are required to discuss MATH.
4. During Reflection and Exit – Students are to complete the closure activity as assigned. Everyone is required to stay in their seats until dismissed by the teacher.
5. Electronic Devices – When students walk into the classroom, they are to exchange their cellphones with their assigned graphing calculators. Cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic devices are not permitted during class time unless otherwise told. Headphones are not to be out during class.
6. Leaving Class – You may not leave the classroom during the first or last ten minutes of class. Students will ask permission to leave, they are to take a pass, and sign out. Upon returning, students will sign back into the classroom, sit back in their seats quietly, and not disrupt others.
7. Absent/Late – If you are absent, you are to check the absent work bin for their missed work. My website may also have additional information for you. If you are late, you are to place your pass on my desk, sit in your seat quietly, and begin your assignment. A discussion of what you have missed will take place at the end of class.
8. Extra Help – Teacher help is always readily available during SAP periods. Students that would like additional extra help may do so by signing up on the “Extra Help” Clipboard at the front of the room.
Attendance Policy
Refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for more details
· Any student obtaining 5 unexcused absences in any class during a marking period will be placed in a “no credit status” for that marking period and will be required to attend Saturday Credit Recovery.
· Failure to complete the assigned Credit Recovery will result in an automatic grade of “60”
· Any student attaining 6 or more unexcused absence in any class during a marking period will receive an automatic grade of “60”
· Once a student exceeds 20 or more unexcused absences in any course, the student will not receive credit for that course.
Late Policy
Refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for more details
· Period A Tardy – Central Detention. Any student involved in extra curricular activities and/or athletics must serve detention on the date that the detention was assigned in order to participate in the activity
· A tardy less than 44 minutes will result in teacher detention for the 1st and 2nd time. Three or more tardies will result in an extended detention to be served each time within 24 hours
· A tardy greater than 47 minutes to a block class will count as a half absence.
· Two half absences will result in one absence.
Category / Example / Percentage of GradeSummative Assessments / Chapter Tests, Quizzes / 70%
Formative Assessments / Do Now, Class work, Homework, Participation, Exit Slips / 30%
92 – 100 - Excellent
84 – 91 - Good
77 – 83 - Fair
70 – 76 - Poor Below 70 - Failure
Summative Assessments
· Chapter Tests – out of 100 points
· Quizzes – approximately out of 25 points; about 2-3 per Chapter
Formative Assessments
· Do Now and Exit Slips – given one per class, 10 points each
· Homework – Normally one per class; will either be checked for completion or collected for accuracy (25 points – 15 completion, 10 accuracy)
· Class Work and Participation – approximately 15 points
If you disregard the above expectations and/or procedures, I will give warnings, detention and follow-up
with your parent, counselor, facilitator, coach, and your academy principal
I, ______, promise to do my very best to uphold the classroom expectations and procedures as outlined by Miss Ortner
Student signature ______Date ______
Acknowledged by:
Parent/Guardian signature ______Date ______