Scientific Publications of the Hemophilia Utilization Group Studies (HUGS)
All publications in the pdf format can be downloaded from the HUGS study website:
1.Chen CX, Baker JR, Nichol MB. Economic burden of illness among persons with hemophilia B from HUGS Vb: examining the association of severity and treatment regimens with costs and annual bleed rates. Value in Health, 2017 Available online
2.Curtis R, Baker J, Riske B, Ullman M, Niu X, Norton K, Lou M, Nichol MB. Young adults with hemophilia in the U.S.: demographics, comorbidities, and health status. American Journal of Hematology. 2015 Dec;90Suppl 2:S11-6. doi: 10.1002/ajh.24218.
3.Zhou Z, Koerper MA, Johnson KA, Riske B, Baker JR, Ullman M, Curtis RG, Poon JL, Lou M, Nichol MB. Burden of illness: Direct and indirect costs among persons with hemophilia A in the United States. Journal of Medical Economics, 2015 Jun;18(6):457-65. doi: 10.3111/13696998.2015.1016228
4.Niu X, Poon JL, Riske B, Zhou ZY, Ullman M, Lou M, Baker J, Koerper M, Curtis R, Nichol MB. Physical activity and health outcomes in persons with hemophilia B. Hemophilia, 2014 Nov;20(6):814-21. doi: 10.1111/hae.12485.
5.Poon JL, Doctor JN, Nichol MB. Longitudinal changes in health-related quality of life for chronic diseases: An example in hemophilia A. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2014 Aug;29Suppl 3:S760-6. doi: 10.1007/s11606-014-2893-y.
6.Poon JL, Zhou ZY, Doctor JN, Wu J, Ullman MM, Ross C, Riske B, Parish KL, Lou M, Koerper MA, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Forsberg AD, Curtis RG, Johnson KA. Quality of life in hemophilia A: Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Va (HUGS-Va). Hemophilia. 2012 Sep;18(5):699-707. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2516.2012.02791.x
7.Zhou ZY, Riske B, Forsberg A, Ullman M, Baker J, Koerper M, Curtis R, Lou M, Wu J, Johnson K. Self-reported barriers to hemophilia care in persons with factor VIII deficiency. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2011 Dec;41(6 Suppl 4):S346-53. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2011.09.003.
8.Zhou ZY, Wu J, Baker J, Curtis R, Forsberg A, Huszti H, Koerper M, Lou M, Miller M, Parish K, Riske B, Shapiro A, Ullman M, Johnson K. Hemophilia Utilization Group Study - Part Va (HUGS Va): design, methods and baseline data. Haemophilia.2011 Sep;17(5):729-36. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2516.2011.02595.x.
9.Globe DR, Curtis RG, Koerper MA; HUGS Steering Committee. Utilization of care in haemophilia: a resource-based method for cost Analysis from the Haemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS). Haemophilia. 2004 Mar;10Suppl 1:63-70.
10.Globe DR, Cunningham WE, Andersen R, Dietrich SL, Curtis RG, Parish KL, Miller RT, Sanders NL, Kominski G; Hemophilia Utilization Group Study. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS): determinants of costs of care in persons with haemophilia A. Haemophilia. 2003 May;9(3):325-31.
11.Globe DR, Cunningham WE, Andersen R, Dietrich SL, Curtis RG, Parish KL, Miller RT, Sanders NL, Kominski G. Haemophilia Utilization Group Study: assessment of functional health status in haemophilia. Haemophilia. 2002 Mar;8(2):121-8.
12.Globe DR, Cunningham WE, Andersen RM, Dietrich SL, Curtis RG, Parish KL, Miller RT, Sanders NL, Kominski GF. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study: cost of out-patient, inpatient and pharmaceutical care. International Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2000 Vol. 7(2), 87-100.
Abstracts Presented in Professional Conferences
- Curtis R,Koerper M,Riske B, Baker J, Trends in hemophilia clinician prescribing practices: 1999 and 2015, HTRS 2017 Scientific Symposium, Scottsdale, AZ, April 6-8, 2017
- Riske B, Koerper M,Baker JR, Ullman M, Curtis R, U.S. Hemophilia Physician Prescribing Practices: Then and Now, World Federation of Hemophilia 2016 World Congress, Orlando, FL, USA, July 24-28, 2016
- Lou M, Wu J, Ullman M, Baker JR, Riske B, Koerper M,Curtis R, Nichol MB, HUGS VI Group, Baseline Characteristics in Hemophilia Utilization Group Studies Part VI (HUGS VI): An Adherence Study Among Participants with Hemophilia, World Federation of Hemophilia 2016 World Congress, Orlando, FL, USA, July 24-28, 2016
- Wu J, Lou M, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Wasserman J, Riske B, Baker JR, Hord J, Bradisse J, Konkle BA, Kulkarni R, Ullman M, Koerper M, Curtis R, Niu X, Doctor J, Nichol MB, Comparison of Health Utilities in Persons with Hemophilia B, World Federation of Hemophilia 2016 World Congress, Orlando, FL, USA, July 24-28, 2016
- Lou M, Ullman M, Baker JR, Koerper M, Wu J, Riske B, Curtis R, Nichol MB, HUGS V Group, Comparison of Clinical Characteristics and Health Care Utilization Among Individuals with Hemophilia A and B in the Hemophilia Utilization Group Studies (HUGS) Cohorts, World Federation of Hemophilia 2016 World Congress, Orlando, FL, USA, July 24-28, 2016
- Zhou ZY, Chen CX, Nichol MB, Exploring Temporal Patterns of Clotting Factor Use and Associated Healthcare Utilization in Hemophilia, World Federation of Hemophilia 2016 World Congress, Orlando, FL, USA, July 24-28, 2016
- Niu X, Baker J, Riske B, Ullman M, Wu J, Lou M, Nichol MB, Clustering Health Status among Adults with Hemophilia using SF12, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 18th Annual European Congress, Milan, Italy, Nov. 7-11, 2015
- Chen CX, Ullman M, Hord J, Kulkarni R, Konkle BA, Baker JR, Riske B, Koerper M, Lou M, Wu J, Nichol MB, Characteristics Associated with Annual Bleeding Frequency Among Hemophilia Patients in the United States, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 18th Annual European Congress, Milan, Italy, Nov. 7-11, 2015
- Chen CX, Konkle BA, Niu X, Baker JR, Hord J, Kulkarni R, Ullman M, Wu J, Lou M, Nichol MB, Associations Between Annual Bleeding Episodes and Financial Burden of Illness Among Persons with Hemophilia A and B in the United States, National Hemophilia Foundation 67th Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, Aug. 13-15, 2015
- Curtis R, Riske B, Baker JR, Ullman M, Niu X, Norton K, Koerper M, Lou M, Nichol MB, Relative health status of young adults in the Hemophilia Utilization Group Studies (HUGS), National Hemophilia Foundation 67th Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, Aug. 13-15, 2015
- Chen CX, Baker JR, Konkle BA, Ullman M, Kulkarni R, Hord J, Soni A, Wu J, Lou M, Nichol MB, Burden of illness among persons with Hemophilia B: direct and indirect costs, The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2015 Congress, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 20-25, 2015
- Lou M, Riske B, Wu J, Ullman M, Baker J, Koerper M, Poon JL, Niu X, Konkle B, Kulkarni R, Adkins S, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Curtis R, Parish KL, Nichol MB, Comorbidities among adults with hemophilia: hemophilia utilization group studies (HUGS V), National Hemophilia Foundation 66th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC., Sep. 18-20, 2014
- Niu X, Poon JL , Kulkarni R, Lou M, Baker J, Riske B, Ullman M, Curtis RG, Wu J, Koerper M, Nichol MB, Association between health status and factor consumption among persons with hemophilia b using propensity score matching, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 19th Annual International Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 31-June 4, 2014
- Niu X, Lou M, Poon JL, Kulkarni R, Riske B, Ullman M, Baker J, Parish K, Hord J, Curtis RG, Wu J, Koerper M, Nichol MB, Association between Health Status and Consumption of Factor IX Concentrate among Persons with Hemophilia B Hemophilia Utilization Group Study - Part Vb (HUGS Vb), World Federation of Hemophilia 2014 World Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 11-15, 2014
- Niu X, Lou M, Baker J Poon JL, Konkle BA, Ullman M, Riske B, Hord J, Kulkarni R, Curtis RG, Koerper M, Wu J, Nichol MB, Measuring work or school absence associated with administration of factor concentrate in children with hemophilia in the United States – Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Part V (HUGS V), World Federation of Hemophilia 2014 World Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 11-15, 2014
- Baker JR, Ullman M, Riske B, Curtis RG, Koerper M, Lou M, Nichol MB, Embracing HUGS: The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study’s Value to 21st Century Hemophilia Researchers -- Documenting Cost, Quality and Outcomes, Thrombosis and Hemostasis Societies of North America 2014 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 10-12, 2014
- Niu X, Poon JL, Lou M, Ullman M, Koerper M, Baker J, Hord J, Konkle BA, Riske B, Buranahirun C, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Curtis RG, Kulkami R, Soni A, Nichol MB, Burden of Bleeding Episodes among Persons with Hemophilia B – Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Vb (HUGS Vb), National Hemophilia Foundation 65th Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Oct. 3-5, 2013
- Niu X, Poon JL, Riske B, Baker J, Ullman M, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Lou M, Nichol MB. Cost to Society due to Underemployment in Persons with Hemophilia B – Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Vb (HUGS Vb). ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2013 May.
- Poon JL, Doctor JN, Ullman M, Riske B, Koerper M, Baker J, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Niu X, Lou M, Nichol MB. Longitudinal Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life for Chronic Diseases: An Example from the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Part Va (HUGS Va). ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2013 May.
- Niu X, Poon JL, Lou M, Kulkarni R, Baker J, Nichol MB, Curtis R, Koerper M, Riske B, Ullman M. Healthcare Utilization in Persons with Hemophilia B – Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Vb (HUGS Vb). HTRS ScienTificSympoSium, Charlotte, NC. 2013 Apr.
- Poon JL, Lou M, Baker J, Konkle B, Riske B, Ullman M, Niu X, Curtis R, Johnson KA, Nichol MB. Health Insurance Coverage for Persons with Hemophilia B – Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Vb (HUGS Vb). NHF’s 64th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. 2012 Nov
- Niu X, Poon JL, Lou M, Riske B, Baker J, Ullman M, Konkle B, Forsberg A, Curtis R, Johnson KA, Nichol MB. Physical Activity and Health Outcomes in Teenagers and Adults with Hemophilia B - Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Vb (HUGS Vb). NHF’s 64th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. 2012 Nov
- Johnson KA, Curtis R, Koerper M, Lou M, Poon JL, Riske B, Zhou ZY. Healthcare Utilization and Cost of Care – Insights from the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS). World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) 2012, 50th World Congress, Paris, France. 2012 July.
- Poon JL, Lou M, Zhou ZY, Riske B, Koerper M, Baker J, Johnson KA. Characterizing Excessive School and Work Absenteeism in Hemophilia A. World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) 2012, 50th World Congress, Paris, France. 2012 July.
- Lou M, Poon JL, Koerper M, Riske B, Baker J, Kulkarni R. Indirect Costs Among Persons with Hemophilia B. World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) 2012, 50th World Congress, Paris, France. 2012 July.
- Johnson K, Zhou ZY, Koerper M, Riske B, Baker J, Poon JL, Lou M. Burden of Illness: Direct and Indirect Costs Among Persons with Hemophilia A. BDC 2nd National Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2012 March.
- Poon JL, Lou M, Zhou ZY, Ullman M, Koerper M, Kulkarni R, Parish K, Johnson K. Health Literacy in Persons with Hemophilia B. BDC 2nd National Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2012 March.
- Poon JL, Lou M, Zhou ZY, Curtis R, Doctor J, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Riske B, Ullman M, Baker J, Koerper M, Forsberg A, Cockrell E, Johnson K. Sociodemographics, Clinical Characteristics and Health-Related Quality of Life among People with Hemophilia A and B. NHF’s 63rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. 2011 Nov.
- Poon JL, Lou M, Doctor J, Zhou ZY, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Baker J, Ullman M, Koerper M, Johnson K. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS-Vb): Health-related Quality of Life in Hemophilia B. ISPOR 16th Annual International Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 2011 May.
- Lou M, Zhou ZY, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Poon JL, Doctor J, Koerper M, Ullman M, Johnson K. Utilizing a Paper Standard Gamble Instrument to Assess Health Utility in Patients with Hemophilia B. ISPOR 16th Annual International Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 2011 May.
- Zhou ZY, Ullman M, Koerper M, Baker J, Smith C, Poon JL, Lou M, Johnson K. Characterizing Direct Costs Associated with Hemophilia a: a Resource-Based Cost Analysis. ISPOR 16th Annual International Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 2011 May.
- Lou M, Zhou ZY, Ullman M, Riske B, Forsberg A, Baker J, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Miller R, Johnson K. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Part Vb: Characterization of Baseline Data. NHF’s 62st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2010 Nov.
- Zhou ZY, Baker J, Riske B, Ullman M, Forsberg A, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Koerper M, Johnson K. Bleeding Episodes and Indirect Costs among Patients with Hemophilia A - the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Part Va (HUGS Va). NHF’s 62st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2010 Nov.
- Zhou ZY, Johnson K, Riske B, Ullman M, Baker J, Koerper M, Forsberg A, Miller B, Shapiro A, Huszti H. Health Care Utilization and Cost in Persons with Factor VIII Deficiency: Results of the HUGS Va Study. ISPOR 4th Asia-Pacific Conference, Phuket, Thailand. 2010 Sep
- Zhou ZY, Johnson K, Koerper M, Wu J, Curtis R, Riske B, Forsberg A, Ullman M, Lou M, Parish K. Association of Self-reported Joint Pain and Motion Limitation with Clinical Range of Motion Assessment in Patients with Hemophilia A. Hemophilia 2010 World Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2010 July.
- Zhou ZY, Johnson K, Riske B, Ullman M, Judith Baker, Koerper M, Forsberg A, Miller B, Shapiro A, Huszti H. Health Care Utilization and Cost in Persons with Factor VIII Deficiency: Results of the HUGS Va Study. Hemophilia 2010 World Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2010 July.
- Riske B, Zhou ZY, Forsberg A, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Ullman M, Koerper M, Baker J, Globe D, Shapiro A, Wu J, Johnson K. Barriers to Care in Patients with Hemophilia A -the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS-Va). 1st National Conference on Blood Disorders in Public Health, Atlanta, Georgia. 2010 Mar.
- Zhou ZY, Ullman M, Riske B, Forsberg A, Shapiro A, Koerper M, Johnson K. Health Care Utilization in Patients with Hemophilia A - First Year Data of HUGS-Va. 1st National Conference on Blood Disorders in Public Health, Atlanta, Georgia. 2010 Mar.
- Zhou ZY, Riske B, Baker J, Forsberg A, Koerper M, Lou M, Shapiro A, Ullman M, Johnson K. One Year Health Care Utilization and Cost in Patients with Factor VIII Deficiency: First year Results of the HUGS Va Study. NHF’s 61st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. 2009 Oct.
- Zhou ZY, Globe D, Ullman M, Baker J, Koerper M, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Wu J, Forsberg A, Shapiro A, Trawinski B, Duncan N, Johnson KA. Health Care Utilization and Factor Cost in Hemophilia. ISPOR 14th Annual International Meeting, Orlando, Florida. 2009 May.
- Zhou ZY, Koerper M, Riske B, Baker J, Miller R, Ullman M, Forsberg A, Curtis R, Shapiro A, Johnson K. Healthcare Utilization in Persons with Severe Hemophilia A on Prophylactic vs. Episodic Replacement. 2009 HTRS ScienTificSympoSium, Chicago, Illinois. 2009 April.
- Zhou ZY, Ullman M, Koerper M, Globe D, Baker J, Miller B, Riske B, Smith C, Forsberg A, Wu J, Curtis R, Shapiro A, Johnson K. Health Insurance Coverage for Adults and Children with Hemophilia - Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS-Va). NHF’s 60th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. 2008 Nov.
- Curtis R, Zhou ZY, Riske B, Ullman M, Koerper M, Johnson K. Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS Va): Baseline Data and Factor Utilization. WFH’s 28th World Hemophilia Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. 2008 June.
- Zhou ZY, Wu J, Globe D, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Riske B, Ullman M, Huszti H, Koerper M, Baker J, Johnson K. Factors Associated with Lower Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in Adults with Factor VIII Deficiency - the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study-Part V (HUGS-V). ISPOR 13th Annual International Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2008 May.
- Zhou ZY, Baker J, Globe D, Riske B, Forsberg A, Wu J, Ullman M, Duncan N, Smith C, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Curtis R, Koerper M, Parish K, Johnson K. Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS V): Summary of Baseline Data -Demographics, Clinical Characteristics, Barriers to Care, Arthropathy and Quality of Life. NHF’s 59th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. 2007 Nov.
- Riske B, Forsberg A, Zheng-Yi Zhou, FemidaGwadry-Sridhar, Megan Ullman, Judith Baker, Denise Globe, Carissa Smith, Joanne Wu, and Kathleen Johnson. Association of Social Demographics and Clinical Factors with Barriers to Hemophilia Care in Patients with Factor VIII Deficiency-The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study-Part V. APHA 2007 Annual Meeting & Exposition, Washington, D.C. 2007 Nov.
- Wu J, Nichol M, Globe D, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Ullman M, Johnson K. Estimating Utility Values for Self-reported Joint Pain and Motion Limitation Outcomes in Adult Hemophilia Patients-the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study-Part V (HUGS-V). ISPOR 12th Annual International Meeting, Arlington, VA. 2007 May.
- Wu J, Globe D, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Forsberg A, Riske B, Johnson K. The Association of Barriers to Care and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Factor VIII Deficiency-the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study-Part V (HUGS-V). ISPOR 12th Annual International Meeting, Arlington, VA. 2007 May.
- Curtis R, Johnson KA. HUGS V: Hemophilia Costs and Impact of Disease Study. Federal Hemophilia Treatment Centers/Region IX 2007 Annual Conference, Newport Beach, California. 2007 March.
- Johnson K, Wu J, Globe D, Riske B, Ullman M, Curtis R, HUGS Group. Hemophilia Treatment Patterns and Baseline Data for the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study Part –V. NHF’s 58th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2006 Oct.
- Wu J, Curtis R, Parish K, Globe D and Johnson K. The Association of Self-reported Joint Problems and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Factor VIII Deficiency. WFH’s 27th World Hemophilia Congress, Vancouver, Canada. 2006 May.
- Curtis R, Globe D, Wu J, Riske B and Johnson K. Use of an Automated Telephone Survey System to Collect Monthly Utilization and Disease Burden Data in the Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS). WFH’s 27th World Hemophilia Congress, Vancouver, Canada. 2006 May.
- Wu J, Globe D, Riske B, Wasserman J, Johnson KA. Risk Indicators for Self-reported Joint Pain and Motion Limitation Outcomes in Hemophilia Patients-the Hemophilia Cost and Impact of Disease Study-Part V. ISPOR 11th Annual International Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2006 May.
- Globe D, Wu J, Curtis R and the HUGS Steering Committee. Cost Effectiveness Model of Primary Prophylaxis in Severe Hemophilia A: The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS). XXVI International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Bangkok, Thailand. 2004 Oct.
- Globe D, Cunningham W, Andersen R, Curtis R, Dietrich S, Sanders N, Miller R, Parish K, Kominski G. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS): A Retrospective Assessment of Health Status of Persons with Haemophilia. XXIIV International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Montreal, Canada. 2000 July.
- Globe D, Parish K, Curtis R, Miller R, Sanders N, Dietrich S and The Hemophilia Research Society. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS): Physician Prescribing Practices Survey. XXIIV International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Montreal, Canada. 2000 July.
- Parish K, Globe D, Curtis R, Dietrich S, Koerper M, Miller R, Sanders N, Kominski G. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS): Psychosocial Factors in Utilization and Cost of Health Care. XXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, The Hague, The Netherlands. 1998 May.
- Curtis R, Dietrich S, Globe D, Koerper M, Miller R, Parish K, Sanders N, Kominski G. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study HUGS): Data Collection in Diverse Environments while Maintaining Patient Confidentiality. XXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, The Hague, The Netherlands. 1998 May.
- Globe D, Cunningham W, Andersen R, Curtis R, Dietrich S, Sanders N, Miller R, Parish K, Koerper M, Kominski G. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS): Predictors of the Cost of Total Health Care for Individuals with Factor VIII Deficiency. XXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, The Hague, The Netherlands. 1998 May.
- Globe D, Cunningham W, Andersen R, Curtis R, Dietrich S, Sanders N, Miller R, Parish K, Koerper M, Kominski G. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS): Cost of Out-Patient, In-Patient and Pharmaceutical Care. XXIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, The Hague, The Netherlands. 1998 May.
- Globe D, Curtis R, Miller R, Dietrich S, Sanders N, Parish K, Kominski G. The Hemophilia Utilization Group Study. XXII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Dublin, Ireland. 1996 June.
- Curtis R, Dietrich S, Hutton R, Lee M, Miller R, Parish K. Determination of Utilizatin of Services in Hemophilia: A Group Study. XXI International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Mexico City, Mexico. 1994 April.