Welcome toGeneral Algebra!
Teacher Ms. VitielloEmail
Course Description
General Algebra is the second year of a two year study of basic high school math concepts. This course places emphasis on the Algebra Common Core model and provides studentswith extra practice on mathematical concepts throughout the Algebra curriculum. Students will learn topics including how to interpret the structure of expressions, perform operations on polynomials, and understand solving equations as a process of reasoning. Students will solve equations and inequalities in one variable, and represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically. This course will help prepare students for the Algebra Regents Examination (if applicable), which will be taken at the conclusion of the school year.
Necessary SuppliesGrading Policy
3 ring binder Tests/Quizzes: 65%
Lined binder paper (looseleaf) Homework: 25%
4 Binder Dividers labeled: NOTES, HOMEWORK, Class Participation: 10%
Pencils, erasers, highlighters
*Extra Credit is given at the discretion of the teacher and will be announced/posted when available.
Class Website
This is where daily homework assignments will be posted. Please continually check this page for updates. There will also be links to helpful math sites that can assist you while completing homework and/or studying!
PoWs (or Problems of the Week) are weekly assignments given that help you prepare for state/class tests. POWs will be given every Wednesday in class and will be due the following Tuesday at the start of class. One point a day will be deducted for late POWs.
*Students may use their books, notes, other resources, and extra help sessions to help in completing the POWs.
Students will be required to create a “Journal” section in their binders. “Final Thoughts Friday” will occur every Friday at the beginning of class either in place of, or in addition to the DO NOW for the class. Students will be given a prompt and will be required to respond in complete sentences.Some weeks will require partner sharing, while others will require class sharing.Journals will be graded on effort and participation.
Regular class attendance is crucial to the learning process. Students are responsible for making up missed work, which will be posted daily on our website.
Extra Help
Extra help will be offered every Monday and Wednesday after school until 4:00 pm. However, if it is not possible to attend either of these sessions, please contact me to set up an appointment.
Parent & Student Portal
Please check daily and after any tests/quizzes to be up to date regarding your grades.
I am looking forward to spending this year together! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please keep this for your reference and return the attached page by Friday, September 12th!
Ms. Vitiello
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome back to the new school year! My name is Silvana Vitiello and I will be your child’s mathematics teacher for the 2014-2015 school year. I am looking forward to working with your child! Communication between the parents/guardians, the student, and the teacher is one of the most important tools that will enable all students to be successful. I invite you to email me with any questions or concerns throughout the school year at or leave a message for me at the North House Office by calling (914) 422-2140.
Please read through the course syllabus and sign the attached sheet. I am also sending a “Contact Form” home with your child so that I can determine how to best reach you. I am very excited about the upcoming school year and look forward to working with you and your child.
Silvana Vitiello
Please have this sheet signed and return it to Ms. Vitiello by 9/12.
I, ______have read this syllabus and understand the expectations for
(please print)
this course.
Student Signature ______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Email Address ______
Parent/Guardian Phone Number ______