Awakening to Presence
The Key to Discovering Who You Truly Are

7:00Entrance Music(Rag Madhuvanti, Pt. 2)

7Come present. Say “hello” to body–tapping, stroking. Witness body movement:slowly rise to feet, walk through room, eyes down,slow motion gradually increasing speed to fast motion, interweaving, chaotic, playful(Rag Madhuvanti, Pt. 2)

5Center. Listen to the chime/bell/gong. Follow the sound as it fades into silence (3x)

10Greeting.Welcome to course, theme and purpose of class, schedule, orientation to venue, agreements.

15Introductions/Namaste. 1st go-around: Namaste greeting followed by 1 full breath in and out to acknowledge and feel; 2nd time – popcorn around the circle: Briefly describe what feelings and body sensations you are aware of within

25What is Tantra/Ipsalu Tantra?Participants draw from “ABC’s” of Ipsalu Tantra cards

[62 minutes]


5Talk. What is presence? How to distinguish between presence and non-presence.


7DanceHook elbows, dance/skip one way then the other. Switch partners. Playfulness of Govinda, like kids,light and fun(Angels’ Waltz)

4Guided MeditationFeel the inner body

7Watch the Breath. Counting backwards with the breath. (El Hadra: The Mystik Dance)

6Aswini Mudra. Simple. (Kublai Tec)

3Shakti Shiva Mudra. Sending energy to everyone in the room; friends and family; greater community. Notice a feeling of alive presence.

15 Puja. Concentric circles. Enjoying presence in relation to one another.Sitting back-to-back AH mantra, soft eye gazing, essence appreciation (Mender of Hearts)

3Contact Dance. Partner dance - one body part in contact at all times: e.g., pad of index finger, back of hand, side to side – one arm across partner’s upperback/shoulders, train dance - stand behind a partner and hold on to their hips as train moves forward, medium speed then faster, faster.(Soul Bossa Nova)

5 Share. Moments of presence. How did that feel? Describe what you noticed.

[55 minutes]


BREAK 15 minutes

[15 minutes]

5Talk. Obstacles to presence and how to transcend them. Witness consciousness.
5Listen to Osho Talk - “Watching”
25 Gibberish and Let-Go. Osho active meditation.
5Experience a Piece of Fruit (SweetRiver)
5Share. 1-2 word go-around: how do you feel in this moment? Discussion question: value of presence in

relationship, spiritual practice, life purpose, sexual connection, enjoying life?
7What is Next? Upcoming event announcements.
15Closing. Foot massage in triads(I Sense Your Presence– repeat first 5 minutes for each massage)

[67 minutes]


[3 hours, 19 minutes total]

Exit Music (I Sense Your Presence– whole track)

(Suggestions for shortening program to 3 hours:

5 minutes foot massage, 10 minutes puja, 10 minute break or delete Osho talk)