Exercise for System Librarian for moving around and troubleshooting

Steps taken in UNIX / Explanation / Additional Explanation
1. chicago=M545>pwd / Logged into Chicago server.
Pwd to see where we are.
2. /aleph1/a54_5/alephm / Note that we open up into the a tree (a54_5), which is where the DEMO (packaged) database for ALEPH is kept.
3. chicago=M545>dlib usm50 / Use dlib usm50 to provide access for the Utilities Menus for the administrative library of USM. / This will provide access to UTIL for the Administrative library (database).
4. chicago=USM50-M545>pwd / We can see that we are ready to use USM50 by change in information to left of the > prompt. / Pwd to see that dlib does NOT change your working directory.
5. /aleph1/a54_5/alephm / Note step 2 and step 5 indicate the working directory has not changed.
6. chicago=USM50-M545>dt / Use dt to change directories. This will take you to the tab directory of a data library. / Note that we will move into the tab directory of usm50 because of the dlib in step 3.
7. chicago=USM50-M545>pwd / Pwd to see where dt (in this instance) takes us.
8. /aleph1/a54_5/usm50/tab / We are in the tab directory of usm50 a.k.a. the data/tab directory. / “Data” refers to the working library (database).
9. chicago=USM50-M545>dlib exu50 / Use dlib exu50 to provide access for the Utilities Menus for the administrative library of EXU (the customer database).
10. chicago=EXU50-M545>pwd / We can see that we are ready to use EXU50 by change in information to left of the > prompt. / Pwd to see that dlib does NOT change your working directory.
11. /aleph1/a54_5/usm50/tab / Note step 8 and step 11 indicate the working directory has not changed from USM.
12. chicago=EXU50-M545>dt / Use dt to change directories. This will take you to the tab directory of a data library. / Note that we will move into the tab directory of exu50 because of the dlib in step 9.
13. chicago=EXU50-M545>pwd / Pwd to see where dt (in this instance) takes us.
14. /aleph1/u54_5/exu50/tab / We are in the tab directory of exu50 a.k.a. the data/tab directory. / Note that we open up into the U tree (u54_5), which is where the CUSTOMER database for ALEPH should be kept for protection.
15. chicago=EXU50-M545>cd $alephe_tab / From EXU50 environment, change to the tab directory of “alephe” using shortcut. / Note “alephe” is shared by all databases (libraries) on a version. There can be only ONE active “alephe” per version.
16. chicago=EXU50-M545>pwd / Pwd to see where alephe_tab directory is located.
17. /aleph1/u54_5/alephe/tab / Note the Alephe directory is located in the U tree on this sever. / This is set up in aleph_start_505.
18. chicago=EXU50-M545>dlib usm50 / Use dlib usm50 to provide access for the Utilities Menus for the administrative library of USM.
19. chicago=USM50-M545>pwd / Pwd to see that dlib does NOT change your working directory.
20. /aleph1/u54_5/alephe/tab / Note step 17 and step 20 indicate the working directory has not changed.
21. chicago=USM50-M545>dt / Use dt to change directories. This will take you to the tab directory of a data library. / Note that we will move into the tab directory of usm50 because of the dlib in step 18.
22. chicago=USM50-M545>pwd / Pwd to see where dt (in this instance) takes us.
23. /aleph1/a54_5/usm50/tab / We are in the tab directory of usm50 a.k.a. the data/tab directory.
24. chicago=USM50-M545>cd $alephe_tab / FromUSM50 environment, change to the tab directory of “alephe” using shortcut.
25. chicago=USM50-M545>pwd / Pwd to see where alephe_tab directory is located.
26. /aleph1/u54_5/alephe/tab / Note this is the same Alephe directory and is located in the U tree on this sever. / This is set up in aleph_start_505.

Where to go for troubleshooting

Problem / Directory (shortcut) / File name to VI
1. Batch services – I ran a job from the Services menu, but can’t see any results. / xxxnn/files (df1) / lib_batch_log (look for the batch service by name [p-cir-13] to determine where to find the specific log]


1. chicago=USM50-M535>vi lib_batch_log

Thu May 11 08:49:33 tsach *** ************************************************

Thu May 11 08:49:33 tsach *** executing /aleph6/a53_5/aleph/proc/p_cir_13 with p

arameters USM50,susan-cir2,A,,,,,,,,,,,,01,N,O,02,Y,0,00,sus-prin2,

Thu May 11 08:49:33 tsach *** log file is: /aleph5/u53_5/alephe/scratch/usm50_p_


Problem / Directory (shortcut) / File name to VI
2. Log file of a batch process, itself – I want to see the what parameters and what happened with the job I was running from web services. / alephe_scratch / Filename from lib_batch_log to include data library (xxxnn), the batch service (p_yyy_nn), an assigned number and your print file name.


2. chicago=USM50-M535>vi usm50_p_cir_13.00094.sus-prin2

ALEPH/SUN_OS_2, Copyright Ex Libris.

version 535.12.3, 14-Apr-1900

start USM50,susan-cir2,A,,,,,,,,,,,,01,N,O,02,Y,0,00,sus-prin2,



73 END READING AT 08:49:34


Problem / Directory (shortcut) / File name to VI
3. www_server - I am having a problem in WEB OPAC or I am having problem running a service. / tmp (cd $LOGDIR) / www_server_nnnn.log (It is best to start your own server to focus in on the problem)


3. chicago=USM50-M535>cd $LOGDIR


OUT 0 Seconds , 250 Bytes , Total 27055 Bytes

IN Thu May 11 08:49:24 2000 - GET /B/6LGST2RT1V722DGJAYJTR525QXQK




www_batch: WWW-B-CIR-13

Load : /aleph5/u53_5/alephe/error_eng/www_heading

OUT 0 Seconds , 809 Bytes , Total 27864 Bytes

IN Thu May 11 08:49:25 2000 - GET /aleph6/a53_5/alephe/www_eng/ic


OUT 0 Seconds , 958 Bytes , Total 28822 Bytes

Problem / Directory (shortcut) / File name to VI
4. Print file - I want to view the results from a batch job. / xxxnnn/print (dp)
GUI Task Manager for xxxnnn / Your file name


4. chicago=USM50-M535> vi susan-cir50


## - PLAIN,L01


Overdue notice

Ex Libris Boston Branch Library

789 Best Choice Court

Boston, MA




H. Ford

563 Crestview Manor - perm

Billings, MO

USA 45678

User ID: 0123

Dear Sir/Madam,

"susan-cir50" 2453 lines, 57993 characters

Problem / Directory (shortcut) / File name to VI
5. Pc_server – I am getting an error message or having another problem while using the GUI connection in one of the functional modules. / tmp (cd $TMPDIR) / Pc_server_nnnn.log (It is best to start your own server to focus in on the problem).


5. chicago=USM50-M535>pc_server 6553 stdout (to start dynamic server)


chicago=USM50-M535> cd $TMPDIR

and then

chicago=USM50-M535> pc_server_6553.log (if using your own server, started from UTIL)


MODULE: Catalog Services

DESCRIPTION: Get error text from $data_tab/check_doc_marc.eng table


PROGRAM: pc_cat_c0209

Load : /aleph5/u53_5/exu01/tab/check_doc.eng

Load : /aleph5/u53_5/alephe/error_eng/check_doc

Load : /aleph5/u53_5/exu01/tab/check_doc_mandatory

2000-05-11 10:20:16 14 - Server No. 1 Wrote 775 (12684) Bytes, Total 5079 Bytes


2000-05-11 10:20:25 41 - Server No. 1 Read 155 (12684) Bytes, Total 5234 Bytes



MODULE: Catalog Services

DESCRIPTION: Get error text from $data_tab/check_doc_marc.eng table


PROGRAM: pc_cat_c0209

Exercise_System_Librarian_moving around_152_20020928 ©Ex Libris (USA), Inc 2002 Page 1