Professional Development – Day #1
The Weston School Improvement Team (SIP) is interested in your feedback regarding today’s professional development session. Your responses will help evaluate the quality of our professional development sessions and how to best meet your needs.
Note on survey totals: due to multiple marks for categories on some responses, the number of marks for each topic are not equal. / StronglyDisagree
1 / Disagree
2 / Neutral
3 / Agree
4 / Strongly Agree
Culture Building
The article entitled “Positive” by Kent Peterson provided me with insightful information to support building a positive culture. / 8 / 8
After reading the article “Positive” I have a better understanding of my role and responsibility in cultivating a positive school environment. / 10 / 5
· The same things are being said all over the educational world and focus is shifting for now. I’ve read similar articles
· This article provides a good starting point for further discussion on building a culture of
· Shared professional learning.
· I agree we should all be on the same page & like the opportunities for professional development. I feel that readdressing the schools vision & mission was good for the new teachers & a great reminder for those returning staff.
· I liked that we shared; great way to kick-off the P.D.
Writing & Data Collection
The writing practice session helped me gain a better understanding of how to evaluate student writing. / 1 / 1 / 4 / 9
The Six Point Scoring Rubric for Persuasive Writing is a useful tool to evaluate student writing. / 2 / 6 / 7
After scoring a writing sample I am confident in my ability to evaluate student writing. / 1 / 4 / 5 / 5
· Some of the information on scoring was a little subjective. I found myself grading the piece differently than most.
· Very useful
· There should be more discussion about the reasons for having the teachers in all of the content areas do the scoring. What was the original purpose of this? The discussion we had was a good start but it needs to be continued.
PST Data Re-Training
I am comfortable using the PST website to access student achievement data. / 3 / 4 / 8
PST is a useful tool to develop learning objectives to meet student needs. / 1 / 4 / 11
I can use PST data to develop meaning lessons to influence student achievement in the core content subject areas. / 2 / 5 / 8
· I still to work with the system more. I like being able to access information about where my students are to help me address their strengths & weaknesses
· I wish we had science data and access to secondary science materials/ resources
· This is not only incredibly useful information, but it was instructive doing it as a group.
October 9, 2009