Teacher Managed Behaviors
The following behaviors should be addressed within the classroom through individual teacher classroom rules/expectations. Each teacher should post and cover their personal expectations with students. The rules/expectations should support the school’s goals and values.
- Excessive talking
- Inappropriate conversation
- Off task
- Tardy to class
- Gum/food/candy
- Missing homework
- Incomplete homework
- Academic underachievement
- Equipment misuse
- Not prepared-forgetting pencil, pen, paper or other supplies.
- Teasing/Harassment/Bullying/Name calling
- Dishonesty
- Personal Display of Affection
- Cell phone violations
- Misbehaving for substitute
- Running in hall
- Passing notes
- Backtalk
- Cheating/Plagiarism
- Writing on school property (desks, books, etc)
- Minor property damage
- Dress code violations
- Failing to follow directions
- Sleeping in class
- Physical horseplay (non-dangerous)
- Throwing paper
- Use of slang(crap, freakin, flippin, dude…)
- Disobeying classroom rules
- Verbal aggression
Teacher Managed Intervention Ideas
- Clarified Expectations
- Re-taught Behavior
- Practiced/modeled Expectation
- Accountability Essay
- Written Agreement w/student
- Conference with student
- Lunch Detention w/teacher
- Positive Feedback/Interaction
- Redirection
- Verbal Prompt
- Parent Call
- Responsibility Sheet
- Change in Seating
- Proximity Control
- Provide extra help
- One-on-one
Office Managed Behaviors
The following behaviors can lead to a disciplinary referral to the office. Additionally, be sure that you have documented how you handled the problem (parental contact, contracting with student, writing sentences about behavior, detention with teacher). Referrals to the principal should only occur after a student has progressed through the classroom discipline plan. Except for severe behavior, which may necessitate an immediate referral to principal, students should receive a consequence from the teacher, which includes a parental contact, prior to being referred to the principal.
- Tardy to school
- Chronic Tardies
- Insubordination- refusing to do what has been requested by a staff member
- Gross Disrespect- talking back in a defiant or negative manner
- Fighting
- Vandalism/Major Property Damage/Graffiti
- Verbal/physical intimidation/Threats of Physical harm
- Indecent exposure
- Leaving the school grounds without permission
- Leaving the classroom without permission
- Weapons
- Gang issues
- Skipping detention/Failure to complete discipline consequences
- Theft
- Use/Possession of Alcohol/Drugs/Paraphernalia/ Illegal substance issues
- Use/Possession of Tobacco
- Possession of lighters/matches
- Directed profanity/Intentional inappropriate language
- Repeated teasing/harassment/Bullying-on-going name-calling, pushing or harassing over time
- Controlled substances
- Security threat
- Severe misbehavior for substitute
- Lewd notes
- Profanity (directed at student or teacher)
- Teacher name-calling
- Behavior that endangers others
- Truancy issues
- Chronic dress code violations
- Violations of Acceptable Use Policy
- Criminal offenses
- Refusal to comply with classroom disciplinary measures once all teacher resources and secondary interventions have been exhausted and have failed.