Seminar of the European Ideas Network

and Think Tanks Instituto Sá Carneiro

A project of hope for the coming generations:

The European People's Party

answer to Social Exclusion and Inequality

31 May - 01 June 2012

European Parliament

Largo Jean Monnet 1, 6º

1269-070 Lisboa

Draft Agenda


Working languages:EN/PT active

ES/FR passive


14.30 - Registration

15.00 - 15.30Welcome and Introduction:

  • Jaime MAYOR OREJA MEP,Vice Chairman of the EPP Group in the European

Parliament, Responsible for Political Strategy and the European Ideas Network

  • Paulo RANGEL MEP,ViceChairmanof the EPP Group in the European Parliament,

Member of the EP Committee on 'Constitutional Affairs'

  • Nuno MELO MEP,Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament,

Member of the EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home affairs

  • Carlos CARREIRAS, President, Sá Carneiro Institute
  • Pedro PASSOS COELHO, Prime Minister of Portugal

15.30 - 16.45Round Table: The role of continuous education and life long vocational training


  • Maria da Graça CARVALHO MEP, Member of the EPP Group in the European

Parliament, Member of the EP Committee on 'Industry, Research and Energy'


  • Georg HANF, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
  • Alastair THOMSON, Principal Policy and Advocacy Officer, National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England and Wales)
  • Karsten ALBAEK, Senior Researcher, The Danish National Centre for Social Research
  • Pascaline DESCY, Head of Area Research and Policy Analysis, CEDEFOP
  • David JUSTINO,former Portuguese Minister for Education

16.45 - 18.00Q&A and debate with the audience

18.00 - 18.15Conclusions


  • Richard Hume-Rothery,Rapporteur of the EIN Working Group on 'Social Market Economy'

20.00 Dinner

Hotel Mirage

Av.Marginal n.8554, 2775-536 Cascais

Hosted by Instituto Sá Carneiro


09.30 - 09.40Welcome and Introduction

  • Carlos CARREIRAS, President, Sá Carneiro Institute

09.40 - 10.20Round Table: Youth Employment


  • Danuta JAZLOWIECKA MEP, Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament,

Member of the EP Committee on 'Employment and Social Affairs'


  • Jean-Louis DE BROUWER, Director Europe 2020, DG Employment, Social Affairs

and Inclusion, European Commission

  • Rudi DELARUE, Director, ILO Brussels
  • Carla MOURO, Advisor on Youth to the President of Portugal; former Chairman

of the Youth National Committee

10.20 - 10.55Q&A and debate with the audience

10.55 - 11.05Conclusions


  • Branislav STANICEK,Administrator EU Committee of the Regions

11.05 - 11.45Round Table: Active ageing and working flexibility


  • Anna ZÁBORSKÁ MEP, Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament,

Head of the EPP Group Slovak Delegation, Member of the EP Committee on 'Development'


  • Sven Otto LITTORIN,former Swedish Minister of Employment
  • Jean PENDERS, former Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament
  • Manuel RODRIGUES, Vice-President of PSD; Professor at AESE

11.45 - 12.20Q&A and debate with the audience

12.20 - 12.30Conclusions


  • Lothar FUNK, Professor of Economics, University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf

13.00Lunch at the 'Assembleia da República'+visit


EIN Seminar

'A project of hope for the coming generations: The European People's Party

answer to Social Exclusion and Inequality'

Lisbon 31may - 01 June 2012