Teacher: Grisham Subject: Reading/ Language Arts Unit:_Wk. 5 6wks. 1 Poetry/ Fiction
Dates: / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayLearning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Students will read independently for sustained periods of time and produce evidence of their reading / Students will understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. / Students will describe incidents that advance a story or novel. / Students will explain the roles and functions of characters in various plots. / Students will assess their learning from the week in spelling and reading.
TEKS standard(s): / 5.9, 5.9A, Fig. 19 / 5.6A, 5.6B, 5.6C, Fig. 19 / 5.6A, Fig. 19 / 5.6B, Fig. 19 / 5.2, Fig. 19
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Sm gp, pairs, individual, whole group / Bell Ringer
TTW pass out spelling words- long vowel vcv and worksheets pg. 55 and 60 from RWN.
TTW give out homework bookmarks.
TTW introduce “plot, character and point of view”
Students will record in the “notes” section of their journal the definitions of all 3 components.
TTW draw on chart paper a “plot diagram” while discussing each component. The students will draw a “plot diagram” in their “reading” journal. / Bell Ringer
Students will complete, in small groups, “Bruce and the Spider” to increase their understanding of Character Traits
Library Day / Bell Ringer
Students will read chapter 19
Students take a poetry test “How do You Like Your Poetry?” / Bell Ringer
Students will read chapter 20
Students will discuss the character traits and actions based on the character, Karana, in the book.
Students will fill out “Map it”- a graphic organizer for plots while reading chapter 20 in their novel. / Students will begin taking their spelling test.
Students will take the reading test Chpt. 16-20 in “Island of the Blue Dolphin”
Students will read in the time remaining
Fun Friday
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Students will have Bruce and the Spider” as their “exit ticket”. / Poetry assessment / Spelling Test 4
Novel Test chapters 16-20
Higher order thinking/questioning:
Academic Vocabulary: / Plot, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, solution
Resources: / Homework bookmark, spelling words, RWN, manila paper, novel / Bruce and the Spider- character trait activity, journal / Manila paper, journal, novel, chart paper / Manila paper, Map-it handout-Plot graphic organizer, novel / Notebook paper, bookmark to turn in, Novel,
Technology Integration: / YouTube video of Plot, Character Traits, and Author’s Point of View