PMI, LLC. 888-867-3025

Grading the Patient Encounter, Case # ______DOS ______

Applying the Documentation Guidelines to Patient Records


Patient’s Personal Data______Complete ______Incomplete

Date of Previous Exam______New? ______Established?

Case History

Chief Complaint______Medical? ______Refractive? _____Either?

History of Present Illness


Quality ______



Timing ______

Context ______

Modifying Factors______

Associated Signs & Symptoms______

____Brief=1-3 elements ______Extended=4-8 elements

Review of Systems



Ears, Nose, Mouth & Throat______












____ Problem Pertinent=1 system ____Extended= 2-9 systems ____Complete = 10-14 systems

Past, Family & Social History

Patient’s Past History______

Family History______

Social/Occupational History______

____Problem Pertinent=1 question ____Complete=Est. Pt, 2 areas; New Pt, 3 areas

Grading Requires
3 of 3 / Problem
Focused / Expanded Problem Focused / Detailed / Comprehensive
H.P.I / Brief / Brief / Extended / Extended
R.O.S. / N/A / Prob. Pertinent / Extended / Complete
P.F.S.H / N/A / N/A / Problem Pertinent / Complete

Case History = ______

PMI, LLC. 888-867-3025

Physical Examination:

Visual Acuity_____

Visual Fields_____

Ocular Adnexa

(lids, lac.glands, lac.drainage, orbits, nodes)_____

Pupils and Irises_____



Anterior Chambers (depth,angles,cells,flare)_____

Lenses (clarity, capsules, cortex, nucleus)_____

Bulbar & Palpebral Conjunctiva_____

Intraocular Pressures_____

Ophthalmoscopy (dilated)


Posterior Segments_____

Brief Assessment of Mental Status

Orientation to time/place/person_____

Patient’s mood & affect_____

Problem Focused / Expanded
Focused / Detailed / Comprehensive
Ophthalmic Elements and/or Mental Status Elements / 1-5 / 6-8 / >9 / All ophthalmic, both mental elements

Physical Examination = ______

Medical Decision Making

Number of Diagnoses_____

Number of Management Options_____


Circle One 1+=minimal 2-3+=limited 4-5+ = multiple6+= extensive

Amount and Complexity of Data_____

Circle Oneminimallimitedmoderateextensive

Risk of Complications/Morbidity/Mortality in Rx, Dx, Management

Circle One

Minimal = One self limited or minor problem

Low = Two or more self limited or minor illnesses; One stable or chronic illness;

One acute illness or injury; Uncomplicated injury or illness.

Moderate = One chronic illness with mild complication(s); Two stable chronic

Illnesses; An undiagnosed new problem (uncertain prognosis); Acute illness

With systemic symptoms; Acute complicated injury

High = One or more chronic illness with severe complications, Acute or

Chronic illnesses or injuries posing a threat to life, An abrupt change in

Neurological status

Requires 2 of 3 / Straightforward / Low
Complexity / Moderate Complexity / High
Dx/Mgt Options / Minimal / Limited / Multiple / Extensive
Amount/Complexity / Minimal / Limited / Moderate / Extensive
Risk / Minimal / Low / Moderate / High

Medical Decision Making = ______

Your office chose:The record supports:

Office visit ______Office visit ______or______

Procedures ______Procedures ______ 888-867-3025

Codes for Eye Care Office Visits

Office Visit Choices for Doctor Seeing New Patient

New Patient= Not received services from any doctor of the same specialty

in your practice (or group) in past three years

General Ophthalmological Services, New Patient

92002 Intermediateophthalmological service, new patient

92004 Comprehensive ophthalmological service, new patient, one or more visits

Evaluation and Management Codes, New Patient

New Patient Requires 3 of 3 Criteria (Excluding Time)

Level / Code / History / Physical Exam / Med. Decision / Time, min.
1 / 99201 / Problem focused / Problem focused / Straightforward / 10
2 / 99202 / Expanded problem focused / Expanded problem focused / Straightforward / 20
3 / 99203 / Detailed / Detailed / Low Complexity / 30
4 / 99204 / Comprehensive / Comprehensive / Mod Complexity / 45
5 / 99205 / Comprehensive / Comprehensive / High Complexity / 60

Office Visit Choices for Doctor Seeing Established Patient

Established Patient=Has received services from doctor of same specialty

in your clinic (or group) during past three years

General Ophthalmological Services, Established Patient

92012 Intermediate ophthalmological service, established patient

92014Comprehensive ophthalmological service, established patient, one or more visits

Evaluation and Management Codes, Established Patient

Established Patient Requires 2 of 3 Criteria (Excluding Time)

Level / Code / History / Physical Exam / Medical Decision / Time, min
1 / 99211 / Nurse or doctor supervised service / 5
2 / 99212 / Problem focused / Problem focused / Straightforward / 10
3 / 99213 / Expanded problem focused / Expanded problem focused / Low Complexity / 15
4 / 99214 / Detailed / Detailed / Mod Complexity / 25
5 / 99215 / Comprehensive / Comprehensive / High Complexity / 40

Important Note: All Codes on this page are from Current Procedural Terminology© American Medical Association, coding guidelines are from Health Care Financing Administration’s Documentation Guidelines.

PMI, LLC. 888-867-3025

Grading the Patient Encounter, Case # ______DOS ______

Applying the Definitions of Current Procedural Terminology (© American Medical Assn.)

to Patient Records for General Ophthalmological Services

Patient’s Personal Data______Complete ______Incomplete

Date of Previous Exam______New? ______Established?

(Longer than 3 years ago = New; Less than 3 years = established)

Chief Complaint______Medical? ______Refractive?

Intermediate Ophthalmological Services Requirements (92002/92012)

New or previously existing problem______Yes*______No

Complicated by new problem______Yes*______No

History ______Yes*______No

General Medical Observation______Yes*______No

External Ocular/Adnexal Examination______Yes*______No

Other Diagnostic Procedures As Indicated______Yes*______No

Initiation (or continuation) of Diagnostic and Treatment Program______Yes*______No

Note: All areas with asterisk (*) must be checked in order to code 92002 or 92012

Coding Choice_____ 92002

_____ 92012

_____ Neither

Comprehensive Ophthalmological Services Requirements (92004/92014)

General evaluation of the complete visual system______Yes*______No

History ______Yes*______No

General Medical Observation ______Yes*______No

External Examination ______Yes*______No

Ophthalmoscopic Examination (with or without mydriasis/cycloplegia) ______Yes*______No

Gross Visual Fields ______Yes*______No

Basic Sensorimotor Examination ______Yes*______No

Initiation (or continuation) of Diagnostic and Treatment Program ______Yes*______No

Note: All areas with asterisk (*) must be checked in order to code 92004 or 92014

Coding Choice_____ 92004

_____ 92014

_____ Neither

If record fails to support choice of either intermediate or comprehensive ophthalmological service the visit must be coded as a 99000, evaluation and management service.



