TDI Program Overview
Wayne State University seeks to provide a comprehensive solution to the cultural, technological and financial challenges associated with the translation of innovative early stage technologies from academia to the marketplace.The Technology Development Incubator program provides the infrastructure to accelerate feasibility studiesnecessary forlicensing, industry partnerships and start-up opportunities.
The objective of the Incubator program is to provide qualified technologies with the support necessary to undertake prototype development, proof of concept and validation studies. The awarding of such funding is based on the market and commercialization opportunities together with a milestone-driven technology development plan with clear go/no-go decision points.The TDI program does not supportfundamental/basic researchbut is designed to support technical and market validation. Funding willbe directed not only to internal development activities, but also to the outsourcing of activities (e.g. toxicity & pre-clinical studies, prototyping, market assessments, etc.), to further de-risk early stage technologies.The goal is to support approximately 4 to 5projects per year with an average award of approximately$10,000 to $25,000 per project.
Critical to the success of the program is not only the financial support for early validation studies, but also access to industry mentors and consultants to provide insights into market opportunities and guidance on technology development and commercialization road maps.
A critical component of the TDI is to leverage the expertise of industry advisors. WSU has recruited consultants with industry, investment and entrepreneurial experience to review and guide in the funding decisions, as well as mentor awarded faculty in defining technology development and commercialization milestones.
Participating in the TDI
The TDI targets innovative projects with compelling commercial potential and innovators with a strong interest in moving their technology to the marketplace. The TDI is currently being run as a rolling application process. Interested faculty are encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) at any time,outliningkey elements of the technology and its commercial potential. LOIs will be screened for eligibility based on current development stage, market opportunity and utility of funding to advance or “move the needle” toward a commercial opportunity. From these initial applications,eligible projects with the greatest market potential will be invited to submit full proposals for inclusion in the external review and funding process.
If selected for a full application, Technology Commercialization staff will work with the inventor teams to develop the full proposals that will allow our external reviewers to provide thorough assessments of market potential, development milestones, and commercialization pathways. Based on these assessments and available resources,projects will be selected to receive $10,000 to $25,000 of funding to undertake the next steps determined to be essential formoving the project/technology towards commercialization.
LOI submission
To be considered for inclusion in the TDI review and funding process, submit a Letter of Intent to include a brief description of the technology, current development status and a statement of technical/market value. (See attached template- LOIs should not exceed 2 pages.) If the technology has not yet been disclosed to the Technology Commercialization Office, completion of an Invention Disclosure Form will be required if selected to submit a full application. Clickherefor the WSU Tech Transfer process/policy and accompanying Invention Disclosure Form.
Successful applicantswill be notified within two (2) weeks of submitting a LOI if their application is selected to submit a full proposal. Full proposal applications will be notified within six (6) weeks of submission of the proposal.
If selected to receive TDI funding, Technology Commercialization staff will work with awardees to develop a Scope of Work and budget that is well-aligned with the objectives of the TDI to assure that available funding will have a significant impact on moving the technology towards commercialization.
Letters of Intent are to be emailed directly to TDI Program Manager, BramdonDogwill, at .
*All information and data submitted to the TDI will remain in strict confidentiality between all parties involved. External consultantsare required to executeNon-Disclosure Agreements with WSU prior to the exchange of any sensitiveInformation.
For further information, please contact: Bramdon Dogwill, TDI Program Manager ◊ Phone: 313-577-5622◊
WSU Technology Development Incubator
Letter of Intent
(Max length 2 pages)
Project Title:
Principal Investigator
Contact Information
Technology Summary:
Briefly describe the key features of the technology and the product(s)/service(s) that will be derived
from the technology. Describe the unique feature of the technology and the current state of
development – e.g. concept, working model, prototype, preclinical etc.
Summary:Please explicitly state the current state of development- e.g. concept, working model, prototype, preclinical , etc.:
Market Opportunity:
Provide a brief statement of the market need (and clinical need, as appropriate). How does your technology
provide a solution to this need? What are the competing technologies? What is the competitive advantage of the technology overexisting methods/technologies?
List any prior or pending publications:
Has this technology been disclosed to the Technology Commercialization Office? Y / N