Taurus New Moon -- April 26, 2017

Taurus is the first earth sign, so its yearly New Moon is an optimum time to deepen our connection with Mother Earth and her abundant gifts and wonders.The spiritual task of Taurus is to establish a healthy relationship with the physical plane and our magnificent garden planet… and above all to protect her treasures in the spirit of stewardship.Patriarchal rule has stripped the soul from our Earth Mother. We must now reclaim a loving, compassionate relationship with her, in the spirit of service, the highest expression of Taurus. We are reminded that:

“All plants are our brothers and sisters. They talk to us and if we listen we can hear them.” Arapaho Indian proverb

Our Taurus energy is close to the earth so this is a perfect time to commune with nature. The Native Americans honored the caring divine presence of the Great Mother who embraces the oneness of all creation. When we speak of the soul of the ancient tree, the joyful bird, the busy butterfly, the rocks and rivers, we speak of the divine feminine principle within all life.Our Taurus energyconnects our soul with the soul of the Earth whose wisdom is called Sophia. We are one soul, at one with the Anima Mundi, the soul of the world.Indeed separation is an illusion of linear masculine thinking.The Earth is our living Mother and Grandmother.

“When the grandmothers speak the earth will be healed.” Hopi Indian proverb

The patriarchal mindset has banished soul from our lives. The power of the Goddesshas been in a state of deep sleep for the last four to five thousand years. We have lost the feminine principle of connectedness, relatedness and wholeness of life….the wisdom of Divine Sophia. Patriarchal rule has burned her temples.It is tempting to try to live without soul because therein lie our wounded parts. Yet a world that is not connected to its soul cannot heal, cannot survive.Cut off from our soul we go back to primitive behavior, the instinctive, controlling power drive of the desire nature (negative Taurus).Yet the lost principles of Divine Sophia are once more emerging in the consciousness of humanity, in theongoing evolutionary journey of Planet Earth.

From age to age Sophia speaks to souls who are ready to reclaim her wisdom. Yet to welcome back the sacred feminine is also to acknowledge her pain and suffering.Times of crisis carry the seeds of awakening. Theydirect us to discover the light that is hidden in the dark, in theunderworld of our soul and the soul of the world.As we each do our part to work with the light we can heal the darkness of these challenging times, personally and globally.

“It has been said that God enters through the wound, and through the Earth’s sorrow a healing can take place.” Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Venus, Goddess of Love and ruler of Taurus is conjunct Chiron in Pisces, reflecting the potential forhealing(Chiron) the darkness of worldly powerand control through an ever increasing respect and compassionfor all life (Pisces). This light within the soul carries the Wisdom of Oneness (Pisces) embracing and healingdeep and painful wounds (Chiron).We each incarnated to heal what has been wounded, to purify what has been polluted. In the past this was the work of the shaman. Now it is time for each one of us to take on this role.Our true alchemical work is to free the light, the gold within the lead of the ego. Isis,known as the Great Mother of the mysteries is gathering herstrength once more.Our collective consciousness is breaking through patriarchal boundaries at a remarkable rate in the ongoing process of evolution.

”Only through the temple of the mysteries, the temple of Isis, can humanity work back again, thus bringing into perfection the Light within.” White Eagle

We now stand at the threshold of a new astrological age, the Age of Aquarius, of brotherhood with all life. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius is conjunct Mercury in Aries, opening our minds and hearts to innovative and pioneering solutions to bring equality, balance and harmony to our chaotic world. We can each become an agent of change (Uranus) at this critical time in the history of Planet Earth. now is the time to protect the sanctity and sacredness of our Earth Mother and all her children, towater and nurture her seeds and treasures in the spirit of responsible stewardship (Taurus). Saturn is in trine (120 degrees) aspect to the Mercury-Uranus conjunction. Thefoundations (Saturn) for the great Soul Templescan be rebuilt aswe each reconnect with the wisdom of Divine Sophia. Each time we choose well, we bring a chink of light down from the Heavens and our Earth home becomes a more illumined and a richer place.The light of spirit hidden in matter, the Eye of the Bull, breaks through and we stand in awe and reverence beholding the beauty of God’s creation.Indeed reverence is an important quality of Taurus. Itis a feminine attribute that honors the divinity and unity of life in all its forms.

“Listen to the voice of nature, for it holds treasures for you.” Huron Indian proverb

Through the gift of astrology we can understand the sacred process of transformation at work in our individual lives. Where this New Moon at 7 degrees Taurus falls in our chartswe are asked to develop a set of values based upon respect and reverence for the sanctity of all life. This includes our body, the temple of our soul, so that we can assimilate the higher voltage of the powerful influx of energies we are now experiencing. We are learning that within our own soullies our true source of strength, the spark of lovedeep within that we can share with others.

The Sabian symbol for the New Moon at 7 degrees Taurus:“A woman of Samaria.”

This alludes to the Biblical story of Jesus blessing the woman at the well.It is time to experience the joy and warmth of a kind word, an encouraging smile and of the love we share.

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa


Heather Threlfall -- April 2017 –