19 Chief Engineer Works
Medium WorksCONTRACT (Australia)
[LAST updated: 3 MaY 2018]
Topic/Subject / Reference (if applicable) / DescriptionEvaluation of Tenders / 4(a)(ix) / Evaluation criteria updated and revised to:
- reflect the requirement for the Tenderer to lodge a draft Local Industry Capability Plan; and
- align with amendments to Tender Schedules.
See also amendments to Tender Schedules.
Local Industry Capability / 22 / New clause.
Tender Documents updated to reflect the requirement that the Tenderer must provide a draft local industry capability plan at time of tender. See also Tender Schedule L - Local Industry Capability Plan and the new evaluation criterion in clause 4(a).
Tender Particulars / Part 2 / Tender Particulars updated to reflect changes to the Tender Conditions.
Tender Schedule L - Local Industry Capability Plan / Not applicable / New Tender Schedule L - Local Industry Capability Plan
Tenderers are required to complete and lodge Tender Schedule L - Local Industry Capability Plan.
Topic/Subject / Reference (if applicable) / DescriptionLocal Industry Capability / 17.13 / New clause.
Requires the Contractor to comply with and regularly update the Local Industry Capability Plan.
Glossary of Terms - Local Industry Capability Plan / 23.1 / Amended to insert new definition "Local Industry Capability Plan"
Glossary of Terms - Project Plans / 23.1 / Amended to include "Local Industry Capability Plan"
Contract Particulars / Not applicable / Amended to include provision for Local Industry Capability Plan as appropriate
This summary has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing internal guidance to Defence personnel. Any use by non-Defence personnel is unauthorised. No responsibility will be taken by the Commonwealth of Australia or the advisers assisting in the preparation of the summary, for any such use, including any purported reliance on the guidance provided by the summary. The summary is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice, and unless expressly agreed in writing by the Commonwealth of Australia, nothing in the summary will alter or affect the respective rights, obligations and liabilities of the parties under any document or contract.
L\326378286.1Last Updated: 3 May 2018