TD Green Streets 2013- Project Final Report

Project Location / Burlington, Vermont
Project Name / TD Green Streets
Municipality & State / Burlington Vermont
Project Cost / $20,000
Community Tax ID / 03-6000-410
Organization Tax ID / n/a
Exact location(s) of planting(s) / 36,37,39,43,44,47,52,63, and 68 Cedar Street, 19,33, and 47 Rose Street, 38 Pitkin Street, 50 LaFountain Street, 40 Ward Street, 83 Intervale Avenue.
Census Tract / 0003.00, and 0004.00
Primary Contact / Brian Sullivan
Address / 645 Pine Street, Suite B. Burlington VT 05401
Phone# / 802-343-1773
Fax# / 802-865-7090
Email /
Project start date / 4/2/2013
Project completion date / 12/31/2013
Cheque payable to / City of Burlington, Department of Parks & Recreation
Address / 645 Pine Street, Suite B, Burlington, VT 05401
Phone# / 802-8628245
Fax# / 802-856-7090
Email /

Project Description

The funding from TD Green Streets USA Grant Program allowed Burlington city employees to directly collaborate with Burlington organizations, the local TD Bank branch, and residents of a moderate income neighborhood to support grassroots-driven street tree planting effort, enrich urban forestry educational opportunities and materials, and provide organized volunteer opportunities to maintain Burlington’s trees.
The City of Burlington Department of Parks and Recreation Trees and Greenways Division collaborated with residents, Community and Economic Development Organization (CEDO), Branch Out Burlington (Burlington’s volunteer urban forestry organization), the local TD Bank branch employees, the University of Vermont, and the Vermont Department of Forests Parks and Recreation (FPR) Urban and Community Forestry Program to provide five significant events aimed at the proper planning, planting, and maintenance of urban trees.
Tree Keeper Training: 4/2/2013
Participants were educated about tree and site selection. Basic tree biology and primary care for newly planted trees was presented during this training. Eighteen members of the community attended the training for over two hours. Street Tree Planting Event: 4/27/2013 This was the planting day in the Cedar and Rose streets neighborhood. Thirteen of the seventeen trees included in the grant were planted, staked, mulched and watered. The three hour event was attended by fortyfive members of the community. Mansfield Avenue Tree Walk:6/8/2013 Forty-two attendees took part in identifying, inspecting, and discussing seventeen different species of trees along Mansfield Avenue in Burlington. Topics discussed included species, form, location, size and shape, along with maintenance tasks associated with each tree. We also expanded upon abiotic and biotic factors influencing the trees overall health and condition.
Street Tree Maintenance Event: 9/21/2013 This was a lightly attended maintenance day to remove the stakes and Gatorbags from the street trees planted in April. The grass and weeds were removed from the base of the trees and then re-mulched. Twelve volunteers spent two hours at the event.
Tree Keeper Planting and Pruning Workshop: 10/19/2013 Participants were educated about the importance of tree selection, planting, and the care provided before, during, and after planting to assure the successful establishment of any tree or shrub they plant.This was a hands-on training that took place at the Branch Out Burlington Community Tree Nursery. Seventeen people attended the training for three hours.

Project addresses

X / Neighborhoods revitalization Cedar St. Rose St. LaFountain St. Pitkin St. Ward St. and Intervale Ave.
Storm-damaged areas
X / Neglected urban spaces same location
Enhanced school grounds
X / Street Trees same location

How many people participated in the project and how were they engaged?

Number / Engagement
Residents / 139 / Participated in all events
Municipal Reps / 6 / Participated in all events
University of Vermont / 7 / Student volunteers at Street Tree Planting and Tree Walk
TD employees / 7 / Volunteers at Street Tree Planting
Charles Giovanne
Jennifer Gabrielle / 2
1 / Volunteers at Tree Keeper Training and Workshop
Spoke and volunteered at Street Tree Planting
Spoke at Street Tree Planting (Ward 3 Rep.)
Spoke and volunteered at Street Tree Planting (TD Rep.)

Were any local schools involved? If so, please describe.

Volunteers from the University of Vermont’s Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources took park in the Street Tree Planting and attended the Tree Walk.

What kind of educational material was developed for the project?How much was produced and how was it distributed? (Provide samples if available):

  • 1,000 Small informational sheets that can be hung on doorknobs were created to inform residents about caring for the tree planted on the street in their neighborhood.
  • 1,000 labels that attach to the Gatorbags were created identifying the species and watering instructions.
  • 500Tree Walk brochures were printed based on the 2013 Tree Walk in Burlington. These brochures are also available to anyone who seeks them out via the Branch Out Burlington website.
  • 20 Tree Keeper folders were created for the Tree Keeper Planting and Pruning workshop. Each folder included a variety of information on proper pruning and training of young trees, best management practices, four ISA Trees Are Good pamphlets, Branch Out Burlington informational pamphlets, resources from the USDA Forest Service, and a guide to storm-damaged trees produced by VT FPR. Each participant received a folder when they arrived at the workshop.

Did anyother funding Partners support the project? If yes, please list and describe support

Partner / Funding
City of Burlington Department of Parks and Recreation
Burlington Community and Economic Development Organization
Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation; Urban and Community Forestry Program
Branch Out Burlington
University of Vermont, Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resource
Ward 3 Neighborhood Planning Assembly
Burlington Police Department
TD Bank

Event information, Sponsor recognition (media, dignitaries):

Describe overall project impact on your community:

The overall impact of the project in Burlington has been positive, moving the stewardship and understanding of city trees in Burlington forward. All of the events included in the TD Green Streets Grant project enriched key community partnerships, supported public greening efforts, provided volunteer opportunities for residents,and increased public and professional awareness and education about urban forestry. 164 members of the community from city and state departments, volunteer organizations, UVM, the local TD Bank branch, and the Ward 3 Neighborhood Planning Assembly took some part in planning and implementing the events included in the project.
Planting Materials

Nursery / Cobble Creek Nursery, LLC
Municipality / Burlington, Vermont
Trees & Shrubs / Qt. / Size / Unit cost / Total cost
Common name / Botanical name / (cm-base) / $ / $
Red Jewel Crabapple / Malus ‘Red Jewel’ / 3 / 1.75 - 2” / 105.00 / 315.00
Red Jewel Crabapple / Malus ‘Red Jewel’ / 4 / 2 - 2.5” / 130.00 / 520.00
Japanese Tree Lilac / Syringiariticulata / 2 / 2 - 2.5” / 130.00 / 260.00
Autumn Blaze Maple / Acer freemanii, ‘Autumn Blaze’ / 2 / 2 – 2.5” / 200.00 / 400.00
Autumn Blaze Maple / Acer freemanii, ‘Autumn Blaze’ / 2 / 1.75 – 2” / 130.00 / 260.00
Matador Maple / Acer freemanii, ‘Matador’ / 2 / 2 -2.5” / 200.00 / 400.00
Matador Maple / Acer freemanii, ‘Matador’ / 2 / 1.75 – 2” / 130.00 / 260.00
Total / 17 / 2,415.00

Describe Long-Term Tree Maintenance Plan

All the trees planted as part of the TD Green Streets grant project were immediately added to the city’s ArcGistree inventory system, Treeworks. Burlington Parks and Recreation staff will water the trees in the next growing season to minimize transplant shock. The trees will be continually monitored. Pruning will take place as necessary for the first five years to ensure proper structure. Once the trees are well established they will become part of the regular pruning cycle, which is every five years.
REQUIRED: Please enclose project photos on a CD (before and after, event photos, and media clippings with this report.

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