Tax Status Assessment

You need only complete this form and the questionnaire if you believe that your income from this engagement should be treated as income from self-employment because you already have a substantial related business or profession.

If this form does not apply to your circumstances, or you fail to sign the declaration and complete the questionnaire in full, PAYE will be operated.

Self-Employment Declaration

Please carefully read the declaration below and only sign it if you believe it applies to you. If it does not, do not proceed to complete the remainder of this form.


I believe that my engagementwith Falmouth Universityshould be regarded for tax and National Insurance purposes as part of my related self-employed business/professional activities.

I shall declare all gross earnings paid to me to the Inland Revenue in my Self-Assessment return and meet any Tax & National Insurance liabilities to which those earnings may be subject at the time.

I sign this declaration to the best of my knowledge and believe the information given to be accurate. I accept full responsibility for any under payment of tax should any of the above statements prove to be false or inaccurate.

Name: ______(please print clearly) Date: ______

Signed: ______National Insurance No. __ __ / ______/ __

If you have signed the declaration above, please complete the "Information for Tax Assessment Form" overleaf.

Please ensure you answer all the questions, clearly and accurately.

Please turn this page over for the questionnaire “Information for Tax Assessment Form".

Information for Tax Assessment Form

Please complete all the questions on the form. The questions should be answered as fully and frankly as possible, giving examples where required. Failure to complete the “Information for Tax Assessment Form" properly could lead to an incorrect assessment of your employment status and incorrect tax treatment of your income from this source for tax purposes.

Please note that employment status is not a matter of personal choice, but is determined by the terms and conditions of a particular engagement.


1. Full Name (Please ‘PRINT’)

Surname: ______

Forename(s): ______

2. Date of Birth: ______/______/______

3. National Insurance Number: __ __/______/__

4. Full Home Address


Post Code ______Tel ______Fax ______

5. Tax Office Reference ______(e.g. Devon & Cornwall)

6. Unique Tax Reference Number ______(Ten Digits)

(Important: Failure to complete questions 5 and 6 will result in a your payment being processed through the University payroll)

7. Please state the nature of your business/profession (i.e. Artist/Designer etc)




DECLARATION: I have completed all the questions to the best of my knowledge and believe the information given to be accurate.

Signed: ______Date: ______

If you have any queries regarding this procedure or require assistance in completing this form, please contact Finance during normal business hours, on:

Tel. 01326 253676