Full Name: DrSonia Lam-Knott
DPhil (Anthropology) University of Oxford
MPhil (Social Anthropology) University of Oxford
BA (Geography) University of Southern California (Minor in Fine Arts: Drawing)
October 2014-June 2016
Tutor, University of Oxford
- Taught general anthropology courses to undergraduate students in the Archaeology and Anthropology department and the Human Sciences department. Duties include compiling a reading list for students, assessing and providing feedback for their written work, and holding tutorial meetings
Research Assistant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Used data-mining methods to gather and examine popular perceptions of nuclear power and biofuels in Hong Kong from media archives
Research Laboratory Intern, University of Southern California
- Compiled spatial and tabular data from historical surveys and contemporary US government data to create a digital soil map for Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura Counties using ArcGIS software
2008- present
Secretary (2013/2014)
Oxford University Anthropology Society (OUAS)
University of Oxford,
United Kingdom
Sonia’s current research interests revolves around the socio-political ambiguities and tensions that have emerged in Hong Kong after 1997, and the way in which they manifest on the urban landscape. She will examine heritage preservation schemes initiated by the government and by grassroots actors, and how they interact with demotic sentiments of nostalgic and everyday acts of remembrance throughout the population. Special attention will be paid to themes including ‘sites’ of memory, along with materiality and consumption. This work builds upon her previous doctoral research looking at Hong Kong youth activism.
Working Paper Series
Lam-Knott, S.Y. (Working Paper) “The Undemocratic City: Hierarchical Structures in the Hong Kong Political Domains.” (To be submitted to the China Quarterly in March 2017).
Lam-Knott, S.Y. (Working Paper). “Reviewing Political Expression in Hong Kong: Art and Protest amongst the Post-80s Youths.” (To be submitted to FIELD: A Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticismin January 2017).
Lam-Knott, S.Y. (Working Paper) “Understanding Protest ‘Violence’ in Hong Kong: Understanding the Categories of Baoli and Wuli.” (To be submitted to Ethnography in January 2017).
Lam-Knott, S.Y. (Under Review). “Defining Politics in an ‘Apolitical City’: An Ethnographic study of Hong Kong.” (Submitted to Anthropology Matters in September 2016).
Lam-Knott, S.Y. (Passed Internal Review, currently under External Review) “Government and Language in Hong Kong.” In Luk, Gary. (ed.) From British to Mainland Chinese Rule: Hong Kong before and after the 1997 Handover. Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS), University of California Berkley.
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