Town Of Laytonsville

Town Council Meeting Minutes


Meeting minutes of Town Council on 11-6-12

As reviewed, approved, and accepted by the Town Council on December 4, 2012

Mayor Prats called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. Council members Jim Ruspi, Josh Pomeroy and Charles Bradsher were present. The Clerk, Treasurer and Assistant Clerk were present. Sheree Wenger, Eric Wenger and Doug Lohmeyer were also present.The minutes of the Town Council meeting on October 2, 2012 were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:The Treasurer reviewed the Profit and Loss Report for the months of September and October. Total income for the month of September was $20,560 with $12,991 coming from Municipal Tax Dup Payment, $4,085 coming from Personal Property Taxes. Major expenses for September 2012 were $2,636 for Accounting, $6,538 for Payroll Expenses and $2,886 for Waste Collection. The General Net Income for the month of September was $3,012. Looking at the Balance Sheet for the month of September, 2012 the fund balance for the general fund was$718,940; for the CIP account, the balance was $174,213, the F/A was $505,497. The total fund balance for the Town of Laytonsville for September 2012 was $1,398,651.

Council member Pomeroy moved to approve the September Treasurer's report. Council Member Bradsher seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
For the month of October, the total income was $43,961.Major expenses for October 2012 were $3,981 for Accounting, $3,811 for Grounds Maintenance and $2,886 for Waste Collection. The General Net Income for the month of October 2012 was $28,245. Looking at the Balance Sheet for the month of October, 2012 the fund balance for the general fund was $747,207; for the CIP account, the balance was $174,234. In reporting the Treasurer recognized a discrepancy in the figures and asked that approval of the treasurer's report for the month of October be held over until the November Town Council meeting. Council Member Pomeroy moved to table the approval of the October Treasurer’s report until the December meeting. Council Member Bradsher seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.

Committee Reports:
Planning Commission - Eric Wenger, chairman of the Planning Commission introduced Doug Lohmeyer. Chair Wenger stated that a draft of the Comprehensive Plan was submitted to the Town Council for review and that it will meet the goals the state was asking for. He went on to say that the Comprehensive Plan is close in format to the approved Brookville Plan. Any issues on wording or grammatical changes should be addressed to Doug Lohmeyer. Chair Wenger requested that any comments from the Council should be submitted via email to him directly so that they can be presented to the Planning Commission. A draft should be submitted to the state as soon as possible, as it can take from 60 to 90 days for the state to make any changes. Once it is accepted by the state, the Town may hold a public hearing.

Mayor’s Updates and Reports:

WSSC Update: Mayor Prats stated that the estimated date for the completion of the tank would be approximately July of 2013 with the pumping station to follow. He meets with the Project Manager, John Mitchell as needed.
Storm Debrief: There was almost no damage in the Town as a result of the storm. Some residents were without power. The fire department has offered to serve as a relief center for the residents during the aftermath of storms. Information can be distributed to the residents with the December minutes.It was noted that Town Clerk Charlene Dillingham and her family secured the Town Hall prior to the arrival of the storm.
Tree Lighting:The tree lighting at the Town Hall is set for December 7 at 7 pm.
State Ethics Exemption Status – Mayor Prats commented in response to questions about a recent Gazette article regarding Chevy Chase having to seat an Ethics Board. He stated that Laytonsville is fully exempted from this requirement and it comes under review every 10 years. He also noted that the MML is working with the state to make ethics disclosure more reasonable for municipalities.
Work Session: There will not be a work session on 11/20/12.

Open Issues:

Trash Collection: Montgomery Sanitation stated that it can have another recycling pickup when holidays fall on Mondays for $250 per occurence. The budget will have to be examined first to see if this is a possibility then it can be voted on. Changing the recycling day is not an option at this point. Council Member Pomeroy stated that he was in favor of this option and felt it would be a benefit to the Town residents.

New Business:

Planning Commission Appointment: Mr. Mark Frankowski of 21718 Mobley Farm Drive has been nominated as a new member of the Planning Commission. Council Member Pomeroy moved to approve the nomination. Council Member Ruspi seconded the motion.Unanimously approved.

Road Safety: Council Member Bradsher asked about the status of the speed cameras. Mayor Prats commented that the cameras are rotated within the county. Council Member Pomeroy commented that a sign displaying a driver’s speed may also be effective in slowing down traffic. Council Member Ruspi stated that there were companies at the MML conference who sold this type of equipment. Mayor Prats stated that he would investigate this issue further. Council Member Pomeroy and Council Member Bradsher also commented about the lack of lighting on Rt. 108 and around the Town Hall.

Town Hall Grounds:Council Member Pomeroy stated that there was a sink hole along the driveway to the Town Hall. Mayor Prats stated that one hole had been filled and the second one will be addressed.

Picnic Report: Council Member Ruspi asked about the picnic finances. Mayor Prats stated that a final report would be provided at the December meeting.

Eagle Scout Projects:Council Member Ruspi stated that he is compiling a list of projects for Eagle Scouts.


Council Member Ruspimoved to adjourn at 8:33 pm. Council memberPomeroy seconded the motion.Unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Whittington

Assistant Clerk

November 6, 2012

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