Project No. 00-00
Project Title (as shown on RFP)
Principal Investigator Name, Title
Texas Transportation Institute
Submitted by
Texas Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System
College Station, Texas.
This proposal is for use of recipient in selection of a researcher to conduct work under
the Strategic Highway Research Program 2. If the proposal is unsuccessful, it is
to be returned to SHRP 2. Proposals are regarded as fully privileged, and dissemination
of the information included therein must be approved by SHRP 2.
SHRP 2 Project 00-00
Insert Title Here
Proposing Agency: Texas Transportation Institute (TTI)
The Texas A&M University System
400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, Suite 100
College Station, Texas 77845
(979) 845-8735 telephone | (979) 862-3250 fax
REF: OSRS# 0800000; P#
Proposing Agency: Texas Transportation Institute (TTI),
The Texas A&M University System
Person Submitting Proposal: Principal Investigator Name, Title
Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University System
Proposal Written By: Principal Investigator Name, Title
Insert Other Writers and Titles as needed
Proposal Date: Insert due date of proposal here
Principal Investigator: Principal Investigator Name, Title
Texas Transportation Institute
3135 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3135
Phone | Email
Co-Principal Investigator: (Use as needed)
Co-Principal Investigator Name, Title
Texas Transportation Institute
3135 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3135
Phone | Email
Administrative Officer: David Lytle
Negotiator II
Office of Sponsored Research Services (OSRS)
Phone: (979) 845-8735 | Email:
Proposed Contract Period: # months
Total Contract Amount: $000,000
Fixed-Fee: Not Applicable
Texas Transportation Institute 2.1 SHRP 2 00-00 Proposal
Texas Transportation Institute 3.2 SHRP 2 00-00 Proposal
Section 5 – Research Plan 4.1
5.a. Introduction 4.1
5.b. Research Approach 4.4
Task 1 – 4.5
Task 2 – 4.7
Task 3 – 4.8
Task 4 – 4.10
Task 5 – 4.11
Task 6 – 4.12
Task 7 – 4.13
Task 8 – 4.15
Task 9 – 4.15
Task 10 – 4.16
5.c. Anticipated Research Results 4.17
Implementation Plan 4.18
5.d. Applicability of Results to SHRP 2 Objectives 4.19
Section 6 – Qualifications of the Research Team 5.1
Qualification of Key Team Members 5.4
Disclosure 5.11
Section 7 – Accomplishments of the Research Team 6.1
Section 8 – Other Commitments of the Research Team 7.1
Section 9 – Equipment and Facilities 8.1
Section 10 – Time Requirements 9.1
Section 11 – Itemized Budget 10.1
Section 12 – Cooperative Features 11.1
Section 13 – Appendix 12.1
Appendix A - Title 12.2
Appendix B - Title 12.11
Texas Transportation Institute 4.1 SHRP 2 00-00 Proposal
The research plan shall detail completely the prosecution of the research, including the submission of an acceptable final report. The plan ultimately becomes a part of the contract by reference of the proposal; therefore, it should describe in a specific and straightforward manner the proposed approach to the solution of the problem described in the project statement. It should be concise, yet include sufficient detail to describe completely the approach to solution of the problem. Research methodology shall be described in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the probability of success in achieving the objectives. It is emphasized that SHRP 2 procedures do not provide for pre-proposal briefings or for meetings with staff and panels in the course of proposal evaluation or agency selection. The proposal, therefore, constitutes the one-and-only opportunity for the agency to state its case. The research plan shall be subdivided into the following sections:
(a) Introduction.
The introduction to the research plan should provide a concise overview of the proposer’s approach to conducting the research. It should describe the manner in which the expertise and experience of the proposed team will be used in the research, and the application of special data, facilities, contacts, or equipment should be presented. The introduction should highlight the linkages of the proposed team’s capabilities to the project tasks and the manner by which the proposed plan will satisfy the objectives.
(b) Research Approach.
This section will be used to describe how the objectives will be achieved through a logical, innovative, and rational plan. The plan shall describe each phase or task of the research
to be undertaken.
(c) Anticipated Research Results.
The research plan for each proposal shall contain specific statements describing the anticipated research results. The results are expected to be presented in terms of the language and working tools of the practitioner or administrator so as to be immediately applicable to practice. Consequently, there must be specific statements of the manner in which the desired results would be reported, e.g., mathematical models, design techniques, field or laboratory test procedures, or guidelines for recommended practice.
SHRP 2 projects are intended to produce results that will be applied in practice, and proposals and the project final report must contain an implementation plan for moving the results of the research into practice. Under Item 4(c), each proposal must include an Implementation Plan that describes activities to promote application of the product of this research. It is expected that the implementation plan will evolve during the project; however, proposals must describe, as a minimum, the following: (a) the “product” expected from the research, (b) the audience or “market” for this product, (c) a realistic assessment of impediments to successful implementation, (d) the institutions and individuals who might take leadership in applying the research product, (e) the activities necessary for successful implementation, and (f) the criteria for judging the progress and consequences of implementation.
If the nature of a project is such that it is known initially that the results will not be amenable to immediate implementation into practice, the research plan must include recommendations for the additional work necessary to reach the implementation stage.
(d) Applicability of Results to SHRP 2 Objectives.
The research plan shall include a section titled “Applicability of Results to SHRP 2 Objectives” that clearly describes how the anticipated research results can advance SHRP 2 objectives and integrate with the overall research plan for the applicable SHRP 2 focus area.
Texas Transportation Institute 5.2 SHRP 2 00-00 Proposal
Name, address, telephone number, and pertinent background information must be provided for the PI bearing primary responsibility for the project. The same information is required for other research team members participating to a significant degree. The proposal must describe how the academic, industrial, and/or research experiences of each research team member relates to the project to be undertaken.
Item 5 in the proposal must include a section labeled “Disclosure.” Information relevant to the SHRP 2’s need to ensure objectivity and to be aware of possible sources of significant financial or organizational conflict of interest in conducting the research must be presented in this section of the proposal. For example, under certain conditions, ownership of the proposing agency, other organizational relationships, or proprietary rights and interests could be perceived as jeopardizing an objective approach to the research effort, and proposers are asked to disclose any such circumstances. If there are none, this should be stated.
Item 5 must also include the proposer’s plan for participation by disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs)—small firms owned and controlled by minorities or women. The plan should demonstrate responsiveness to TRB’s encouragement of participation by DBEs. The proposal should include information on each DBE. DBE participation on a proposal must go through the OSRS. Please obtain the certificate from the DBE certifying they are a DBE, budget, and contact information, so RDO can send it to OSRS for processing.
Federal, state, transit agency, or airport employees submitting or participating in proposals to conduct SHRP 2 research must also include in this section a letter signed by appropriate authority stating that the employee’s agency is aware of the proposal and approves of the employee conducting research in the event the proposal is successful.
Use this one if there aren’t any CE researchers on the project.
The TTI team can confidently state that it will approach this research project with absolute objectivity in its endeavor to satisfy the research objective. All TTI staff members are employed as full-time faculty, researchers, or both with the Texas A&M University System. The subcontractors working with TTI on this project are also fully objective in their approach to this research.
None of the research team members have ownership in any legal entities nor do they receive remuneration of any kind from organizations that would constitute (or be perceived as constituting) a conflict of interest to this research project. Similarly, the research team members do not have properties, patents, or interests that would benefit in any way from the findings of this research.
The Texas A&M University System has policies (TAMUS Policies 15.01.03, 31.05, & 31.05.01) that require the full and complete disclosure of substantial interest (financial or otherwise) in any situation or entity that may: (1) conduct business with any component of the TAMU System, (2) require the employee to make decisions in conflict to the best interests of the TAMU System.
Use this one for proposals that include CE personnel.
The TTI team can confidently state that it will approach this research project with absolute objectivity in its endeavor to satisfy the research objective. All members of the research team (as identified in Section 5.1) are employed as full-time faculty, researchers, or both with the Texas A&M University System. More precisely, insert TTI employees here, is employed by the Texas Transportation Institute. Insert CE employees here, are employed by the Civil Engineering Department. None of the research team members have ownership in any legal entities nor do they receive remuneration of any kind from organizations that would constitute (or be perceived as constituting) a conflict of interest to this research project. Similarly, the research team members do not have properties, patents, or interests that would benefit in any way from the findings of this research.
The Texas A&M University System has policies (TAMUS Policies 15.01.03, 31.05, & 31.05.01) that require the full and complete disclosure of substantial interest (financial or otherwise) in any situation or entity that may: (1) conduct business with any component of the TAMU System, (2) require the employee to make decisions in conflict to the best interests of the TAMU System. Each TAMU employee is required to fill out an Acknowledgement and an Outside Activities and Significant Financial Interest Disclosure form on an annual basis. These forms are kept on file in the Office of the Dean, College of Engineering, TAMU. Information on these forms, as it may relate to SHRP 2 Project R05, can be made available to SHRP 2 upon written request to the following address:
Assistant to the Dean, College of Engineering 301 Royce E. Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3126 (979) 845-1321
Re: Employee Disclosure of Outside Activities
The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) and the Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) are committed to making a "good faith effort" to utilize Historically Underutilized Businesses through a fair, open, and competitive bidding and procurement process. All employees are encouraged to solicit bids from HUB vendors. Resources are made available to employees to enable employees to locate HUBs. Guidance and training are provided to Principal Investigators and support staff.
The Texas Transportation Institute
The Texas Transportation Institute has an internal Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program that satisfies the State of Texas and the Texas A&M System requirements. This plan has been active for over 10 years and contains elements as described below.
Statement of Commitment
The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) is dedicated and committed to the State of Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program to actively involve minority, woman-owned and small businesses in the procurement process for goods and services and ensure they receive equal opportunities for a fair share of state business. Utilization of a diverse HUB vendor base for all levels of expenditures is an emphasis of the program.
The Institute is further committed to the State Use Works Wonders Program for Texans with blindness and other disabilities. TTI departmental purchasers are encouraged to consider the Texas Industries for the Blind and Handicapped (TIBH) and various Community Rehab Programs (CRPs) when acquiring items sold by the State Use Works Wonders Program.
The Texas A&M University Procurement Services Department, responsible for the procurement of goods and services in excess of $5,000 for the Institute, encourages the utilization of and participation by Historically Underutilized Businesses in all procurement decisions. TTI division, program and center staff process all delegated purchases, those less than or equal to $5,000. On these purchases, department personnel strive to fulfill good faith efforts by seeking bids from HUB vendors by phone, e-mail, and/or vendor websites.
Goal of TTI’s HUB Program
The intent of TTI leadership is to establish and implement HUB Program policies that foster fair and competitive business opportunities that maximize the inclusion of HUB and minority-owned businesses in agency procurement contracts.
Administration of TTI’s HUB Program
TTIadministers the HUB Program as specified by the State of Texas Government and Administrative Codes, Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) Policies, Agency Rules and the HUB Performance Improvement Plan (HPIP) Plan strategies include both in reach and outreach activities focused on executive management support, communication, vendor solicitation and recruitment, monitoring of program performance, and employee training. Continued management communication regarding the importance of the HUB Program, vendor diversity and employee training are essential in reach activities required for the attainment of agency HUB performance goals. Performance goals are set as a minimum of 25 percent of expenditures forFY 2011. A copy of TTI’s HUB plan for Fiscal Year 2011 is available upon request from Kathy Cowen at the Texas Transportation Institute ().
Record of Achievement
A historic record of the HUB program achievements on an annual basis for the last 11 years is shown on the attached Figure.